My dad has been working outside for almost his entire life.He's usually (1)
all the weekdays and comes home only at weekends.Sometimes he stays (2)
for two weeks at a time.(3)
I don't get to see him as often as I wish,we remain very (4)

My dad is the type of person who doesn't let you (5)
up anything that you start.When I was eleven,my father bought me a piano.At first I was so(6)
about it that I would spend hours and hours learning how to play.Then it got (7)
.I was so tired of it that I asked if I could stop.Much as I tried,he (8)
me to go on.Now I have been playing for almost five years.I love it and I'm glad I(9)
my dad's advice.
My dad is (10)
talented,for he has been playing the guitar for over 20 years.Under his influence,I also like (11)
now.Sometimes my dad can be my biggest (12)
.He makes me smile even when I lose in a talent show (13)
sometimes he can be my biggest critic(批評(píng)家).He (14)
ignore the small mistakes I make.He encourages me never to lose (15)
because he thinks that all my efforts will(16)
one day.
My dad is generous.Every Thursday night,he (17)
to read to the children at a children's club.When he reads,their (18)
light up with curiosity about what will happen next.I feel (19)
of having a person in my family who cares enough to volunteer to (20)

I love my dad with all my heart.He's a hero in my heart and the most wonderful person in the world.

(1) A.in B.out C.with D.on
(2) A.a(chǎn)way B.home C.inside D.a(chǎn)lone
(3) A.In case B.Even though C.If only D.As if
(4) A.polite B.kind C.different D.close
(5) A.put B.give C.take D.speed
(6) A.familiar B.crazy C.a(chǎn)nxious D.nervous
(7) A.rough B.difficult C.boring D.disappointing
(8) A.promised B.persuaded C.reminded D.suggested
(9) A.challenged B.received C.listened D.took
(10) A.musically B.physically C.typically D.exactly
(11) A.composing B.drawing C.writing D.reading
(12) A.sponsor B.supporter C.director D.scholar
(13) A.so B.however C.still D.a(chǎn)nd
(14) A.often B.ever C.even D.never
(15) A.heart B.strength C.dream D.a(chǎn)im
(16) A.pay off B.take risks C.let out D.come true
(17) A.likes B.intends C.offers D.a(chǎn)grees
(18) A.bodies B.faces C.a(chǎn)rms D.hands
(19) A.proud B.happy C.optimistic D.jealous
(20) A.work B.read C.help D.drive
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:94引用:1難度:0.7
  • 1.Electronic books have changed the way many people read for pleasure.Now online textbooks are changing the way some students (1)
    and some teachers teach.
    More than 175,000 students (2)
    the public schools in Fairfax County,Virginia,outside Washington.Last year,the school system used digital (3)
    in fifteen schools.This school year,middle schools and high schools changed from (4)
    to electronic textbooks in their social studies classes.
    Luke Rosa is a history teacher at Falls Church High School.His (5)
    work on school laptop computers.He explains the idea to them this way:"I mean,it's just like a (6)
    textbook,except it's got it all online."
    Peter Noonan,a leader of schools,says with electronic textbooks,publishers can quickly (7)
    the content with the latest information.He says:"The world's changing (8)
    .And the online textbooks can change right along with the events that are happening."He says digital books also cost (9)
    than printed textbooks:"Usually it's in the neighborhood of between fifty and seventy dollars to (10)
    a textbook for each student,which adds up to (11)
    eight million dollars for all of our students in Fairfax County.We (12)
    have purchased all of the online textbooks for our students for just under six million dollars."
    But the students also need (13)
    to the Internet when they are not at school.About ten percent of students in Fairfax County do not have a computer or online access at (14)
    .Stephen Castillo is one of them.He has to go the public library,which has free (15)

    (1) A.read B.learn C.behave D.speak
    (2) A.visit B.leave C.desire D.a(chǎn)ttend
    (3) A.cameras B.books C.libraries D.data
    (4) A.printed B.ordered' C.used D.priced
    (5) A.students B.colleagues C.leaders D.friends
    (6) A.digital B.popular C.regular D.different
    (7) A.present B.provide C.charge D.update
    (8) A.peacefully B.consistently C.steadily D.unnoticeably
    (9) A.less B.more C.higher D.better
    (10) A.rent B.download C.buy D.record
    (11) A.exactly B.permanently C.doubtfully D.roughly
    (12) A.a(chǎn)ctually B.unwillingly C.hopefully D.fortunately
    (13) A.entrance B.a(chǎn)pproach C.a(chǎn)ccess D.a(chǎn)dmission
    (14) A.school B.work C.hand D.home
    (15) A.seats B.Internet C.textbooks D.homework
    發(fā)布:2024/8/20 2:0:1組卷:8引用:3難度:0.9
  • 2.School was always something I loved because I always enjoyed learning more.I never felt afraid of going to school early in the morning,and I never tried to get out of any work.I stayed after school every chance I got.I did most of the work I could,got the best grades I could,and in the end,I graduated from high school with honors.All my success was because of the teachers I had who helped me,pushed me,and made learning a fun thing to do.
       At the beginning of the school year,I had a lot of trouble leaving my mom in the mornings,but Mrs.Trainer always sat with me,talked with me,and helped me feel OK without my mom.She was understanding,kind,and always made the classroom a comfortable place.Mrs.Trainer also sat down and helped me learn;I was,and still am,the worst speller,but she tried her hardest to help me.
       The second was my senior high school English teacher,Mr.Stonerock.Mr.Stonerock was able to make English and writing fun,especially when we had eight-page papers to hand in.Some of my favorite high school memories (記憶)were in his classes.Mr.Stonerock also taught my class APA format (格式)which to me is invaluable.I use it every day in my life.He put up with so many shenanigans (惡作?。ゝrom my classmates and me and always did it with as mile.
       My point to all of this is that there are amazing and caring teachers out there whether they teach college level classes,high school level classes,or primary level classes.I have had more influential teachers than I can count.I am still in touch with some of my high school teachers,who give me life advice and guide me.Teachers are invaluable resources (資源)and no one can take their place.

    (1)Which of the following can best describe the author as a student?

    A.Creative and proud.
    B.Confident and polite.
    C.Kind-hearted and honest.
    D.Hard-working and excellent.
    (2)How did Mrs.Trainer help the author?

    A.By teaching him like a mother.
    B.By helping him to be the best speller.
    C.By asking him easy questions in class.
    D.By learning about his habits from his mother.
    (3)What is the most useful skill the author learnt from Mr.Stonerock?

    A.How to finish papers quickly.
    B.How to use APA format correctly.
    C.How to learn English in a fun way.
    D.How to get on well with classmates.
    (4)What is the purpose of this text?

    A.To show how to be a good teacher.
    B.To stress teachers' key roles in schools.
    C.To praise teachers important to the author.
    D.To share the author' s experience as a teacher.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/1 8:0:9組卷:4引用:4難度:0.5
  • 3.    TEAN is committed to giving students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience studying abroad in a new culture.We recognize that in many instances additional funding is necessary to make the study abroad experience both affordable and realistic.These scholarships were created as an attempt to help students with the financial commitments required for an international education experience.
        TEAN provides numerous scholarships,including an annual full ride scholarship,need-and merit-based scholarships,diversity scholarships,even a photography scholarship plus others.
        The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad.The scholarship can be used for any Summer or Fall TEAN program and covers tuition,program fees,orientation and housing.
        Students must have their study abroad office complete the Statement from University form in order to be considered for the scholarship.
        Must meet GPA (Grade Point Average) requirement for the individual program that they want to attend.
        Must be a university student in the United States.
        Students can only apply for the scholarship once per application cycle;applicants should select their top program choice when applying for the scholarship.
        Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
        Will be based on the overall application materials including a personal essay addressing the following question:" Why have you selected this program?How is it tied to your major?"
        Applications will be judged by a panel of TEAN staff members.
        Assessment will be based,on the following:excellence in academics,active participation in extra-curricular activities,achievement in leadership skills,awareness of the value of international education and the personal essay.
        No interview required.
        June 1,2023

    (1)What can TEAN help students?

    A.Travel abroad.
    B.Save money for the future.
    C.Experience overseas education.
    D.Understand popular culture.
    (2)What should a student do to get the TEAN Full Ride Scholarship?

    A.Must be a university student in the UK.
    B.Submit an application by June 1,2023.
    C.Download the Statement from University form.
    D.Turn in an application twice during an application cycle.
    (3)Which of the following is the advantage for an applicant going for the full ride scholarship?

    A.He performs well academically.
    B.He does excellently in the interview.
    C.He chooses a program unrelated to his major.
    D.He obtains an outstanding recommendation essay.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/27 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
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