If we put fresh water and sea water together,we can each get 620 m3 water.However,sea water is too salty for us to drink if the factories don't process (加工) it first.So,620 m3 is little.Saving water in daily life is important.
   There are 3,869 billion hectares (公頃) of forests on Earth.But we are losing them because we cut trees too much.If we calculate (計算) at the size of a football field,we are losing 343,000 football fields every day,or 1431 per hour,or 24 per minute!
   All the corals (珊瑚) that we have now are about 100,000 km long in 109 countries.But each of us can only have such a little piece,because seas are getting polluted and corals are dying.
   According to the latest report,there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.Each of us can have 33 of them.Unfortunately,we cannot see most of the 200 billion stars from Earth.We can only see about 6.000 stars.If we don't use telescopes (望遠鏡) or we have bad weather,we can only see about 2,000 stars.
   On average(平均),we get 0.54 billion tons of rice each year round the world and each of us can have 90 kg.People from Asia produce and eat 90%of all the rice.How long will it take you to eat up this 90 kg rice?

(1)What is important in daily life?
Saving water in daily life is important./Saving water.
Saving water in daily life is important./Saving water.

(2)Why are the forests on Earth losing?
Because we cut trees too much.
Because we cut trees too much.

(3)Do we have many pieces of corals?
No,we don't.
No,we don't.

(4)How many stars can you see if the weather isn't fine?
We can only see about 2000 stars./About 2000 stars.
We can only see about 2000 stars./About 2000 stars.

(5)Who produces and eats 90% of all the rice?
People from Asia produce and eat 90% of all the rice./People from Asia.
People from Asia produce and eat 90% of all the rice./People from Asia.
【答案】Saving water in daily life is important./Saving water.;Because we cut trees too much.;No,we don't.;We can only see about 2000 stars./About 2000 stars.;People from Asia produce and eat 90% of all the rice./People from Asia.
發(fā)布:2024/9/5 11:0:15組卷:2引用:2難度:0.9
  • 1.Elsa and Anna are sisters.They are from an interesting film FrozenⅡ(《冰雪奇緣2》).In the film,Elsa,the queen of Arendelle,defeats(打?。? the bad guys with the help of Anna finally.In this film,they wear trousers.And the two girls are in trouble again.There is something wrong with Elsa's magical powers(魔力).This puts her homeland in danger(危險).One day,Elsa with Anna goes to find where her magical powers come from.On their way,they meet some friends.Now let's know more about them.
        She is beautiful.She has long hair.She was born with strong magical powers,but sometimes they bring her some trouble.
        She's Elsa's younger sister.She always looks happy.When Elsa is in danger,she tries to help Elsa.
        He's a strong ice harvester(采冰者).He's always there for the girls.
        He's a cute snowman.Elsa makes him with her magical powers.
    (1)Elsa is Anna's
    (2)Which one is not right about Elsa?

    A.She wears trousers.
    B.She has strong magical powers.
    C.She is a beautiful girl.
    D.Her hair is short and brown.
    (3)How does Anna look every day?

    (4)What is Kristoff good at?

    C.Harvesting ice.
    (5)What's the best title(標題) for this passage?

    A.Two popular girls
    B.An interesting film
    C.Elsa's new friends
    D.Girls' favorite trousers
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 2:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.
    Have you ever heard of the cars without drivers?Don't be too surprised if you see a car like this going down the road in Beijing these days.It might be one of Baidu company's driverless cars.Last month,Baidu company began to test its driverless cars on open roads in Beijing.Let's learn something about the driverless cars.
      Driverless cars began to be developed in 2010.Since then,companies like Tesla,Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own driverless cars.
      Driverless cars are safer than common cars.And they are more environmental-friendly than common cars.They are more convenient and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.
      But driverless cars have their own problems as well.In one test,researchers pointed a laser pointer at the car's sensors(傳感器) while it was moving.The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam(激光束) was in its way and slowed down or changed its direction.
      The software(軟件) that is used to direct the cars may not be perfect enough.That's because sometimes it may break down.When we use our computers or smart phones,they sometimes don't work without any reason.And if this happened while driving,the results could be terrible.Improving the software could be the best way to deal with this problem.
    (1)Which company tested its driverless cars on open roads in Beijing last month?

    (2)When did the driverless cars begin to be developed?

    (3)How many advantages of driverless cars are mentioned in the passage?

    (4)Do driverless cars have their own problems?

    (5)What did the driverless car do when it mistakenly thought the laser beam was in its way?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 4:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.7
  • 3.My name is Tony.And my (1)
    name is Bryant.I'm fourteen years old.I'm from (2)
    USA.My parents and I(3)
    in China now.They want to study (4)
    .I live in Shanghai with my father and my mother.I have got a brother but no sisters.My grandparents aren't with us.(5)
    are in New York with my brother.Shanghai is a big city.There are many people here.Now I study(6)
    a middle school.I am a new student,(7)
    I have got two good(8)
    .They are Tom and Leo.After school,we often watch TV and play football together.And they always help me with (9)
    study.My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher.She can (10)
    English and teaches it in our school.We all love our school and the city.What do you think of my life in Shanghai?

    (1)A.given B.first C.last
    (2)A.a B./ C.the
    (3)A.am B.are C.is
    (4)A.English B.French C.Chinese
    (5)A.They B.We C.You
    (6)A.on B.in C.of
    (7)A.or B.and C.but
    (8)A.friends B.friend C.friend's
    (9)A.I B.me C.my
    (10)A.tell B.speak C.talk
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 2:0:8組卷:6引用:1難度:0.5
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