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發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11


  • 1.Tour Guide in New York Times Square - The Crossroads of the World Private Tour
       Times Square has a colorful history,one worth exploring.Day and night,Times Square is lit up by the dozens of billboards (廣告牌) advertising the biggest brands.Take a break in the pedestrian square and be entertained by performers practicing their trade.You'll be surprised by what you see and learn.
       Central Park Private Tour
       In the middle of this concrete jungle lies an extensive green space unlike any other.Designed and built by the famous Frederick Law Olmsted,the 843-acre Central Park has come to capture (捕捉) the hearts of visitors around the world.It's an icon,of greenery,of peace and calm in this fast-paced city.
       Rock & Roll NYC Private Tour
       You've been a Rock Roll fan for years,and now you're heading to New York,the heart of the best Rock Roll the world has.New York City has been the center of the music world for decades,from Lincoln Center to the Fast Village.
       Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Private Tour
       The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island remain standing as a physical reminder of the immigrant (移民的) experience that shaped the NYC people walking through today.A guide from City Walks NY can take you through the history and beauty of the city's immigrant past,as the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island private tour promises to take you along the historic journey that so many have traveled on.

    (1)What can you see in Time Squares?

    A.TV shows.
    B.The Statue of Liberty.
    D.Rock &;Roll concerts.
    (2)Where should you go if you want to have a peaceful time?

    A.Ellis Island.
    B.Central Park.
    C.The East Village.
    D.The Lincoln Center.
    (3)What aspect of New York culture is the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island private tour related to?

    C.Rock &;Roll.
    D.Super heroes.
  • 2.Some young people win distinction (出名) because of their good looks,their dance moves or their singing ability.A much smaller number gain fame because they have done something significant and worthwhile with their abilities.Rishab Jain is among the latter.In 2018 at the age of 13,he developed a way to use artificial intelligence (人工智能) to help pancreatic (胰腺的) cancer patients.Rishab's "Pancreatic Cancer Deep Learning System" won the Discovery Education 3 M Young Scientist Challenge and is 525,000 prize.
       Rishab explains that a family friend died of cancer.Then he learned about how deadly pancreatic cancer is,and that its low survival rate is due to how difficult it is to treat."I'm also into programming,so I was learning about artificial intelligence.I decided to combine the two areas to try to solve a real-world problem using artificial intelligence."
       Rishab has invested his winnings in further research and in his nonprofit (非營利的) Samyak Science Society.Samyak helps poor children center the STEM.Rishab is also raising awareness about pancreatic cancer.Many kids would have simply blown their prize money on a fast car or some other shallow things.Rishab has also put some money aside to further his own learning.He is considering becoming a biomedical engineer or a doctor or both.
       How did Rishab become the one that he is?It helped that his father is an engineer.And he has been inspired by his brother and other relatives who work and do research in the medical field.He's seen how STEM jobs have given them "the opportunity to make immediate differences in people's lives".That's an outstanding outlook (見解) for one so young.Rishab is providing his teenage peers with a much-needed model of what kinds of things youth can accomplish.

    (1)What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

    A.What led to Rishab's creative idea.
    B.How difficult it is to treat pancreatic cancer.
    C.Why Rishab learned artificial intelligence.
    D.How to solve a real-world problem.
    (2)What does the underlined word "blown" mean in Paragraph 3?

    (3)Which words can best describe Rishab?

    A.Happy and honest.
    B.Gifted and responsible.
    C.Warm-hearted and lovely.
    D.Confident and careful.
    (4)Which may be the best title for the text?

    A.A New Hope for the Pancreatic Cancer Patients
    B.Different Ways for Young People to Gain Fame
    C.A Young Scientist and His Family Doing STEM Jobs
    D.A Teenager Making Differences Using Artificial Intelligence
  • 3.When it comes to becoming eco-conscious,many people choose to start with something simple:recycling.But it's not as simple as everyone seems to believe.
       Indeed,the desire for some people to recycle can lead to ill-informed decisions about what can and cannot be recycled,and non-recyclable objects are accidentally put into the recycling bin.The practice is what is known as wish cycling.
       Wish cycling boils down to the idea that just about anything can be recycled,and that if you put it into a recycling bin,those who are responsible for it will find a way to recycle it.This is obviously not true,because,despite everything that you've been told by the media,not everything is recyclable.
       Small non-recyclable objects that are attached to recyclables are generally acceptable.For example,glue and tape attached to paper will be removed in the recycling process without any trouble.But improperly recycling broken eyeglasses,plastic shopping bags,food waste and greasy (油漬)pizza boxes could cause problems to the recycling process.
       The objects in the recycling bin are typically sorted by machines at recycling centers,not people.These complex machines are designed to separate plastics,paper,and other recyclables.If something is thrown into the bin that shouldn't be there,it could end up damaging the machine,which means the recycling center could lose time and money every time people decide to wish cycle.Sometimes,a non-recyclable object is able to sneak (溜)past these sorting machines.If this happens,the non-recyclable object ends up in a load of recyclables that will be sold for the recycling center to make a profit.
       However,having just one non-recyclable thing mixed in can pollute the entire load of recyclables,which has to be thrown away.
       So what you as a consumer need to do is make your own recycling practice most functional.The best way is to educate yourself.There are certain general rules when it comes to recycling that everyone should know.

    (1)What do we know about wish cycling?

    A.It is misled by the media.
    B.It leads to a better ecology.
    C.It is related to ill intentions.
    D.It comes from people's hope.
    (2)Which of the following can be put into the recycling bin according to the passage?

    A.Paper with glue on it.
    B.Oily pizza boxes.
    C.Plastic shopping bags.
    D.Left. -over food.
    (3)What is paragraph 5 about?

    A.The problems from wishcycling.
    B.The need to update the machines.
    C.The reasons for making less profit.
    D.The objects unsuitable for recycling.
    (4)What might be talked about in the paragraph that follows?

    A.Reducing waste.
    B.Making rules.
    C.Recycling properly.
    D.Consuming wisely.


  • 4.How to Raise a Child Who Loves Reading Give your kids good books to read.
       By "good" I mean quality literature that makes kids think,not just entertains them.Some books can be fun.(1)
    Keep away from lightweight (內(nèi)容平庸的) books,because they may teach them to turn away from anything that makes their brains work too hard.A diet of lightweight books does not promote the patterns of thought that produce intellectual and personal excellence.
    Kids love listening to their parents read,even as they get older,so don't stop reading aloud to your children just because they can read on their own.This is a perfect opportunity to challenge their abilities,vocabulary and worldviews by reading books.
       Remove distractions (使人分心的事物).
       With hand-held devices (3)
    Parents should have these devices powered down and phones put away,and ask them to pull out their books.Once kids finally get into their books,it creates the same quiet,peaceful atmosphere home.
       Talk about books with your kids.
    Ask every family member,even the youngest,what they have read that day and what they've learned from it.This will arouse discussion and debate about the issues raised in the books.
       Give our kids paper books,not e-books.
       Studies have shown children keep information better when they read it on paper,as opposed to a screen,so avoid giving your child e-books to read.A paper book allows them to create a relationship with the book,to reread and to become familiar with a book's feel and smell.(5)

    A.Read aloud to your kids.
    B.Take chances to challenge your kids.
    C.That's where parental responsibility comes in.
    D.All these are very real parts of the reading experience.
    E.Parents should inform their kids of the harmfulness of hand-held devices.
    F.The dinner table is a great place to start reflective conversations about books.
    G.But it's important to teach kids to appreciate books that may take effort to consume.

第二部分 語言運用第一節(jié)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。

  • 5.Life is not easy for a single parent.The week had been (1)
    and today was filled with bill paying and household chores.
       As I walked down the street,deep in thought,I noticed something unusual in the gutter (水溝).Realizing it was a (2)
    and picking it up,I immediately (3)
    my head and looked around for the first time that day.
       The street was (4)
    with only one shop.My first thought was that perhaps someone would come back to (5)
    the wallet.But on second thought,I chose to be active.
       To find some (6)
    ,I opened the wallet and noticed something like ﹩400,all neatly piled in fifty dollar notes!There was nothing but a name.My only (7)
    was that this man was a senior.
       With the (8)
    in my mind,I walked into the shop.All alone in the corner was an elderly man.As I (9)
    him,he seemed a bit upset,but still said, "Hello." I asked about his name (10)
    and indeed it (11)
    the name in the wallet!His face (12)
    and he shook my hand,saying, "Thank you,sweetie!Hope you have a nice day today."
       I did have a happy day.Actually,it was his words that (13)
    my day.It doesn't have to
    anything to help someone and it allows you to get (15)
    that aren't always material.

    (1) A.fantastic B.boring C.tough D.bright
    (2) A.bill B.wallet C.note D.card
    (3) A.lowered B.nodded C.shook D.raised
    (4) A.broad B.bare C.narrow D.crowded
    (5) A.return B.demand C.claim D.exchange
    (6) A.clues B.cash C.signals D.marks
    (7) A.inspiration B.prediction C.expectation D.imagination
    (8) A.image B.a(chǎn)ge C.a(chǎn)mount D.name
    (9) A.questioned B.interrupted C.a(chǎn)pproached D.reminded
    (10) A.excitedly B.hesitantly C.cheerfully D.worriedly
    (11) A.reflected B.proved C.matched D.represented
    (12) A.paled B.fell C.darkened D.shone
    (13) A.made B.created C.ended D.ruined
    (14) A.involve B.cost C.a(chǎn)dd D.a(chǎn)pply
    (15) A.a(chǎn)wards B.presents C.results D.rewards


  • 6.閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。
       China is the native place of tea.Originally,tea(1)
    (use) as a kind of medicine instead of a drink.Later as the ancient Chinese people explored further into the features of tea,they separated it(2)
    herbs (藥草)and made it into a kind of drink and (3)
    (gradual) it developed into Chinese tea culture.
       Records show(4)
    the custom of tea drinking,which started in the Western Han Dynasty (朝代),became (5)
    fashion for people with high (6)
    (society) position during the Wei Dynasty.In the Tang Dynasty it was common (7)
    (drink) tea.And people tried out even more (8)
    (way) to drink tea.In the Song Dynasty,tea planting and trade were on the increase and the technique of (9)
    (make) tea was greatly improved.By the Yuan Dynasty,drinking tea (10)
    (become) something very common in everyday life.In the Ming and Qing dynasties,people drank tea in almost the same way as we do today.


  • 7.Before graduation,students
    (交換) presents with each other. (根據(jù)漢語提示拼寫單詞)
  • 8.I am waiting to
    (申請)for the chance to become a volunteer. (根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)
  • 9.I do think it is a great
    (榮幸)to be invited to his wedding ceremony. (根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)


  • 27.贏得比賽的那個男孩是我們的班長。(漢譯英)


  • 28.假如你是李華,你的朋友John剛轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)到了一個新學(xué)校,感到很孤單,于是向你尋求幫助。請給John寫一封回信,向他提出合理的建議,以幫助他盡快適應(yīng)新校園生活。注意:1.詞數(shù)80左右;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。
    Dear John,
    Li Hua
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