Besides calling 120,here is what you should do when no one is around to help.
菁優(yōu)網 If you get lost,you may stay where you can be seen clearly and try your best to have a rest.In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show where you stay.
菁優(yōu)網 When you choke(噎住) at home,make a sudden hit against the back of the chair.If you can't breathe after six tries,call 120.Leave the telephone open until help arrives.
菁優(yōu)網 If you get hurt,use your hand or a scarf,or any dry cloth you can find,and push down on the wound(傷口) until the blood stops running.Don't put the cloth around your leg tightly,or you may lose your foot.
菁優(yōu)網 When a fire happens,you must move close to the floor.Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel(毛巾),make you wet from head to foot if possible and find a safe place outside.
(1)If you get lost in a wide open area,you should
according to the material.
A.call out for help
B.make a cross
C.phone the police
(2)You move close to the floor in a fire to keep away from
(3)In the writer's opinion,
can help to deal with a wound.
A.a wet towel
B.a scarf
C.some rocks
發(fā)布:2024/9/15 13:0:8組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.This is the school timetable of Class One,Grade Three,Sunshine School on Monday.
    8:00- 10:00 a.m. Technology In this lesson,students learn how to surf the Internet safely and effectively.
    10:00-11:00 a.m. Drama During this lesson,students will have the chance to act out roles with other students.
    11:00-11:45 a.m. Painting Students learn how to use watercolors properly.If the weather is good,the lesson may take place outdoors.
    1:00-2:00 p.m. Science (Biology/ Chemistry) Students can choose which class to attend.In biology this week,students will learn about the bones in humans.In chemistry,the subject is How explosions happen.
    2:00-3:45 p.m. SPORTS
    2:00 p.m. Theory(理論) Students learn about the skill used in a certain sports.We see real action from past games on videos.
    3:00 p.m. Practice Students will play a short match lasting 45 minutes.This week,the sports are soccer (for boys) and volleyball (for girls).
    Technology:the teacher will give students websites to look up (about 20 minutes).
    Drama:students have to learn a part for the next lesson (30-60 minutes).
    Biology/ chemistry:students have to write a report of the lesson (about 40 minutes).
    (1)What time does the drama lesson begin?

    A.At 8:00 a.m.
    B.At 10:00 a.m.
    C.At 1:00 p.m.
    (2)How long does the science homework take?

    A.At least 90 minutes.
    B.About 20 minutes.
    C.About 40 minutes.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the timetable?

    A.Students always take their painting lessons outdoors.
    B.Boy students will play a short soccer match this week.
    C.Students will use skills in real games in the theory lesson.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 11:0:14組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.Do you want to learn about Chinese culture,meet new friends and show your artistic skills?Join in this year's Calligraphy(書法) and Painting Challenge!The theme is about the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival.
       Works we want
       ? Write ancient or modern Chinese poems.
       ? Paint Chinese paintings,oil paintings,etc.
       ? You also need to make a video to share stories of your works.
       Submission time
       The Mid-Autumn Festival:From June 20,2022 to 12:00 p.m.of August 25,2022.
       The Spring Festival:From June 20,2022 to 12:00 p.m.of January 6,2023.
       All Chinese language lovers from around the world can join in it.There is no age requirement.But you must be a non-Chinese speaker.

    (1)People who join in the competition can
    ①learn about Chinese culture
    ②meet new friends
    ③show their artistic skills
    ④read different stories
    A. ①②③
    B. ①②④
    C. ②③④
    (2)The passage above may be a part of
    A.a textbook
    B.a notice
    C.a diary
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 10:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.Welcome to the Traditional Chinese Artwork website!
    菁優(yōu)網 Name:Clay Pot
    Color:purple,brown and black
    Price: ¥ 200 (50% off on your birthday)
    Our pots are cheap and of good quality.They are popular gifts for friends or relatives.
    菁優(yōu)網 Name:Chinese Knot
    Color:red and yellow
    Price: ¥ 120 (buy two,get one free during the Spring Festival)
    We have our own professional designers.Our new styles may give a big surprise.
    菁優(yōu)網 Name:Silk Umbrella
    Color:pink,white and blue
    Price: ¥260 (¥500 for two from July to September)
    Our umbrellas are made of good silk.They are wonderful presents for ladies.
    (1)Jenny wants to buy an affordable gift for her father to make tea,which one is better?

    A.Clay Pot.
    B.Chinese Knot.
    C.Silk Umbrella.
    (2)October 20th is Jenny's birthday.She wants to buy one clay pot,two silk umbrellas and three Chinese knots on that day.She needs to pay
    A. ¥ 960
    B. ¥ 980
    C. ¥ 860
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 11:0:14組卷:2引用:1難度:0.5
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