    Being a successful student can't be so easy.In many cases,you have to work hard to get there.Here are a few qualities (素質(zhì)) you will need to achieve (1)
(succeed) at school.
    First of all,you should know what kind of person you are.Look at your (2)
(strength) and weaknesses.That way you will (3)
(quick) find out what aspects you should concentrate (4)
    Time management is a very important aspect of learning life.As (5)
student,your everyday life tend to be very (6)
(stress) and organizing your daily work will prove to be beneficial.
    Try to avoid the distractions (使人分心的事物) of daily life.Work and study in places where you are not interrupted (打擾).Turn off mobile (7)
(phone) and other electronic devices when working.Study with classmates (8)
are hard working and have the same attitudes towards studies as you do.
    Sometimes you have to show that you are a good team player.When teachers give you tasks that must (9)
be solved
be solved
(solve) together,you must prove that you can cooperate with others.Don't be bossy. (10)
(be) a good listener is also helpful,as others might have good ideas about a certain topic too.
【答案】success;strengths;quickly;on/upon;a;stressful;phones;who/that;be solved;Being
發(fā)布:2024/9/26 17:0:2組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.    How can we use scientific design to change the world and take better care of our environment?In this course,you will learn about our natural resources and explore renewable energy through problem solving in a multi-science class.
       Solving any problem begins with recognizing it!But where do you begin?In this multi-science class,you will investigate global issues facing the world today and how people make changes in their communities.You will both discuss and put into practice creative and persuasive ways to influence policymakers and community organizations.Furthermore,you will create your own political community at the Harkness table that will inspire you to learn by doing.
       Energy and Innovation
       In this multi-science class,you will investigate biological,physical,and chemical aspects of Earth's working systems and how they relate to climate change.Its impacts are far reaching and thus will require forward thinking and planning.Your ideas and creativity will be needed to compare and contrast the benefits and costs of energy alternatives as we discuss and problem solve our planet's path into the future.
       Art:Transform the World
       In this studio class we will develop our creative powers.Drawing on natural sciences,we will engage with perspectives of life on Earth.Our materials will be newspapers,recycled cardboard,and other things that are often thrown away.Working with our hands and tools,we will transform wastes into objects useful.In this class you will discover your artistic talent,learn about form,image and technique,and cooperate to create pieces for the final Student Art Exhibit.

    (1)Which of the following might be the name of the class?

    A.Political Science.
    B.Green Organizations.
    C.Global Changes.
    D.Practical Policymaker.
    (2)In Energy and Innovation,students will
    A.solve political problems.
    B.make a plan for their future.
    C.change the world through pictures.
    D.explore the Earth's working system.
    (3)What do the three classes have in common?

    A.They conduct scientific experiments.
    B.They develop personal interests.
    C.They need creative design.
    D.They use renewable energy.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/26 15:0:2組卷:3引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.    Rainforests provide much of the world's oxygen.People have been trying to protect them for years.But another type of forest,the cloud forest,is just as important to humans.
       These forests are at the tops of mountains,generally near the equator (赤道).These wet,wooded mountaintops are mainly in African and Central and South American countries.They are called "cloud forests" because their height allows for the formation of clouds among the trees.The trees in these forests pull water out of the clouds.The water gathers on the leaves and falls into small rivers below,which flow into towns at the bottom of the mountain.The yearly rainfall in these areas is about 180 centimetres.Cloud forests can pull in up to 60 percent of that.The water is important to the plants and the people in the area.It helps them survive.
       Cloud forests are also home to countless species of plants that can't be found anywhere else.One small cloud forest has as many types of plants as there are in all of Europe.In fact,there are so many that scientists haven't made a complete list of them yet.
       These forests are being destroyed at an increasing speed.Trees are being cut down,and roads are being built in their place.Some people have a goal to get government money to protect the forests.But they have had little success so far.Another way is to take the place of the destroyed plants with new ones.That,too,has been difficult because the plants are so special.There's plenty of work to be done,but saving the cloud forests is still possible with creative solutions.

    (1)Where can you probably find cloud forests?

    A.In North America.
    B.Far from the equator.
    C.In an African country.
    D.At the foot of mountains.
    (2)What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

    A.Europe is short of plant types.
    B.Scientists are working on a list.
    C.Cloud forests are getting smaller.
    D.Cloud forests house many plants.
    (3)What will be discussed in the following part of the text?

    A.Ways to protect cloud forests.
    B.Goals of cloud forest protectors.
    C.Difficulties in planting new trees.
    D.Successes of getting wide support.
    (4)Where can we probably find the text?

    A.In a storybook.
    B.In a travel guide.
    C.In a chemistry textbook.
    D.In a geography magazine.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 0:0:1組卷:3引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。
    A Known as "Air Jordan",Jordan changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.Jordan's skills were (1)
    (impress),but the mental strength he showed (2)
    (make)him unique.The secret to his success is learning from his (3)
    (injure).In life,Jordan has learnt to share his success with others.The boys and Girls Club (4)
    he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
    Strange things happened before the Tangshan earthquake.The well walls had deep cracks.Animals were too nervous (5)
    (eat).At 3:42 on the morning of July 28,1976,everything began to shake. (6)
    seemed as if the world were coming to an end.In less than one minute,the whole city lay (7)
    ruins.Two thirds of people died or were injured.People were(8)
    (shock)and wondered how long the disaster would last.
    (gradual),the city began to breathe again.With strong support from the government and the tireless effort of the city's people,a new Tangshan(10)
    (build)upon the earthquake ruins.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 1:0:4組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
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