    During my school years,I had only close friend.We spent years together,and we were inseparable,in or out of school.But the Greg moved away,and I never thought it would take more than 40 years to bring us together again.
   As children,Greg and I dove into everything with passion.At that time,we were pure (純真的) and kind,full of curiosity and expectation for life.We raced our bikes and illustrated (給書加插圖) our own comic books.We even became attracted to the same girl from around the corner,a sixth -grader named Joanne who barely (幾乎不) knew we existed.
   The last times a Greg was sometime in 1966.It was so short a meeting that I couldn't recall saying goodbye before he moved.Since then,we lost touch.
   But then,a few summers ago,I saw a familiar woman. "Excuse me.Would your name happen to be Joanne?"
   "Uh,yes. . . " She didn't recognise me until I explained who I was.We hadn't exchanged more than a few dozen words in our entire lifetime. "Have you stayed in touch with Greg?" she asked.I was surprised she even knew of our friendship.
   "No.I haven't," I admitted. "I wish I had."
   Back at the office I checked my messages.I received one email,and then read it from start to finish.The email was from Greg.
   Greg had tracked me down through social media.He was now married,had two children and had become a musician and entrepreneur (企業(yè)家) .We exchanged several emails before connecting by phone.A month later,my wife and I drove to meet Greg and his family in person.
Standing in front of his house,I began to get nervous.                                                                            
Seeing the photo,Greg handed me a small,old card.                                                                       
發(fā)布:2024/9/29 1:0:1組卷:0引用:1難度:0.2
  • 1.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       It was a chilly autumn evening.Sarah,a tired businesswoman,left her workplace and drove home.When she turned a corner,she spotted a puppy in the middle of the road.The dog was muddy and trembling.His eyes held a glimmer of both hope and despair.Sarah couldn't ignore the poor puppy.Approaching him cautiously,she coaxed (哄) him and brought him home.
       Over the next few days,Sarah tried her best to look for the dog's owner,but in vain.It seemed that the dog had been abandoned,with no collar or tags to identify its owner.
       She determined to take care of the dog,which she named Max.She kept him in the backyard,feeding him,providing water and watching him chase his tail in the yard.The puppy trusted in her slowly with Sarah's gentle care and patience.Sarah had a happy feeling she never had before.
       As days passed,Sarah became more comfortable with Max's presence.When she was working,Max would sit calmly by her side.When she woke up in the morning,Max would sit near her bed with a playful bark,demanding his daily walk.The early morning air was cool,and the rising sun cast a warm glow on them.Sarah realized that Max had been a great comfort to her.
       As days turned into weeks,Sarah grew more attached to Max.She found herself looking forward to coming home every day,excited to see her furry friend waiting at the door.Then,she would lovingly prepare Max delicious meals.His eyes,once filled with sadness,now sparkled with gratitude.He would eagerly follow her around the house wherever she went.Max became more than just a pet;he became a loyal friend and a source of happiness for Sarah,who had discovered a newfound balance between her career and personal life.They became inseparable.
       One evening,as Sarah and Max were out for their regular evening walk,something unexpected happened.A social media post attracted her attention.A lady named Emma was anxiously looking for her missing dog,Buddy.
    Her heart sank as she saw the photo of a dog.______
    Sarah arranged the bittersweet reunion.______
    發(fā)布:2024/9/29 1:0:1組卷:0引用:1難度:0.2
  • 2.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Fiona and I had been classmates since kindergarten.She was always wherever I was and she was always ahead of me.Dance performance needed a big finish?Fiona was picked.Selling cookies for charity? "Oh,I'm sorry," the lady living next door to me would say, "I just bought twenty boxes from Fiona.Such a nice girl." And the school plays?Fiona would have the leads while I was cast as her mother or neighbor.I even played her dog once.Yeah,whatever.
        Then the day of the choir concert audition(面試) came.We waited while Ms.Jones called us one at a time into the choir room.When Ms.Jones got to the C's,my heart sped up each time she came to the door.By the time she actually called my name,my whole body was shaking.When I came back,F(xiàn)iona smiled at me.Ms.Jones called her name and Fiona followed her.She was still calm and smiling when her audition was over.
        When Ms.Jones made the announcement of who had made the special choir group,I wasn't surprised when Fiona's name was on the list and mine wasn't. "So," I said under my breath, "what else is new?"
        Sudden clapping brought me out of my thought.Everyone was looking at me.I must have missed something here.Ms.Jones walked towards me and said, "Celia,you will have to start practicing with me.The lead singer takes extra preparation." Lead singer?I got the lead singer?I glanced over at Fiona.She smiled and gave me the thumbs-up sign.She was always so nice.
        Now the big day had come.We stepped onto the stage and took our places.I was front and center.Ms.Jones raised her baton (指揮棒) and we began to sing.The spotlight flashed over me and then circled me in its bright light.Ms.Jones nodded and pointed her baton at me.That baton must have shot out a secret ray because I froze right there on the spot.
        I couldn't think and most of all,I couldn't sing.
        The rest of the performance went well.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/29 4:0:1組卷:2引用:3難度:0.2
  • 3.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
    Every Day's a Gift One day,while I was watching Good Morning America,the news reporter,Robin Roberts,closed the morning show with this, "All you gentlemen,fifty years and older,should make it a point to get a PSA test.It is a simple blood test and could save your life."
       I called my doctor's office that very morning to confirm what Robin had said.So,I made an appointment to have it done.Ten days later,my doctor told me, "Ray,you are a very healthy seventy-two-year-old.However,we got the result of your PSA test.It is high,and you probably have prostate (前列腺) cancer.I want to do a couple of biopsies (活檢) to confirm it."
       When the biopsies came back,I was called into the office once again. "You definitely have prostate cancer," the doctor said.He explained to me the various treatment options that were available.After hearing the various treatments and their after-effects,I decided to have the prostate removed and get rid of the cancer entirely,as it had not spread yet.
       After going through several pre-surgery tests,I was scheduled to be the first one to undergo the new Da Vinci method of removing prostate operation.Due to my old age and the first operation of its kind in the local hospital,a medical expert had been assigned to monitor the situation.
       My surgery was successful.All the cancer had been removed.The next day,I was allowed to leave the hospital with the post-operative instructions and directions on how to do exercise to strengthen my muscles.I soon learned that all my functions were working well.What was even better was that my PSA level was zero.
       One morning afterward,my wife and I spotted a sign by the road requesting volunteers for Suncoast Hospice (收容所) of Florida.We decided it was time to give back for our good fortune and recovery from the operation.
    After six informative classes,we became volunteers for Suncoast Hospice.________
    With the permission of the patient's nurse,we might bring cookies,books or flowers to the resident.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 8:0:2組卷:0引用:2難度:0.2
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