It's a Sunday morning.My parents,my sister and I are all at home.My parents don't have to go to work,and my sister and I don't have to go to school.We are all in the yard(院子).Look!My father is cleaning his car.He often drives to work.It takes him about ten minutes.My mother is watering the flowers.The flowers make our yard very beautiful.We all like the flowers.My sister is reading.Can you see the dog?The dog is very smart.My mother often takes the dog out for a walk after dinner.What am I doing?I'm cleaning the windows.It's a nice day and we're busy in the yard.We are very happy today!
(1)Where are the family on a Sunday morning? ( No more than 2 words )
At home.
At home.

(2)How many people are there in the family? (No more than 1 words)

(3)How does the father often go to work?(No more than 2 words)
By car.
By car.

(4)What's the sister doing? (No more than 3 words)
She is reading.
She is reading.

(5)What does the mother often do after dinner? (No more than 8 words)
She often walks the dog after dinner.
She often walks the dog after dinner.
【答案】At home.;Four.;By car.;She is reading.;She often walks the dog after dinner.
發(fā)布:2024/8/2 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.
    hottest riding understand believe journey meaning first culture about dreams
    Jorg,a 30-year-old German young man,rode 5,800 kilometres in China to(1)
    the Chinese Dream among ordinary people. "What's your Chinese Dream?" This is the question he asked every stranger he met on his 100-day (2)
    Jorg came to China for the (3)
    time in 2011.After a year in Chengdu,he was able to speak Chinese and use chopsticks.Because of his interest in Chinese(4)
    ,he went to Zhejiang University in 2015 for a master's degree in sinology(漢學(xué)).
       Jorg learned the term "Chinese Dream" in 2013,which has become one of the (5)
    words in China.To learn the true (6)
    of it among Chinese people,Jorg started his bicycle trip around China in 2016.
       Jorg believes that (7)
    across China is environmentally-friendly and flexible(靈活的).During his trip,he found that people in the countryside want a peaceful life,while people in cities usually follow their hearts.What's more ,older generation(一代)of Chinese cares more(8)
    social stability(穩(wěn)定)while the young generation cares more about education and environment.
       "People seek(探索)their own way to realize their (9)
    .But they all(10)
    that a strong country is the most important," Jorg said.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 13:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.John is my brother.Now he is a teen chef(主廚). (1)當(dāng)他11歲的時(shí)候,他開始對做飯感興趣, partly thanks to our mother.Our mother didn't really like cooking.John didn't like her food.Once John was watching something about cooking on TV and he thought he could do this, (2)so he went to the book store and looked for the biggest cookbook he could find.
       During a year,he had produced most of its recipes(食譜)and was ready for a bigger challenge.He wanted to create his own dishes and he started cooking for more people than just our family.To his joy, (3)我們的父母允許他擁有自己的廚房。 He did much cooking to test his dishes in it and his skill improved quickly. (4)Later,he set up a club and organized monthly events inside our home. Now he does well in cooking and also cooks in top-class restaurants around the country. (5)He is not doing it for the money,but because he loves cooking. Now I know that when you stop caring if you'll be famous,your dream will come to you.





    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:5引用:1難度:0.4
  • 3.Sandy always looks happy these days because she has just found a new job.She works in an ice cream shop.Its name is Creamy Goodness.It takes her only 10 minutes to walk there from her house.Today is her first day on the job.She feels a little nervous.She dresses up after breakfast and gets to the shop early.She hopes all people will like her.
        Sandy has to bring the ice cream out before the shop opens.Then,she puts all of the tables and chairs on the ground.She has to clean all of the tables,chairs and other things.When Sandy is busy doing all of these things,the shopkeeper comes and helps her prepare for her first day.She also meets a new friend.His name is Andy.He works as a cashier for a long time in the shop.At last Sandy starts to scoop(用勺兒舀) the ice cream.She says her new job is busy,but it's very interesting.She likes it very much.

    (1)Why does Sandy look happy these days?

    (2)How long does it take Sandy to go to work on foot?

    (3)When does she need to bring the ice cream out?

    (4)Who helps Sandy get ready for her first day?

    (5)What does Sandy think of her new job?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 9:0:9組卷:6引用:3難度:0.5
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