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發(fā)布:2024/7/19 8:0:9


  • 1.So many stories,so little time.Our favorite book clubs for kids in New York City will ensure that they read the coolest picks on the best-seller list!
       ☆Books Are Magic
       Emma Straub's literary oasis in Cobble Hill welcomes readers of all ages.The author runs the store with her husband Michael.The shop offers Monthly Magic Book Subscriptions where your child will receive a monthly new release in the mail!There are categories for picture books,books for middle school children,and young adult books.If you are interested in this book club,visit www.booksaremagic.net .
       ☆Thalia Kids Book Club
       Kids interact with best-selling authors and participate in writing workshops around the city thanks to Thalia Kids Book Club.In the past,campers have met with big names like Norton Juster and Rebecca Stead.The 2022 campers met virtually due to the pandemic.Leam more about the events at www.symphonyspace.org .
       ☆A(yù)storia Bookshop
       Astoria Bookshop will give young readers one fantasy novel at a time.Although the shop's YA Book Club focuses on literature intended for those 12 and up,all ages are invited.In the past,the readers have tackled popular novels.Expect romance and mysticism with this one!The shop is currently evaluating each book club's scheduled meeting.Keep an eye on their social media events calendar to find a date.Learn more by emailing christian@astoriabookshop.com .
       ☆The Center for Fiction
       In an effort to add a personal touch to reading,this space in Downtown Brooklyn offers its book club for schools in the area—completely free of charge.KidsRead invites NYC students to discuss the authors they've been reading in class and learn about the stories and interact with others in a welcome environment.Learn more by emailing allison@centerforfiction.org.

    (1)How can a reader get more information about monthly new books in a book club?

    A.By visiting view,symphonyspace.org.
    B.By visiting www.booksaremagic.net.
    C.By emailing allison@centerforfiction.org.
    D.By emailing christian@astoriabookshop.com.
    (2)Which book club can a kid join to communicate with best-selling authors?

    A.Astoria Bookshop.
    B.Books Are Magic.
    C.Thalia Kids Book Club.
    D.The Center for Fiction.
    (3)Which event invites students of the whole city to discuss authors?

    B.YA Book Club.
    C.Writing workshops.
    D.Monthly Magic Book Subscriptions.
  • 2.    "I want to work full-time in China,honey." An overseas call awakened the wife from sound sleep. "Why?" asked the wife with surprise,in a drowsy (昏昏欲睡的) voice,from the other side of the ocean.
        In the United States,he had a great future ahead.At the age of 36,he became the youngest professor in the history of the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University,for his academic achievements.At 40,he became a tenured (終身的) chair professor at Princeton.
        When everything seemed perfect and admirable to others,he firmly decided to say goodbye to Princeton University,to an affluent life in the United States,and return to China.
        The news spread explosively.Many expressed confusion,many persuaded him,many made fun of him,and still many waited to have a good laugh at him.
        He said patriotism is the plainest feeling of a person.Who doesn't love his motherland,after all?In his heart,the American dream is already something past;the Chinese dream is rising.
        After returning to China,he devoted all his energy,worked like crazy,and determined to do something big.He formed a life science research team.Every day,he works 12 to 16 hours at his laboratory.He is Shi Yigong,nicknamed "Da Niu" (someone with extraordinary achievements) by Tsinghua students.His given name,Yigong,comes from an idiom that means "devoted to public interest whole-heartedly". "So far as I'm concerned,awards are of no special meaning." Shi says calmly.
        In his 18 years of study in the United States,he never forgot his Chinese dream.In the next 18 years,the Chinese dream will be more beautiful and greater by the efforts of Shi Yigong and the likes of him.

    (1)Why was Shi determined to return to China?

    A.To serve his motherland.
    B.To reunite with his wife.
    C.To live a quieter life.
    D.To make more money.
    (2)What does the underlined word "affluent" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

    (3)Why is Shi Yigong called "Da Niu" by his Tsinghua students?

    A.To support his life science research.
    B.To praise his honesty.
    C.To introduce his endless energy in work.
    D.To show his unusual achievements.


  • 7.The first- ever C919,China's first self- developed passenger jet,(1)
    ( deliver) to China Eastern Airlines in Shanghai on December 9,2022 and is expected to be put into commercial operation next spring,(2)
    is a significant milestone in the development of China's aviation manufacturing(航空制造)industry.
        The first C919 has(3)
    total of 164 seats,including eight seats in business class and 156 seats in economy class.(4)
    ( base) on the initial approval of the CAAC(中國民用航空局),China Eastern also needs to carry out more than 100 hours of test flights(5)
    ( confirm)the operational safety and various operational support capabilities of the aircraft,as the C919 is the first such model(6)
    ( global).
        Later,China Eastern plans to put the C919 into commercial service in(7)
    ( city) such as Shanghai,Beijing,Xi' an,Kunming and Guangzhou.Over 20 pilots will serve(8)
    the first group to operate the C919.
        The aircraft industry has entered a new journey of development,and it is of great(9)
    ( significant)in promoting cooperation and innovation in the global aviation industry chain.
        So far,the C919(10)
    ( get)1,115 orders from home and abroad.In March 2021,China Eastern officially purchased the first group of five C919s,and other planes it bought are expected to be delivered in 2023 and 2024.


  • 8.假設(shè)你是校學生會主席李華,新年到來之際,為了幫助學校留學生們更好地了解中國文化,學生會將舉辦一場新年聯(lián)歡會。請用英語寫一個通知,主要內(nèi)容包括:
    參考詞匯:Chinese martial arts中國武術(shù)Beijing Opera京劇
    Notice As New Year is around the corner,we are going to hold a New Year party.
    Student Union
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