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發(fā)布:2024/9/26 17:0:2


  • 1.    As for long-distance holidays,there are some wonderful destinations that actually offer you great value for your money,especially for those who do not hope to empty their pockets after a holiday.
        Food lovers should go to this busy city which has the lowest cost for eating out—you can even buy two evening meals (three dishes for each),with a bottle of wine,for just under £34.
        Thailand's capital is second to none (首屈一指) as the best value long-distance city.Compared to the other cities,it is accommodation that really makes it stand out.
        If you only do love Chinese culture,make it a trip to the Forbidden City.There are some beautiful buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.At the same time they're home to priceless works (作品) from ancient Chinese emperors' families.
        Dubai (迪拜),UAE
        Dubai does have a reputation (名聲) for being quite the splurge (揮霍金錢(qián)).But the city also offers some cheaper prices across its museums,galleries and attractions as well as airport transfers.

    (1)When it comes to food,which one tops the first as the most money-saving city?

    (2)What makes Bangkok stand out?

    (3)For visitors coming to the Forbidden City,what are recommended?

  • 2.Most people will rest and relax when they are old.They do not work.But Grandma Moses is different.She started a new job at the age of 70.She was born in a poor farmer's family in 1860.Her parents named her Anna Mary Robertson.She married Thomas Moses in 1887.He was a farm worker.
       It was 1930.Anna Mary Moses was 70,and was a grandmother.She began to paint pictures.She did paintings of country life.One day,her daughter took her paintings to a store in the town.Her paintings were put in the window.A man from New York saw the paintings in the window and bought them.And he wanted more!
       The man liked Grandma Moses's paintings.He wanted to help her.So he took her paintings to galleries (美術(shù)館) in New York City.Otto Kallir had a famous gallery there.He liked the paintings by Grandma Moses.It was 1940 and Grandma Moses' paintings were in Kallir's gallery.She was 80 years old.
       Grandma Moses suddenly became famous.Everyone wanted her paintings.So she painted more and more.She won many prizes for her paintings.She become famous in the United States and Europe.When she was 100 years old,the State of New York made her birthday "Grandma Moses' Day".After her 100th birthday,she painted 6 more paintings.She died at the age 101 and a lot of people thought she was amazing.

    (1)When did Grandma Moses start to paint pictures?

    A.At the age of 70.
    B.In the year 1887.
    C.In the year 1940.
    D.At the age of 80.
    (2)Grandma Moses' paintings were first bought by
    A.her daughter
    B.a(chǎn) man from New York
    C.Otto Kallir's gallery
    D.the owner of a store in town
    (3)When were her paintings on exhibition (展出)?

    A.When she was 70.
    B.When she was 80.
    C.When she was 100.
    D.When she was 101.
    (4)What would be the best title for the passage?

    A.Grandma Moses' Day
    B.Grandma Moses' Family
    C.Grandma Moses and Her Paintings
    D.Grandma Moses and New York State
  • 3.    ON TUESDAY,the Shenzhen team of Blue Sky Rescue,confirmed (確認(rèn)) that two of its members had died trying to rescue 24 tourists.
        According to the official news,it was on Monday that the rescue team received a call from 24 travelers,who were trapped,in a river valley.
        The team responded immediately.However,when they helped the travelers,two team members got trapped by the rising river water.The next day,they were confirmed dead.
        Who can rescue the rescuers?The question aroused a heated discussion among people.Most of them think we would rather such "heroic deeds" were not required.In the past several years,there have been many cases in which travelers,ignoring the signs saying certain areas are dangerous and off-limits (禁止進(jìn)入的),ended up needing to be rescued.By so doing,they put not only their own lives at risk but also the lives of those who go to their aid.
        Although the majority of travelers behave properly,some attempt challenging tasks that are obviously beyond their abilities.
        The law has already made it clear that if a traveler or group gets into difficulties when entering unauthorized (未經(jīng)許可的) regions,they must bear the costs of the rescue.The rules need strengthening to deter travelers from putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk.

    (1)How many travellers were trapped in a river valley?

    (2)What happened to the two rescue workers?

    A.They lost her way.
    B.They were trapped on the mountain.
    C.They died in the rescue work.
    D.They were seriously injured.
    (3)What is the writer's attitude towards some tourists?

    (4)What does the underlined phrase deter…from in the last paragraph mean?

  • 4.On the early morning of December 17,the Chang'e-5 lunar probe (月球探測(cè)器) landed safely on the grasslands in Inner Mongolia,meaning the Chang'e-5 mission (任務(wù)) ended successfully.
       Chang'e-5 was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on November 24,2020.On December 1,the probe got to the moon.During the stay on the moon,it collected 1,731 grams of rock and soil samples (樣品).On December 3,our national flag was shown on the moon.After that,the probe was ready to go home.
       China is no stranger to lunar exploration (探月) programs.Over the years it has sent a number of increasingly challenging missions to the moon.One of the most famous missions was the historic landing of Chang'e-4 spacecraft on the moon's far side in 2019.As Chang'e-5 reached a new area of the moon,this launch successfully pushed the limits (極限) even further.It's no doubt a great step forward for the space industry.
       This is a truly historic event for China's space program,making China the third nation in the world to bring samples back from the moon.The success has also made Chang'e-5 the first spacecraft to bring back samples from the moon since 1976 when a Russian spaceship brought back 170.1 grams of samples to the earth.This was no easy task,but China has made it.

    (1)How long did the whole Chang'e-5 mission last?

    A.About half a month.
    B.Around 10 days.
    C.Over a month.
    D.More than 20 days.
    (2)The underlined word "launched" in paragraph 2 means
    in Chinese.
    (3)Paragraph 3 mainly talks about
    A.the importance of space exploration
    B.the difficulty in lunar exploration
    C.the future of China's space program
    D.the progress in China's moon missions
    (4)In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?

  • 5.Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled "Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner." One reason was:"You'll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym," while another reason:"(1)
    " With a workout partner,you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle(微妙)competition.
       So,how do you find a workout partner?
       First of all,decide what you want from that person.(2)
    Or do you just want to be physically fit,able to move with strength and flexibility?Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.
        You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media,but it probably won't result in a useful response.(3)
    If you plan on working out in a gym,that person must belong to the same gym.
       My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park.Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do,how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session,and her age.It also listed her favorite sports and activities,and provided her phone number.(4)

       You and your partner will probably have different skills.(5)
    Over time,both of you will benefit - your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.The core(核心)of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.

    A.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.
    B.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.
    C.You'll work harder if you train with someone else.
    D.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?
    E.How can you write a good "seeking training partner" notice?
    F.Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.
    G.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.


  • 6.The teacher blew the whistle and 30 girls started running.Every kids goal was to reach the end of the field and then back to the(1)
    point.Those who got the first three(2)
    would be given awards(獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)).
       Kid's parents were present there,(3)
    them.When kids were running back from the end point,the parents'(4)
    got louder-Faster…Faster…
       The race(5)
    .The kids who took the first three were(6)
    their hands happily towards their parents.The kids who couldn't win were(7)
       Little Emma came in at number 5.She ran towards her father sadly.Her father said,"Well done,baby.Let's go and eat the ice cream as an awards for(8)
    the race."
        "But Papa,I didn't get any place in(9)
    three.I came in at number 5." said Emma.
       "I mean you beat the other 25 kids.This time,you didn't(10)
    the four kids ahead of you."
       "Why?" asked Emma.
       Her father smiled and replied, "Because they had made more(11)
    than you.If you(12)
    more,you will do better."
       "I'll practice even(13)
    and run faster.I'll beat all girls." Emma said with(14)
       Her father said,"Great.But in fact,it's not about getting ahead of others but getting ahead of(15)

    (1) A.finishing B.resting C.turning D.starting
    (2) A.places B.lessons C.points D.goals
    (3) A.examining B.comforting C.encouraging D.preventing
    (4) A.cheers B.whistles C.noises D.laughter
    (5) A.began B.ended C.continued D.slowed
    (6) A.raising B.showing C.shaking D.waving
    (7) A.upset B.a(chǎn)mazed C.proud D.nervous
    (8) A.watching B.winning C.hosting D.organizing
    (9) A.last B.top C.next D.extra
    (10) A.believed in B.cared about C.looked for D.compete with
    (11) A.choices B.promises C.preparations D.contributions
    (12) A.learn B.practice C.change D.care
    (13) A.harder B.safer C.stronger D.easier
    (14) A.doubt B.kindness C.satisfaction D.determination
    (15) A.me B.someone C.yourself D.nobody


  • 7.
    A.a(chǎn)pply for B.in ruins C.be responsible for
    D.lose heart E.make a good impression F.be suitable for
    (1)She is planning to
    her visa tomorrow.
    (2)As a senior high school student,you should
    your own behavior.
    (3)After the earthquake,the city lay
    (4)I am anxious to
    on my teachers and classmates.
    (5)Faced with challenges,Lang Ping didn't
  • 8.
    A.work out B.make it C.make a difference
    D.sign up for E.rather than F.even though
    (1)I prefer to
    after class.
    (2)Everyone can
    to the society.
    (3)Kayla cares about fitness
    (4)I decide to
    the English drama club to improve my English.
    (5)Kayla always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV
    she knew it was difficult.


  • 9.    Being a successful student can't be so easy.In many cases,you have to work hard to get there.Here are a few qualities (素質(zhì)) you will need to achieve (1)
    (succeed) at school.
        First of all,you should know what kind of person you are.Look at your (2)
    (strength) and weaknesses.That way you will (3)
    (quick) find out what aspects you should concentrate (4)
        Time management is a very important aspect of learning life.As (5)
    student,your everyday life tend to be very (6)
    (stress) and organizing your daily work will prove to be beneficial.
        Try to avoid the distractions (使人分心的事物) of daily life.Work and study in places where you are not interrupted (打擾).Turn off mobile (7)
    (phone) and other electronic devices when working.Study with classmates (8)
    are hard working and have the same attitudes towards studies as you do.
        Sometimes you have to show that you are a good team player.When teachers give you tasks that must (9)
    (solve) together,you must prove that you can cooperate with others.Don't be bossy. (10)
    (be) a good listener is also helpful,as others might have good ideas about a certain topic too.


  • 10.It is believed that parents can make a great
    (different) to the lives of their children.


  • 30.全紅嬋為所有青少年樹(shù)立了一個(gè)好榜樣。
    Quan Hongchan has
    for all teenagers.


  • 31.假如你是Q市某中學(xué)高一年級(jí)學(xué)生李華,請(qǐng)以自己的親身經(jīng)歷,根據(jù)以下提示寫(xiě)一篇以"Going Positive"為題的文章參加中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)"Sports and Fitness."的征文比賽,內(nèi)容如下:
    注意:(1)寫(xiě)作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 80 左右
    提示詞:used to;instead of;rather than;finally;By being positive about…,I become…

    Going Positive
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