So many stories,so little time.Our favorite book clubs for kids in New York City will ensure that they read the coolest picks on the best-seller list!
   ☆Books Are Magic
   Emma Straub's literary oasis in Cobble Hill welcomes readers of all ages.The author runs the store with her husband Michael.The shop offers Monthly Magic Book Subscriptions where your child will receive a monthly new release in the mail!There are categories for picture books,books for middle school children,and young adult books.If you are interested in this book club,visit www.booksaremagic.net .
   ☆Thalia Kids Book Club
   Kids interact with best-selling authors and participate in writing workshops around the city thanks to Thalia Kids Book Club.In the past,campers have met with big names like Norton Juster and Rebecca Stead.The 2022 campers met virtually due to the pandemic.Leam more about the events at www.symphonyspace.org .
   ☆A(yù)storia Bookshop
   Astoria Bookshop will give young readers one fantasy novel at a time.Although the shop's YA Book Club focuses on literature intended for those 12 and up,all ages are invited.In the past,the readers have tackled popular novels.Expect romance and mysticism with this one!The shop is currently evaluating each book club's scheduled meeting.Keep an eye on their social media events calendar to find a date.Learn more by emailing christian@astoriabookshop.com .
   ☆The Center for Fiction
   In an effort to add a personal touch to reading,this space in Downtown Brooklyn offers its book club for schools in the area—completely free of charge.KidsRead invites NYC students to discuss the authors they've been reading in class and learn about the stories and interact with others in a welcome environment.Learn more by emailing allison@centerforfiction.org.

(1)How can a reader get more information about monthly new books in a book club?

A.By visiting view,symphonyspace.org.
B.By visiting www.booksaremagic.net.
C.By emailing allison@centerforfiction.org.
D.By emailing christian@astoriabookshop.com.
(2)Which book club can a kid join to communicate with best-selling authors?

A.Astoria Bookshop.
B.Books Are Magic.
C.Thalia Kids Book Club.
D.The Center for Fiction.
(3)Which event invites students of the whole city to discuss authors?

B.YA Book Club.
C.Writing workshops.
D.Monthly Magic Book Subscriptions.
發(fā)布:2024/7/19 8:0:9組卷:0引用:3難度:0.5
  • 1.    Are you longing to spend a perfect romantic weekend in Scotland?Here is our pick of the most romantic hotels there.Just don't blame us if you get home and find you've left your heart there.
        Gleneagles Townhouse
        9/10 Rating
        With a dramatic restaurant,a state-of-the-art gym,and a luxurious rooftop bar,the hotel is a combination of country house and modern style.Bedrooms are all soft light colours,with classic furniture and thick carpets.The best rooms overlook the City Hall in St Andrew Square,but you may wish to avoid if bothered by the trams(電車) passing below.
        The Three Chimneys
        8/10 Rating
        Stretching on the shore of Lake Dunvegan,the restaurant keeps much of its modest character,with stone walls and low ceilings.The rooms,in another building,are airy,high-ceilinged and contemporary.Staff greet you with tea and home-baked cakes in the hall with a wood-burning stove,and telescopes for birds,sea lions and star-spotting.
        Inverlochy Castle Hotel
        9/10 Rating
        Queen Victoria said she"never saw a lovelier or more romantic spot"than Inverlochy Castle in 1873,and it remains as impressive as ever,lying at the foot of Mountain Ben Nevis.Dinner begins with a drink by the fire in the Great Hall,followed by a five-course menu.In this old country house,you can feel a sense of time suspended.
        Kylesku Hotel
        8/10 Rating
        This delightful small hotel,parts of which date from the 17th century,offers stylish accommodation and splendid local seafood on a tiny island looking out across Lake Glendhu.It's located in a beautiful,remote region of the Scottish Highlands,making it perfect for those who love hillwalking,wild swimming and bird-watching.

    (1)How is Gleneagles Townhouse different from the other hotels?

    A.It is known for its delicious food.
    B.It is located in the downtown area.
    C.It provides rooms in modern style.
    D.It hosted famous people in history.
    (2)Which hotels will attract bird lovers?

    A.Gleneagles Townhouse & The Three Chimneys.
    B.Inverlochy Castle Hotel & Kylesku Hotel.
    C.Gleneagles Townhouse & Inverlochy Castle Hotel.
    D.The Three Chimneys & Kylesku Hotel.
    (3)What is the writing purpose of this passage?

    A.To recommend some good hotels in Scotland.
    B.To rank the Scottish hotels in order of quality.
    C.To introduce the history of old Scottish hotels.
    D.To select the most romantic hotels in Scotland.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/25 1:0:2組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.Residential College Writing Tutors The Residential College Writing Tutors are currently working via email and Zoom.Sign up the way you always have (link is external),and a confirmation email will explain how to access your tutor at the time of your appointment.
    Eligibility College Office Tutor
    Benjamin Franklin(BF) BF024 LL Lesley Finn
    Berkeley(BK) Entry 1.040 Cathy Shufro
    Branford(BR) 207 Rosemary Jones
    Davenport(DU) N13 Lincoln Caplan
    Ezra Stiles(ES) L04 Alison Moncrief-Bromage
    Residential College Writing Tutors work with Yale College undergraduates.See Graduate Writing Consultations if you are a graduate student needing assistance.
       Preparing for Your Session
       ?Make an appointment (link is external) with your college's Writing Tutor.
       ?Carefully read the confirmation email,as each tutor offers slightly different instructions about preparing for appointments.
       What to Expect
       Many tutors will read your paper in advance,although a few prefer that you do that work together.Either way,most sessions will start with the tutor asking you what you hope to accomplish,which might include questions about the assignment or a discussion of your experience writing similar papers.The tutor will then discuss the most important areas for revision.Tutors won't tell you exactly what to do to fix your essay,but they will help you figure out strategies for revision and prompt you to take notes on the suggestions that arise.Often the most important changes involve the primary claims of the paper or the structure of your argument.
       Writing Tutors can also help you with grammar and style,although not by proof reading your whole essay;instead,the two of you might edit a paragraph together,looking for suggestions that you can then incorporate into the rest of your paper.
       If you have worked with the same tutor before,there will be more time to discuss general trends in your writing,or to work quickly through basic concerns and move on to specific needs of the current paper.One benefit of the Residential College Writing Tutors is the opportunity to work over several years with someone who knows your writing well.

    (1)Who can make an appointment with Residential College Writing Tutors?

    A.PhD students.
    B.Undergraduate students.
    C.High school students.
    D.Graduate students.
    (2)What will Writing Tutors not do?

    A.Proofread your whole essay.
    B.Help you with grammar and style.
    C.Edit a paragraph with you together.
    D.Help you figure out strategies for revision.
    (3)Where is this text probably taken from?

    A.A textbook.
    B.A course plan.
    C.A university website.
    D.An academic article.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 8:0:8組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.Kite Festivals around the World Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival,Japan
       The large kites of Japan are rectangular (矩形的),and sometimes as large as 3.5 meters by 3.5 meters!The Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival started in the 16th century when large kites were flown in celebration of the birth of a baby son to the Lord of Hamamatsu Castle.The audience watches excitedly as the kite fliers use friction (摩擦力) to cut the lines of their matches.
       Portsmouth International Kite Festival,UK
       This celebration is organized by Portsmouth Oily and the Kite Society of Great Britain.The International Kite Festival is regarded as one of the best,biggest and most popular kite festivals in the world.It has thousands of amazing and colorful kites in the sky and on the ground for visitors to enjoy and appreciate,showing the art of kite flying,kite making tradition around the world and exciting kite flying competitions.
       Bali Kite Festival,Indonesia
       Hundreds of competing kite teams gather from all over the island to fly their traditional kites.Traditional Balinese kites are as large as up to 4 meters by 10 meters.The kite festival in Bali started off as a seasonal agricultural (農(nóng)業(yè)的) festival to thank God for harvests.
       The Zilker Kite Festival,US
       The Zilker Kite Festival is the oldest of its kind in the United States.Created in 1929,the Zilker Kite Festival was intended to inspire the creativity of children.The festival is a beloved,family-friendly tradition:activities for all ages,a traditional kite flying competition and show,a fun run and a children's music concert.There are many competitions held such as Most Unusual Kite,Largest Kite,Smallest Kite,and Strongest Pulling Kite.

    (1)Where can visitors see all kinds of kites from around the world?

    A.In Bali.
    B.In Zilker.
    C.In Portsmouth.
    D.In Hamamatsu.
    (2)Which kite festival is best for families with children?

    A.Bali Kite Festival.
    B.The Zilker Kite Festival.
    C.Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival.
    D.Portsmouth International Kite Festival.
    (3)What do the kite festivals have in common?

    A.They include competitions.
    B.They are international.
    C.They started in ancient limes.
    D.They are intended for children.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 5:0:8組卷:4引用:4難度:0.5
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