    "I want to work full-time in China,honey." An overseas call awakened the wife from sound sleep. "Why?" asked the wife with surprise,in a drowsy (昏昏欲睡的) voice,from the other side of the ocean.
    In the United States,he had a great future ahead.At the age of 36,he became the youngest professor in the history of the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University,for his academic achievements.At 40,he became a tenured (終身的) chair professor at Princeton.
    When everything seemed perfect and admirable to others,he firmly decided to say goodbye to Princeton University,to an affluent life in the United States,and return to China.
    The news spread explosively.Many expressed confusion,many persuaded him,many made fun of him,and still many waited to have a good laugh at him.
    He said patriotism is the plainest feeling of a person.Who doesn't love his motherland,after all?In his heart,the American dream is already something past;the Chinese dream is rising.
    After returning to China,he devoted all his energy,worked like crazy,and determined to do something big.He formed a life science research team.Every day,he works 12 to 16 hours at his laboratory.He is Shi Yigong,nicknamed "Da Niu" (someone with extraordinary achievements) by Tsinghua students.His given name,Yigong,comes from an idiom that means "devoted to public interest whole-heartedly". "So far as I'm concerned,awards are of no special meaning." Shi says calmly.
    In his 18 years of study in the United States,he never forgot his Chinese dream.In the next 18 years,the Chinese dream will be more beautiful and greater by the efforts of Shi Yigong and the likes of him.

(1)Why was Shi determined to return to China?

A.To serve his motherland.
B.To reunite with his wife.
C.To live a quieter life.
D.To make more money.
(2)What does the underlined word "affluent" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

(3)Why is Shi Yigong called "Da Niu" by his Tsinghua students?

A.To support his life science research.
B.To praise his honesty.
C.To introduce his endless energy in work.
D.To show his unusual achievements.
發(fā)布:2024/7/19 8:0:9組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.Friendship is something that everyone needs.Success is nothing without friends.You share life,happiness and sadness.A friend is someone you can depend on in a time of need and that can trust you with every secret he or she has.
       So,what happens when a friendship of eight years is broken over something out of their control?Does that mean it was never a true friendship to begin with?
       My friend and I met in high school and have known each other for nearly eight years.What happened recently broke our lifelong friendship.
       This makes me think about what friendship really means.I always thought my friend and I could get through any argument,fight,or the sadness of life.We promised each other we'd always be friends,through thick and thin.We even joked about how we would sit in a circle and laugh at some jokes when we had grandchildren.We always laughed at every little thing.
       But then her grandfather passed away (去世) and suddenly our friendship was nothing.It happened so suddenly that I never found out about it until I discovered a note she had written on the Internet.I was sad and hurt that she would post (發(fā)帖子) what I told her for other people to see.I understand that she was sad and wanted to vent (發(fā)泄) her sadness,but I wish she'd kept everything between us.
       I don't understand why she broke our friendship,and I don't think I ever will.I think friendship means we'll always forgive each other for our mistakes.I hope that finally I'll find that true friend who will always be there for me,and I there for her.

    (1)In Paragraph 1,the author mainly talks about

    A.how to make friends
    B.the importance of success
    C.what to share with friends
    D.the importance of friendship
    (2)What broke the author's friendship with her friend?

    A.The internet.
    B.The death of her friend's grandfather.
    C.Something unhappy between them.
    D.Their jokes.
    (3)What is the passage mainly about?

    A.A true friendship.
    B.An unsuccessful friend.
    C.The author's idea of friendship.
    D.Sharing success with friends.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 13:0:9組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.    Ann started to work last summer.In order to have a holiday,she saved as much as she could and,this January,she booked a package tour to Spain.She left London airport early on the morning of the first Saturday in August.She was very excited,as this was her first trip broad.When she arrived at Barcelona airport,the weather was beautiful.
        At the hotel,she found that her Spanish money wasn't in her handbag.All she had was a small purse with ten English pounds in it!
        Ann found a place to change her English money for Spanish money.She would stay here for two weeks.After changing her money.Ann bought some cheese,some bread and some oranges.When she got back to the hotel,she told the tour guide that her doctor had told her not to eat much food,so she'd just have breakfast each day.This was all right,as she knew breakfast was included in the price of hotel.
        For the rest of her holiday,Ann swam in the hotel or lay on the beach.She also went for long walks with Jane,a Scottish girl.However,when the others went to interesting places,Ann always said she wasn't well.In fact,her holiday wasn't bad,except that she was always hungry.
        On the last day,Jane asked her why she never ate with them in the hotel restaurant.The food was excellent.Ann told her all about her money problem.Jane looked at her for a minute,and then said, "But didn't you know?The price of this tour includes everything!"

    (1)Why was Ann so excited about the trip?

    A.Because she had never been abroad.
    B.Because she had saved enough money.
    C.Because she had booked a cheap tour.
    D.Because she had found a good job.
    (2)What problem did Ann have on her tour?

    A.She didn't find her purse.
    B.She couldn't find a place to change money.
    C.She couldn't find her Spanish money.
    D.She didn't understand Spanish.
    (3)According to Paragraph 4,Ann failed to
    A.go to interesting places
    B.see the beautiful beach
    C.take long walks
    D.swim in the hotel
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:1引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.    It is the eighth time this summer that Guo Xiunan has failed to grow vegetables without chemical pesticides(殺蟲劑).After trying various homemade bug sprays(噴劑),such as plant ash,mixtures of pepper,vinegar,alcohol and water,there are still lots of holes in the leaves chewed by beetles.
        "I will not give up trying and I will go on with my experiments," the 29-year-old engineer-turned-farmer says.
        Covering 0.67 hectares(公頃) of farmland and 1.33 hectares of woodland and wetland,his farm is located in the suburbs of Hefei,East China's Anhui province.He is trying to turn it into an organic farm,growing fruits and vegetables with the same flavor of those from his childhood memories."Growing tasty and health y food has been my dream since I was a teenager.I know how difficult it can be,but if you take the soil seriously,I believe it will pay off,"Guo says.
        He adds that farming is not a business that can make money in a short time,but for him,it became an urgent issue when his father suffered stomach cancer last year,ringing an alarm bell over food safety.Recalling spending time on the farm with his parents as a child,Guo believes the overuse of chemicals in farming is not only damaging the soil,but also people's health.
        After investing more than 100,000 yuan ($13,700)since he rented the farmland last year,and reading many books on agriculture,Guo is in the early stages of fighting the various challenges through trial and error.Meanwhile,he has to develop marketing channels for his products.In March,he uploaded his first post on short-video platform Douyin to introduce his business.His account now has nearly 6,000 followers,which is way above his expectations.
        "Maybe it is because I've realized their dream life,one that they dare not pursue,"Guo says.

    (1)What can we know about Guo Xiunan from the passage?

    A.He became a farmer after graduation.
    B.He spent his childhood on the farm.
    C.He's learning farming from his father.
    D.He has made money from his farm.
    (2)How did his father's illness influence Guo?

    A.He invested in treating the illnesses.
    B.He became eager to grow healthy food.
    C.He realized the importance of health.
    D.He was encouraged to face challenges.
    (3)What attracts Guo's followers on Douyin according to him?

    A.His agricultural products.
    B.His talent in business.
    C.His life-choice of farming.
    D.His influence of success.
    (4)Which of the following can best describe Guo?

    A.Ambitious and competitive.
    B.Traditional and stubborn.
    C.Intelligent and adventurous.
    D.Determined and hardworking.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/25 1:0:2組卷:3引用:1難度:0.5
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