Tour Guide in New York Times Square - The Crossroads of the World Private Tour
   Times Square has a colorful history,one worth exploring.Day and night,Times Square is lit up by the dozens of billboards (廣告牌) advertising the biggest brands.Take a break in the pedestrian square and be entertained by performers practicing their trade.You'll be surprised by what you see and learn.
   Central Park Private Tour
   In the middle of this concrete jungle lies an extensive green space unlike any other.Designed and built by the famous Frederick Law Olmsted,the 843-acre Central Park has come to capture (捕捉) the hearts of visitors around the world.It's an icon,of greenery,of peace and calm in this fast-paced city.
   Rock & Roll NYC Private Tour
   You've been a Rock Roll fan for years,and now you're heading to New York,the heart of the best Rock Roll the world has.New York City has been the center of the music world for decades,from Lincoln Center to the Fast Village.
   Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Private Tour
   The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island remain standing as a physical reminder of the immigrant (移民的) experience that shaped the NYC people walking through today.A guide from City Walks NY can take you through the history and beauty of the city's immigrant past,as the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island private tour promises to take you along the historic journey that so many have traveled on.

(1)What can you see in Time Squares?

A.TV shows.
B.The Statue of Liberty.
D.Rock &;Roll concerts.
(2)Where should you go if you want to have a peaceful time?

A.Ellis Island.
B.Central Park.
C.The East Village.
D.The Lincoln Center.
(3)What aspect of New York culture is the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island private tour related to?

C.Rock &;Roll.
D.Super heroes.
發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.A Student Profile
    Name:Kristin Lacey
       School & College:Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GRS) at MIT
       Major:English literature
       Favorite book:Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
       Favorite class:British Literature with Professor Anna Henchman
       Favorite place to study on campus:Athan's in Washington Square or Cafenation in Brighton Center
       Favorite restaurant in Boston:Sweet Checks
       Extra-curricular (課外的) activities:President of the Graduate Student Association;leading the Graduate Student Fiction (小說) Group;Volunteering at Gifford Homeless Cat Center in Brighton.
       Study experience:I studied for four years and earned my undergraduate degree in English in 2020 at California State University,F(xiàn)resno.I was the first in my family to attend graduate school and college.
       When I graduate,I hope to teach literature at a local college and help the other first-generation college students to get higher education.It's important to give a helping hand to those who need it.
       Advice to other first-generation college students:
       I know that being first-generation graduate means always pushing against your background and stepping out of your comfort zone.And it is important to take as many lectures as possible and be open-minded to good advice from your teachers,while know the line between helpful and bad recommendations.Be outgoing with your friends and build your support network by asking for help when you need it and giving help in return.

    (1)When did Kristin Lacey graduate from senior high school?

    A.In 2016.
    B.In 2017.
    C.In 2019.
    D.In 2020.
    (2)Which extra- curricular organization is helpful to Kristin Lacey's major?

    A.The Gifford Homeless Cat Center.
    B.The British Literature Club.
    C.The Graduate Student Association.
    D.The Graduate Student Fiction Group.
    (3)What does Kristin Lacey want to do after her graduation?

    A.Teach literature at a local college.
    B.Work at a homeless animal center.
    C.Build a support network for those in need.
    D.Study British literature at a graduate school.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 0:0:11組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.Improving your lifestyle through sports Do you want to lead an active lifestyle?Are you passionate about sports?Have you thought about making new friends?Come on down and sign up for any of our classes at our exclusive launch!
       Date:5 April
       Time:10 a.m.to 7 p.m.
       Place:VibraSquare Atrium
       We offer classes like badminton,tennis,basketball and volleyball for everyone from the age of 10 to 40.Come on down to learn more about our classes as well as our special rates.All our classes are conducted by certified coaches.
       A Mystery Gift will be given to the first 50 people who sign up for any sports class with us!
       Highlights of our launch event:
       ? 1 p.m. :Talk on balancing sports and studies by Dr Claire Leow
       ? 3 p.m. :Autograph signing session by professional badminton player Kate Wee,winner of the recent Singapore Open
       ? 5 p.m. :Talk on how sports can benefit one's lifestyle by Mr Ryan Tan
       ? 6 p.m. :Free tennis clinic for children conducted by Michael Ismail,a former professional tennis player
       To register for the above events,please contact Michelle at 6234 6226 or email sports@ edufit.com
       Limited places available on a first-come-first-served basis.
       Take part in a sure-win lucky draw when you enter for any sports class on the day of our launch!Prizes include VibraSquare Mall vouchers (票券),Wellness & Fitness sports clothing and many more!
       Official Sponsors:
       VibraSquare Mall Wellness & Fitness Glizard Drinks

    (1)What can we know about the Mystery Gift?

    A.It is available anytime during April.
    B.It is given to the first fifty class applicants.
    C.You may choose vouchers or clothing.
    D.Each participant of the launch event can get one.
    (2)When will kids attend the launch event if they are fond of tennis?

    A.At 1 p.m.
    B.At 3 p.m.
    C.At 5 p.m.
    D.At 6 p.m.
    (3)What is the main purpose of the text?

    A.To report the sports events.
    B.To introduce healthy lifestyles.
    C.To advertize the sports classes.
    D.To give advice on making friends.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 1:0:9組卷:9引用:3難度:0.7
  • 3.Kite Festivals around the World Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival,Japan
       The large kites of Japan are rectangular (矩形的),and sometimes as large as 3.5 meters by 3.5 meters!The Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival started in the 16th century when large kites were flown in celebration of the birth of a baby son to the Lord of Hamamatsu Castle.The audience watches excitedly as the kite fliers use friction (摩擦力) to cut the lines of their matches.
       Portsmouth International Kite Festival,UK
       This celebration is organized by Portsmouth Oily and the Kite Society of Great Britain.The International Kite Festival is regarded as one of the best,biggest and most popular kite festivals in the world.It has thousands of amazing and colorful kites in the sky and on the ground for visitors to enjoy and appreciate,showing the art of kite flying,kite making tradition around the world and exciting kite flying competitions.
       Bali Kite Festival,Indonesia
       Hundreds of competing kite teams gather from all over the island to fly their traditional kites.Traditional Balinese kites are as large as up to 4 meters by 10 meters.The kite festival in Bali started off as a seasonal agricultural (農(nóng)業(yè)的) festival to thank God for harvests.
       The Zilker Kite Festival,US
       The Zilker Kite Festival is the oldest of its kind in the United States.Created in 1929,the Zilker Kite Festival was intended to inspire the creativity of children.The festival is a beloved,family-friendly tradition:activities for all ages,a traditional kite flying competition and show,a fun run and a children's music concert.There are many competitions held such as Most Unusual Kite,Largest Kite,Smallest Kite,and Strongest Pulling Kite.

    (1)Where can visitors see all kinds of kites from around the world?

    A.In Bali.
    B.In Zilker.
    C.In Portsmouth.
    D.In Hamamatsu.
    (2)Which kite festival is best for families with children?

    A.Bali Kite Festival.
    B.The Zilker Kite Festival.
    C.Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival.
    D.Portsmouth International Kite Festival.
    (3)What do the kite festivals have in common?

    A.They include competitions.
    B.They are international.
    C.They started in ancient limes.
    D.They are intended for children.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 5:0:8組卷:4引用:4難度:0.5
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