   You have lots of things you'd like to do .But sometimes it's hard to get to the finishing line-just like your goals.How can you break your bad habits and have good ones?(1)
Here are a few problems we often get from kids,followed by ideas that might help.
   ?I can't get away from screens
If you usually spend time lying on the sofa and watching TV programs or a video when you're bored,go somewhere else instead.Take a book to your room or your violin to the backyard.Or ask if you can help cook in the kitchen.

   Start with "showing up".Then take one small step or do one tiny task,followed by another and another.For example,how do I practice the piano?First sit at it.Then play one note at a time.
   Starting with a super-simple step often helps.Why?It's easy,quick,and gets you in action.(4)

   ?I have no time
   Take a look at the choices you make about how you spend time.Do those choices show what's important to you?Can you spare 10 minutes a day to work on a goal?Let's suppose you want to be a singer. (5)
Talk with a parent about why your goal is important.Discuss whether-you can let go of something less important to free up (騰出) time to achieve it.

A.Then keep taking steps.
B I can't keep on playing the piano.
C.I can't start with such a huge goal.
D.And how can you try to reach your goals?
E.To change a habit,try changing where you spend your time.
F.Is it more important to practice singing than play video game?
G.It's not necessary to reach the goals!
發(fā)布:2024/9/12 12:0:9組卷:6引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.
    Beginning of Winter (Lidong)

    The traditional Chinese calendar divides a year into twenty-four solar terms(節(jié)氣).Beginning of Winter is regarded as a very important one.
    What is Beginning of Winter
    It is the first solar term in winter,which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up(儲(chǔ)藏).
    When is Beginning of Winter
    It usually takes place on November 7 or 8.This year it fell on 8.
    What do Chinese people do on this day?
    ●They swim.
    ●They drink mutton soup.
    ●They eat dumplings because an old saying "Eat dumplings on Lidong,or your ear will be frostbitten (凍傷)." Don't you think dumplings look like ears?
    (1)Beginning of Winter fell on
    this year.
    A.November 7
    B.December 7
    C.November 8
    (2)Which of the following is true?

    A.Beginning of Winter is one of the 24 solar terms.
    B.People drink milk tea on Beginning of Winter.
    C.Eating dumplings can make sure you don't get frostbitten.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 15:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.8
  • 2.
    speak find sell along product good wide we become China taste listen
    Hello,everyone!I'm a(1)
    student.China is a great country.Chinese is used(2)
    in the world.More and more people begin(3)
    Chinese.Chinese products (4)
    in many places.Of all the products,I like tea(5)
    .Tea is made from leaves of a plant.It (6)
    and smells wonderful.It has changed from a simple drink to a cultural symbol of Chinese civilization and has become a bridge connecting the world.Do you like shopping when you visit some places?When you visit some places,you may buy some local products.You might think these (7)
    were made in those places.But you are wrong.Once I went to America,I (8)
    that so many products in the local shops were made in China.
        We Chinese have(9)
    own long history and rich culture.Now China(10)
    richer and stronger.I'm very proud of my country.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 19:0:11組卷:4引用:1難度:0.8
  • 3.In Guangdong,many local people start a day with morning tea at a tea house.For them,it is (1)
    (probable) the most important meal of the day.They go out to meet friends,eat and have fun.
       Guangdong morning tea is not just tea.It is a special breakfast with different (2)
    (kind) of snacks and tea.The snacks (3)
    (call)"dim sum".There are rice noodle rolls,shrimp dumplings,steamed buns,etc.
        The tradition of drinking morning tea dates back to over 150 years ago in Guangdong.During the Qing Dynasty,there (4)
    (be) a small restaurant in Guangzhou called "Yi Li Pavilion".It was a place for chatting and serving tea and snacks.It was the(5)
    (one) tea house in Guangdong.The local people fell in love (6)
    this kind of dining.So more and more tea houses appeared.Little by little,the local people got into the habit of drinking morning tea at a tea house.For the local people in
        Guangdong,drinking morning tea at a tea house is not only a lifestyle but also (7)
    important way of social communication.Friends meet and talk about their(8)
    (day)lives.Even many businessmen drink morning tea while discussing(9)
    (they) business.(10)
    you get to visit Guangdong,don't forget to enjoy morning tea for yourself.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 16:0:8組卷:14引用:1難度:0.5
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