A:Hello.This is Kelly!
B:Hi,Kelly!This is Robert.(1)
What are you doing
What are you doing

A:I'm reading a book named The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin.
B:Oh,I read it last month.It describe a future world in the book.
How do you like it
How do you like it
B:It's fantastic.And this book won the Hugo Award(雨果獎).
A:Really?I must finish reading as soon as possible.What do you think the future will be like?
I think the world will be better
I think the world will be better
A:I hope so.I think we will also take a holiday on the moon.By the way,Why did you call me?
B:Sorry.I almost forgot.(4)
Would you like to go to the art show with me
Would you like to go to the art show with me
A:Sure,I'd love to go to the art show with you.
B:That's great.Then let's meet at the gate of the art show at 7 o'clock this evening.
A:OK.See you then.
See you
See you
【答案】What are you doing;How do you like it;I think the world will be better;Would you like to go to the art show with me;See you
發(fā)布:2024/9/12 12:0:9組卷:2引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.-I can't find my mobile phone.I'm sure it's in this room.
    -______.I'll call you with my phone.When it rings,you can follow the sound.(  )
    發(fā)布:2024/9/14 9:0:8組卷:8引用:4難度:0.7
  • 2.A:Hello!This is West Lake Theater. (1)
    B:Yes.We want to use your theater to have a party.
    A:When are you going to use it?
    B:This Saturday evening.
    B:About 2 hours.
    A:Oh,let me see.You can use it from 7:00 p.m.to 9:00 p.m.
    B:The time is OK. (3)

    A:800 yuan an hour.
    B:That's too expensive.Is it OK to pay you 700 yuan an hour?
    B:Thank you.We'll arrive at 6:50 this Saturday evening.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/11 6:0:10組卷:6引用:1難度:0.6
  • 3.-May I speak to Jack?
    -      He is doing his homework( ?。?/div>
    發(fā)布:2024/9/18 4:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.8
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