Jane 更喜歡自己解決問題而不是向他人尋求幫助。(漢譯英)
Jane would rather deal with the problem by herself than ask others for help.
Jane prefers to deal with the problem by herself rather than ask others for help.
Jane prefers dealing with the problem by herself to asking others for help.
Jane would rather deal with the problem by herself than ask others for help.
Jane prefers to deal with the problem by herself rather than ask others for help.
Jane prefers dealing with the problem by herself to asking others for help.
【答案】Jane would rather deal with the problem by herself than ask others for help.
Jane prefers to deal with the problem by herself rather than ask others for help.
Jane prefers dealing with the problem by herself to asking others for help.
發(fā)布:2024/9/27 0:0:1組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
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