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發(fā)布:2024/9/15 13:0:8

一、 II.閱讀(共三節(jié),滿分30分)

  • 1.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) The World Cup is an international football competition that takes place every other 3 years.The World Cup can take place anywhere in the world.In 2018 the host country was Russia,in 2014 it was Brazil,in 2010 it was South Africa,and this year,in 2022,the host country is the State of Qatar(卡塔爾).It is the first time that a country in the Middle East is hosting the World Cup and only the second time that a country in Asia is hosting the competition.There will be a total of 64 matches played over the 28-day World Cup from the opening ceremony on November 20th.
    (1)When will the next World Cup be held?

    A.In 2022.
    B.In 2025.
    C.In 2026.
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE?

    A.There has been only 1 country hosting the World Cup in Asia besides Qatar.
    B.It is an international basketball competition.
    C.It will be over on December 27th.
  • 2.Besides calling 120,here is what you should do when no one is around to help.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) If you get lost,you may stay where you can be seen clearly and try your best to have a rest.In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show where you stay.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) When you choke(噎住) at home,make a sudden hit against the back of the chair.If you can't breathe after six tries,call 120.Leave the telephone open until help arrives.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) If you get hurt,use your hand or a scarf,or any dry cloth you can find,and push down on the wound(傷口) until the blood stops running.Don't put the cloth around your leg tightly,or you may lose your foot.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) When a fire happens,you must move close to the floor.Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel(毛巾),make you wet from head to foot if possible and find a safe place outside.
    (1)If you get lost in a wide open area,you should
    according to the material.
    A.call out for help
    B.make a cross
    C.phone the police
    (2)You move close to the floor in a fire to keep away from
    (3)In the writer's opinion,
    can help to deal with a wound.
    A.a wet towel
    B.a scarf
    C.some rocks
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)3.Most of us are used to using the jet hand dryers(噴射式干手器)in public restrooms.They're surely very convenient-all we need to do is to hold up our hands for a few,seconds,until they're dry.And more importantly,they're.supposed to be hygienic.However,a new study published in the journal Hospital Infection found that jet hand dryers actually spread more dangerous bacteria(細菌) than paper towels.
       In the study,two restrooms:in each of three different hospitals in the UK,F(xiàn)rance and Italy were required to provide both jet hand dryers and paper towels for people to use.But on certain days,only.either the hand dryer or the paper towel dispenser(自動出紙機) was available to use.
       The scientists found that when only the hand dryer was available,the amount of bacteria in the restrooms was 27.times higher than on other days.According to the study leader Mark Wilcox,an expert in medical microbiology at Leeds University,UK,hand dryers spread harmful bacteria,all over,the room.This:means that if people use these dryers,they're more likely to pick up bacteria.
       At the same time,however,this raises the question of why these bacteria exist in the first place if people are washing their hands after using the restroom.
       "The problem starts because some people do not wash their hands properly."Wilcox said.In other words,poor hand-washing leads to a large amount of bacteria being left on your hands.

    (1)What does the underlined word hygienic"mean in Paragraph 1?

    (2)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A.Why scientists studied hand dryers.
    B.How scientists prepared for- their study.
    C.How scientists carried out the experiment.
    (3)It was found that the restrooms had more bacteria when
    A.only the hand dryer was available to use.
    B.only paper towels were available to use.
    C.both the hand dryer and the paper towel dispenser were available to use.
    (4)According to the last paragraph,how can we stop bacteria?

    A.By washing our hands properly.
    B.By not using the hand dryer.
    C.By using paper towels
    (5)What do we know from the passage?

    A.Scientists will find a way to improve hand dryers.
    B.Good habits can protect you from danger.
    C.It's common to pick up bacteria in public places.

六、第三節(jié) (共1小題;每小題10分,滿分10分)閱讀下面的短文, 將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。

  • 9.The advice "Always follow your dream" is usually easier said than done. (1)This is one piece of advice that Alyssa Carson(艾麗莎?卡森) wants to share with people.
       Alyssa is a young girl from Louisiana,US. (2)她在三歲的時候就對太空產(chǎn)生了興趣。 After watching an astronaut-themed cartoon,she learned that humans had been to the moon but hadn't been to Mars(火星).So she wanted to be the first person to do so.
       Alyssa works hard for her dream.She has taken part in three NASA Space Camps and she can speak Spanish,F(xiàn)rench and Chinese.She even sat with real astronauts in a NASA meeting to discuss the future of Mars missions(任務).
       Now Alyssa is one of the candidates(候選人) for NASA's 2033 project to go to Mars. (3)It is believed that she will be one of the first humans to set foot on Mars. Alyssa's father is very supportive. (4)He understands that it's a dangerous job,and he may not see her for a long time. But he still hopes Alyssa can do it.After all,it is something that she has dreamed about since she was a little girl.
       "I don't think I'm special.I've just paid my attention to what I really want. (5)每個人都能努力工作,實現(xiàn)自己的夢想。" Alyssa said.






七、 IV.書面表達(滿分15分)

  • 10.假如你是李華,你的朋友劉宇寫信向你傾訴。他熱愛籃球運動并且是校隊主力,但是父母不支持他花大量時間訓練,而是覺得他應該把所有時間用于文化學習,獲得好的成績,考上理想的高中學校。請你用英語給他回信,說一說你的看法和建議。
    Dear Liu Yu,
    I'm happy to receive your letter
    Li Hua
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