   There was a great teacher at a university.He was a (1)
man.Although he was old,he never stopped (2)
and wondering how the world worked.
   He knew he would die.So he asked five of his (3)
students to go to his home.
   "I have some money and I'll give it to the poor,but I'll give you the greatest gift of all.It is (4)
important than money.It is the key to all the wisdom(智慧)that I have learned."He (5)
them and said, "It's under this table cloth." He took away the table cloth (6)
.Under that were five little wooden (7)
   "There is one for each of you.Take one.But don't open it!" Everyone got a box.
   "Inside is the key to everything you wish to know.It will give you great power(能量),but (8)
you open it,the power will disappear."
   Maybe there is something in the box,maybe (9)
.But if they don't open their boxes,they won't know the(10)
and they will never stop wondering.
   "There is one thing that a person should never do -- he should never stop wondering,"the old teacher said.

(1)A.lazy B.smart C.poor D.rich
(2)A.listening B.singing C.talking D.thinking
(3)A.last B.quiet C.favorite D.friendly
(4)A.less B.more C.little D.much
(5)A.looked at B.cared about C.called on D.looked after
(6)A.luckily B.carefully C.angrily D.carelessly
(7)A.cards B.boxes C.cups D.letters
(8)A.unless B.before C.if D.though
(9)A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
(10)A.question B.answer C.discussion D.action
發(fā)布:2024/9/12 12:0:9組卷:5引用:1難度:0.5
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)1.The boy,Wang Fa,14,is a member of the Va ethnic group(佤族)from Yunnan.After he won the under-14 title(冠軍) at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou,an audience member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and took some photos for him.These photos have gone viral(走紅).
       "We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field.This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group.I carried my rackets(球拍) in this basket to honor my hometown,"Wang said after the match.
       Before tennis,Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village.But in 2016,he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis."I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home," he said,adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
       Over the past six years,Wang,along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club,has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength.The children would get up at 6:30 am,and practice more than six hours a day.Every day,they needed to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.
       "If it were not for tennis,I would still be helping my family with farmwork back home," Wang said.Wang's parents didn't want him to leam tennis at first because they couldn't afford it.But the tennis club offered to teach him for free.
       For Wang,winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future."I will aim for the top spots(位置) on the professional stage,"he said.

    (1)Where is Wang from?

    (2)What can we know about Wang's childhood?

    A.He was a normal boy growing in the city.
    B.He always carried bamboo baskets when he worked in the field.
    C.He was chosen to be a professional tennis player in 2018.
    (3)What is the writing purpose of Para.4?

    A.To show how hard-working these tennis players are.
    B.To tell us how many players there are in the club.
    C.To explain why the players want to stop practicing.
    (4)What does the underlined word "farmwork" in Para.5 mean?

    (5)What can you learn from Wang's story?

    A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    B.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
    C.No pains,no gains.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 15:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.5
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)2.Chen Zhichao,23,comes from Xi'an,Shaanxi.When he finishes his long workday,he doesn't go to places such as KTVs,cinemas and shops to relax.He goes to a square (廣場).There he meets some old people and they dance yangge together.
       Chen is the group leader (隊長) and he plays the drum.The group dances yangge at 8 p.m.every day.Even in bad weather (天氣),they keep dancing.With big smiles on their faces,the dancers usually catch many people's eyes.And those taking pictures of them even join the dance.
       Yangge is a traditional (傳統(tǒng)的) Chinese dance. " Yangge shows many parts of Chinese culture (文化),and it's a typical (典型的) Shaanxi culture," Chen says.He doesn't like the idea of putting yangge and other dances together. " It's important to keep yangge authentic (地道的)," he says.
       Bai Qingye,a member of the yangge dance group,says, " Chen is the main drummer and the leader.Yangge is healthy exercise and a fun way to meet friends.As a traditional dance,yangge is facing some problems,but thanks to Chen,young people are joining us."

    (1)Chen goes to the square to
    A.take a walk with friends
    B.dance yangge in a group
    C.talk with some old people
    (2)How many times does the yangge group dance in a week?

    (3)What does Chen think of yangge?

    A.It should be authentic.
    B.It will disappear (消失) soon.
    C.It's the only art form (形式) of Shaanxi.
    (4)Bai Qingye likes dancing yangge because
    A.some young people are dancing yangge
    B.Chen makes their yangge group famous
    C.he can do healthy exercise and meet friends
    (5)What's the best title (標(biāo)題) for this passage?

    A.The Best Yangge Dancer
    B.Different Traditions in China
    C.A Young Man's Special Hobby
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Mr.Green lives in London.He is an engineer.Last year,he made a robot. (1)The robot could say only one sentence "There is no doubt about it." The robot always said the same words when people talked to it.
       (2)格林先生不僅想要買一個新房子還計劃建造一個更大的實驗室。 That needed a lot of money.One day,he took the robot to the market to sell it. "Who will buy my robot?It is very smart," he shouted. "20,000 dollars for my robot!"
    A young man wanted to buy the robot. (3)But he was surprised that Mr.Green was selling it for so much money. Is it different from other robots?Instead of asking Mr.Green why he wanted so much money,he decided to speak to the robot.
       "Are you worth(值) 20,000 dollars?" he asked the robot. "There is no doubt about it," answered the robot.(4)這個年輕人是如此喜歡這個機器人的回答以至于他買了它并把它搬回了家。
       But very soon he found that the robot could say nothing else.He felt sorry that he bought the robot.He stood in front of the robot and said, "(5)How foolish I was to spend so much money on such a robot!"
       "There is no doubt about it," said the robot.





    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 12:0:8組卷:7引用:1難度:0.5
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