My mom used to say that my first words were: "I'll do it myself."
   Maybe it was because I was an only child and she spent hours (1)
teaching me to entertain myself.My mother called my stubbornness(固執(zhí)) "independence".
   At 12,I made a carpool(拼車)schedule with other students' moms and made a six-year plan to attend university.While my parents' friends were telling their (2)
to finish their homework,mine didn't care whether I'd do the right thing.They (3)
thought I would.
   I wanted everyone to think I was perfect.The truth is that while I tried to look (4)
,I felt like phony(騙子).
   As life became more complex(復雜的),perfection became (5)
to achieve.I panicked(恐慌),pushed myself harder.
   Simple tasks felt almost impossible.I (6)
playing sports and canceled plans with friends.
   My parents became scared.They took me to the doctor.I was diagnosed(診斷)as depressed(抑郁的)and anxious.
   After some reflection(反思),I (7)
that I couldn't do everything on my own.But that was okay.
   Before,I was determined to be the perfect student and child.Now,I was determined to be an imperfect (8)
So I tried to open up to my loved ones.This helped me deal with my depression and anxiety.I am not (9)
for letting others help me through life.If there is any problem,I should talk to the people I love and trust.My parents may be the first (10)
,but I have friends too.They make my life better.

(1) A.alone B.alive C.actively D.carefully
(2) A.classmates B.friends C.kids D.parents
(3) A.never B.always C.sometimes D.seldom
(4) A.funny B.pretty C.proud D.perfect
(5) A.easier B.harder C.faster D.slower
(6) A.kept B.enjoyed C.tried D.stopped
(7) A.realized B.complained C.forgot D.dreamed
(8) A.customer B.player C.patient D.guest
(9) A.happy B.excited C.clear D.weak
(10) A.hope B.choice C.reason D.problem
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:35引用:3難度:0.6
  • 1.Last night one of my Chinese friends took me to a concert of Chinese folk music.The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.The music was strangely beautiful ,but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain.The piece had a simple name,Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring),but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that I've ever heard.The erhu sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it as I listened.Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue,and I began to understand the sadness in the music.
        The music was written by Abing,a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893.His mother died when he was very young.Abing's father taught him to play many musical instruments,such as the drums,dizi and erhu,and in the year of 1910,Abing was known for his musical ability.However,after his father died,Abing's life grew worse.He was very poor.Not only that,he developed a serious illness and became blind.For several years,he had no home.He lived on the streets and played music to make money.Even after Abing got married and had a home again,he continued to sing and play on the streets.He performed in this way for many years.
        Abing's amazing musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime.By the end of his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music.Many of these were written by Abing himself.It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear,but his popularity continues to this day.Today,Abing's Erquan Yingyu e is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise.It has become one of China's national treasures.Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abing's own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds(傷口) from their own sad or painful experiences.

    (1)When was Abing known for his musical ability?

    A.When he was very young.
    B.When he was 17 years old.
    C.After he became blind.
    D.After he got married.
    (2)We can probably play the music Erquan Yingyue
    A.in wedding parties
    B.during the Spring Festival
    C.on the Qingming Festival
    D.on Christmas
    (3)What's the correct order of the following events?

    a.Abing got married and had a home.
    b.Abing got a serious illness and became blind.
    c.Abing's mother died when he was a child.
    d.Abing learned to play many musical instruments from his father.
    e.Abing wrote many pieces of music and he could play over 600 pieces.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 12:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.Dmitry Doronin,a doctoral student from Russia,is keen(熱衷的) to share his experience in remote villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.
        Since Dmitry started to live in the countryside last August,the 32-year-old has created hundreds of video clips that record the relaxing lifestyle in Hengzhang village,Lishui city."The rice is grown in the fields together with fish,which helps to increase local agricultural (農業(yè)的)products," said Dmitry,while introducing products from Hengzhang village on the popular Chinese short-video platform Douyin.Besides filming videos,Dmitry also enjoys working with farmers in the fields,doing activities such as planting vegetables and feeding chickens.
        Living in a village provides him with unique experiences,he says,quite different from busy life in big cities,such as Shanghai,where he studies.And he has been a pleasant surprise to the villagers as well.Villager Bao Mingyue,76,says,"To our surprise,the young Russian not only knows how to cook Chinese food but is interested in working in the fields."
        Because of the epidemic,the sales of local agricultural products had dropped rapidly,so Dmitry volunteered to help sell the products in his videos.In a few months,10,000 kilograms of oranges,4,000 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes and 300 kilograms of honey had been sold.
        "Thanks to his videos,it seems that more tourists have come to visit our village,"says 72-year-old Pan Xianyu,who is very pleased to see the great changes in her hometown.
        Dmitry loves his country life. " In the countryside,you can enjoy yourself in the traditional way of life and understand this country better,"he says.
        According to Dmitry,some Russians' opinions about China are still out of date,although China has progressed greatly."I would like to become a people to people envoy(使者) of friendship between the two countries by using the Internet."he says.

    (1)Which of the following is true about Dmitry?

    A.He is good at catching fish.
    B.He sells farmers' products in Russia.
    C.He gets much attention on the Internet.
    D.He has lived in the countryside for years.
    (2)The underlined word "unique" in paragraph 3 most probably means
    (3)According to the passage,Dmitry hopes to make Russians
    A.improve their life more quickly
    B.study the Chinese traditional way of life
    C.have a better understanding of China
    D.develop farming in a technological way
    (4)What is the main purpose of this passage?

    A.To introduce a Russian envoy in Hengzhang village.
    B.To attract more tourists to visit Hengzhang village.
    C.To advise people to buy the products of Hengzhang village.
    D.To explain the agricultural differences between Russia and China.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 12:0:8組卷:6引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.Archer Calder is a high school student from America.His younger sister Della was born with intellectual disabilities(智力殘疾). (1)因為這個病,她在說話和閱讀上有很大困難。 Archer was never able to talk with Della.It has always been his dream to help his sister communicate with others.
       Archer used to search online for apps that might help Della express her feelings and needs. (2)However,he felt upset because the available apps were quite expensive. And they didn't offer what he wanted.Archer loved computer programming,so he decided to develop his own app.That was how Freespeech was born.
       When using Freespeech,users can see different buttons(按鍵) with pictures on the screen.Each picture stands for a word. (3)When a button is pressed,the word will be read out loud. Users can make sentences to communicate by pressing different buttons in order.It's really simple to use.
       To improve his app,Archer sometimes asks for help online.For example,when he found Della deleted his program by mistake,he asked how to stop that happening again on the Internet. (4)其他程序員給了他一些有用的建議來解決這個問題。
       Now,Archer still keeps working on the program,not only for Della,but also for those in the same situation as her.What's more,he makes his app completely open and free,which is different from other apps. (5)He is very proud that he can provide help for more people in need through his work.





    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 10:0:8組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
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