Qian Jiaqi,39,who took up cycling in Beijing as a hobby,has seen a well-known route he often takes after work become increasingly crowded with fellow cyclists during evenings and weekends.
   "This summer on Chang,an Avenue,it's like the Tour do France every night as cyclists on a wide range of bikes constantly try to catch each other,"Qian said."On the avenue,traffic jams are now forming in bike lanes,as well as in those designed for motor vehicles.It's quite funny in a way."
   According to business insiders and experienced cyclists such as Qian,cycling in urban areas has become increasingly popular over the past two years in China,which was known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles"in the 1980s and early 1990s.
   The emergence of COVID-19,the introduction of cycle lanes,and the seeking of healthier lifestyles have helped relight the nation's passion for cycling.
   Chang,an Avenue is the most popular route for cyclists in Beijing,with its two cycle lanes positioned alongside those for motor vehicles.Motorcycles were banned from the cycle lanes on May 9 last year,providing a safer and smoother experience for those turning the pedals(踏板).Chinese scholar trees planted alongside the bike lanes shade cyclists from the summer heat.
   The avenue is also the perfect place to observe different types of cyclists.Those such as Qian always attempt to improve their time,so it's easy to sense their frustration when they have to stop at red lights.Others prefer to ride at a slower pace,never missing the opportunity to take photos of Tian'anmen Square at sunset on their phones.
   Qian said,"Many people have discovered the therapeutic(治療的)benefits of cycling during the COVID-19 epidemic.The measures taken to control outbreaks of the disease have resulted in the public longing for activities that give them the feeling of freedom and which are good for their health.Cycling ticks all the boxes."

(1)What can we see in Chang,an Avenue at night this summer?

A.Big crowds getting together.
B.Beautiful scenery like Tour do France.
C.Bike exhibition showing the latest style.
D.Traffic jams due to a large number of cyclists.
(2)What can we learn about the popularity of cycling?

A.The pursuit of healthy lifestyles promoted cycling.
B.The appearance of cycle lanes made cycling possible.
C.The emergence of COVID-19 reduced the popularity.
D.The number of cyclists rapidly increased in the 1980s.
(3)What is the purpose of banning motorcycles from the cycle lanes?

A.To make room for the tree planting.
B.To solve the problem of traffic jams
C.To ensure the bike lanes available for cyclists.
D.To provide the bike lanes for cycling competitions.
(4)Where is the text probably taken from?

A.The society section in newspaper.
B.A sports magazine.
C.The health section in newspaper.
D.A science magazine.
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:1引用:4難度:0.5
  • 1.    Soda and sports drinks are the largest single source of added sugars for Americans.They add an average of 145 calories a day to our diets.Most efforts to reduce drinking focus on soda.That is not enough.Juice is as bad.
        Americans drink a lot of juice.The average adult drinks 6.6 gallons per year.More than half of preschool-age children drink juice every day.These children drink about 10 ounces every day.That is more than twice the amount that is good for them.Fruit juice contains some nutrients(營(yíng)養(yǎng)物).But it has tons of sugar.One 12-ounce glass of orange juice contains ten teaspoons of sugar.That is about what is in a can of Coke.
        The government is not right when it says up to half of daily fruit servings can be served in the form of 100 percent juice.One-hundred-percent fruit juice is not a natural source of vitamins and calcium.The government also recommends drinking fortified(增加營(yíng)養(yǎng)的)orange juice.This is to get vitamin D.Some brands of juice are even marketed to babies.So what parents should do is read the label and be more careful.
        Government food programs for kids are also at fault.Children in these programs drink more fruit juice than they should.
        Drinking fruit juice is not the same as eating the whole fruit.Fruits like apples and grapes reduce the risk of diabetes(糖尿?。?Drinking fruit juice is the opposite.Juice has more concentrated sugar and calories.It also has less fiber.Juice is easy to drink.It is harder to eat the whole fruit.
        No expert says that juice improves health.It is like other sugary drinks.You can drink it one once in a while.But it is not because your body needs it.Parents should serve their kids water.They should serve the whole fruit.Schools and day care centers should stop serving juice.Government guidelines should not say that fruit juice is like the whole fruit.

    (1)What do most efforts to decrease drinking center on?

    (2)What can we say about fruit juice according to the text?

    A.It is equal to fruit.
    B.It contains much sugar.
    C.It contains no nutrients.
    D.It does no harm to health.
    (3)Which of the following may the author agree with?

    A.Drinking fruit juice can't replace the whole fruit.
    B.Drinking fruit juice reduce the risk of diabetes.
    C.100 percent juice can serve half day's nutrients.
    D.Fortified orange juice can provide enough calcium.
    (4)In which section may the text appear in a newspaper?

    發(fā)布:2024/8/6 8:0:9組卷:2引用:1難度:0.3
  • 2.A Many people miss out on learning opportunities because they let their feelings get in the way.They refuse (1)
    (learn) or ignore what is said because of who the speaker is.It is true that we cannot help (2)
    (dislike) some people.But do not forget you can still learn from them.Active learners do not judge people (3)
    (base) on first impressions or personal feelings.Instead,they separate the message from the messenger.
    B A person with a photographic memory could remember every detail of a picture,a book or an event many years later,but it has not been proved (4)
    there are people who really have photographic memories.Yet,there are some people who do have (5)
    (amaze) memories.For example,Daniel Tammet can remember the first 22,514 digits of pi (π) and Stephen Wiltshire can draw a detailed picture of a city from memory after flying over it in a helicopter.They are both good (6)
    remembering particular things for a limited time.
    C Most gardeners will probably say gardening (7)
    (be) good for you.According to a study,people who garden have a (8)
    (healthy) diet,get more exercise,and feel less stress.Researchers studied the benefits of gardening in shared community gardens (9)
    people work together.They suggest gardening may reduce stress because it exposes people to nature,while community gardens also provide (10)
    (chance) for social interaction.Therefore,they hope the results will encourage doctors and government leaders to regard community gardens as a vital part of the public health system.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/6 7:0:8組卷:12引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.    Many college students turn to ADHD(注意缺陷障礙)medicine during the exam week,which is regarded as "smart drugs" that will help their academic(學(xué)術(shù)的)performance.The thinking is that if the drugs help students with ADHD improve their focus,they should provide the same benefit for people who don't have the disorder.
        But a new study shows that drugs can actually damage brain function of healthy students who take the drug hoping to boost their intelligence. "It's not a smart drug which will suddenly improve their ability to understand information they read," said Lisa Weyandt,a professor at the University of Rhode Island.
        To test whether this effect is real or not,researchers organized 13 students to take part in two five-hour study sessions(一段時(shí)間)in the lab.The students took the standard 30 mg ADHD drugs before one session,and a sugar pill before the other.Students on ADHD drugs did experience an increase in their blood pressure and heart rates. "The medicine was having an effect on their brain," Weyandt said.The students also showed an improvement in their ability to focus,the researchers found.
        However,students on ADHD drugs experienced no improvement in reading comprehension,reading fluency or knowledge reviews,compared to when they'd taken a sugar pill. "We read aloud stories to them and asked them to recall information from the stories, "she said. "That didn't improve."
        Worse,the ADHD drug actually harms students' memory.It's often misused because people pull all-nighters and they're tired,and they think it's going to keep them awake.Maybe it does,but it's certainly not going to help their academic work.The brain is still developing until the mid to late 20s.It's important to keep it healthy.There's also a chance that ADHD drugs could endanger a student's heart health.

    (1)Why do some college students take ADHD drugs?

    A.To improve their sleeping.
    B.To get higher marks.
    C.To make them feel relaxed.
    D.To treat brain disorder.
    (2)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "boost" in Paragraph2?

    (3)What effect did ADHD drugs have on the students?

    A.They became more focused.
    B.Their blood pressure was reduced.
    C.Their reading fluency was greatly raised.
    D.They could remember better and more quickly.
    (4)What is the author's attitude towards the ADHD drug?

    發(fā)布:2024/8/7 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
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