In a park in Tianjin,a group of people were kept cheering.In the center stood two students.They (1)
the traditional Chinese art--Kuaiban.
    The students were from the Leadership Club of Teda No.1 Secondary School in Tianjin.The Leadership Club wants to develop (2)
leadership skills through all kinds of projects.
    Jin Shimin set up his Kuaiban project."Kuaiban is part of Chinese cultural heritage(遺產(chǎn)),and I hope it (3)
by more people, " Jin said.They invited two young inheritors(傳承人) of Wangpai Kuaiban,to perform inside and outside the school.The famous crosstalk artist Wei Wenliang will go to their school and give (4)
    The team has also opened an account (賬號) online (5)
kuaiban videos."We've recorded four videos and shared (6)
on seven main social media platforms(社交媒體平臺).The total views have reached 150,000!"said Jin (7)
    "Our team members worked together to learn how to extend(擴(kuò)大……的影響) the project.We learned to make a video.Everyone thinks it is enjoyable (8)
it truly brings us a lot of fun."said team member Wang Chongfeng.
the Kuaiban project,the Leadership Club has many other projects,such as garbage sorting. "Through these projects,students learn very (10)
skills such as problem-solving and communicating,which will help them become good leaders in the future."said Li Chengxi,the head of the club.

(1) A.perform B.will perform C.were performing
(2) A.student B.students C.students'
(3) A.enjoys B.is enjoyed C.was enjoyed
(4) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the
(5) A.shared B.to share C.sharing
(6) A.them B.their C.themselves
(7) A.proud B.proudly C.pride
(8) A.a(chǎn)lthough B.if C.because
(9) A.Among B.Besides C.From
(10) A.valuable(寶貴的) B.more valuable C.most valuable
發(fā)布:2024/8/9 8:0:9組卷:10引用:1難度:0.4
  • 1.
    Beginning of Winter (Lidong)

    The traditional Chinese calendar divides a year into twenty-four solar terms(節(jié)氣).Beginning of Winter is regarded as a very important one.
    What is Beginning of Winter
    It is the first solar term in winter,which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up(儲藏).
    When is Beginning of Winter
    It usually takes place on November 7 or 8.This year it fell on 8.
    What do Chinese people do on this day?
    ●They swim.
    ●They drink mutton soup.
    ●They eat dumplings because an old saying "Eat dumplings on Lidong,or your ear will be frostbitten (凍傷)." Don't you think dumplings look like ears?
    (1)Beginning of Winter fell on
    this year.
    A.November 7
    B.December 7
    C.November 8
    (2)Which of the following is true?

    A.Beginning of Winter is one of the 24 solar terms.
    B.People drink milk tea on Beginning of Winter.
    C.Eating dumplings can make sure you don't get frostbitten.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 15:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.8
  • 2.In old times,people didn't have smartphones (智能手機(jī)) or computers to use for fun.Still,they had interesting games to play.Let's take a look.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Kites have a long history.Mo Di made the first kite.People first used kites to send messages (傳信息).
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Cuju is old Chinese soccer.At first,soldiers (士兵) played the game as training (訓(xùn)練).In the Song Dynasty,people in China all loved playing it.Women also played the game.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Chuiwan is a ball game.It is just like golf (高爾夫).Someone in the Yuan Dynasty even wrote a book called Wan Jing for the game.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Go,or Weiqi,is a game for two players.It has a history of more than 4,000 years.In the old story,Yao made the game to teach his son.People in old times thought it was a game for gentlemen (紳士).
    (1)Kites are first used to
    A.teach kids
    B.train soldiers
    C.send messages
    (2)What can we know about Cuju and Chuiwan?

    A.They were both ball games.
    B.Only men played Cuju in China.
    C.Chuiwan is a game to teach kids.
    (3)Which is TRUE according to the chart?

    A.Wan Jing is a famous book for kites.
    B.Cuju was a game for soldiers at first.
    C.Gentlemen must play Go in old times.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.完成表格。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容,完成表格中所缺的信息。
       Being young is about all the good things in life- good looks and good health.But being young is also about some bad things一being lacy or being irresponsible (不負(fù)責(zé)的).People seem to think more about their bad things,so they wouldn't like to make friends with young people.
       But when it comes to Generation z,those born between 1995 and 2009,that may not be true.Gen Zers work harder than people think.For example,a study by Bank of America shows more than half of the young people aged between 18 and 23 in America are thinking about buying a house within five years.And they're not just saying it.To make this dream come true,they'd like to get two or three jobs and don't just spend their money on food,drinks and clothes.They also spend money on their education with the hope of being better.Although they're young,they are thinking about how they will help themselves to make their dreams real.
      Gen-Zers not only care about themselves,they also care a lot about many other things.They think they should help better the world.In.India,for example,as soon as young people are old enough,they will vote for( 選舉) new country leaders who can deal with the problems that are important to most of them,such as women's jobs.
       Gen-Zers do different things in different countries.But all in all,they are not the same as people always think of them.As a Gen-Zer yourself in China,what is your dream?菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)




    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
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