    Do you know about the U.K. ?London is the capital city.Its flag is red,white and blue.They speak English.Big Ben is very famous.Kings and queens live in palaces.I have an uncle.He lives in London.He says," London is clean and beautiful." He is a teacher.He works from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays,he likes to play football.I want to go to the U.K.Because(因?yàn)椋㊣ want to see Buckingham Palace.
(1)What colour is the flag of the U.K.?

A.Red,white and blue.
B.Red and white.
C.Red and blue.
(2)How is London?

A.Clean and big.
B.Beautiful and clean.
C.Old and beautiful.
(3)When does my uncle work?

A.From Monday to Friday.
B.On Saturdays and Sundays.
C.From Monday to Saturday.
(4)My uncle likes to play football on Friday.

(5)King and queens live in palaces in the U.K.
發(fā)布:2024/6/27 10:35:59組卷:2引用:2難度:0.8
  • 1.閱讀短文,回答問題。
       Christmas is a very important western(西方的) festival.It is on the 25th of December.People send Christmas cards to their relatives(親戚) and friends,and they give presents to the children.They buy Christmas trees to decorate (裝飾) their homes.They buy presents and put them under their Christmas trees.There are lots of lights in the streets and shops.Family members(成員) get together and have a big meal.They have a lot of fun.
    (1)When is Christmas?

    (2)What do people send to their relatives and friends?

    (3)What do people give to the children at Christmas?

    (4)What do people put under their Christmas trees?

    (5)What can you see in the streets and shops?
    發(fā)布:2024/7/26 8:0:9組卷:2引用:0難度:0.9
  • 2.Read and Tick.(閱讀短文,判斷正"√",誤"×"。)
    Monday,April 10
    Dear Blare,
    ?How are you?I had a great time in New York.New York is a very big city and it is really beautiful.Yesterday,I went to the Big Ben with my parents.It's an old clock.But it is very famous in New York.London Tower is far from our hotel.So we want to get there by taxi.I want to take some photos of London Tower for you.We also tasted delicious pizza in a restaurant.We all liked it.Here is a photo of my family and Big Ben.Miss you.
    Your friend,

    (1)Blare is in New York.

    (2)This is a letter from Jack to Blare.

    (3)Jack went to Big Ben with his friends yesterday.

    (4)Jack wants to go to London Tower.

    (5)London Tower is far from the train station.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/23 8:0:8組卷:1引用:1難度:0.8
  • 3.閱讀理解。
       Venice(威尼斯) is a beautiful city in northern Italy.It's very famous because it is built on many islands and it looks like it is built on water.There are 117 islands in Venice.Venice is famous for its 'architecture(建筑) and well-known people who were born there.One was Antonio Vivaldi.
       Today,Venice has a big problem because it is sinking down deeper and deeper into the water.It is sinking about 4 centimeters every 10 years.It doesn't sound like much but it is a big problem because there are more and more floods(洪水) every year and people now have to use special wooden bridges to walk in the city.
       In the last 170 years,the city sank down about sixty centimeters.If it sinks fifty more centimeters,there will be a serious problem for everybody living there.
    (1)Venice is a famous city built
    A.on islands
    B.on water
    C.under the water
    D.near the island
    (2)From the second paragraph,we can know
    A.Venice is sinking down 4 cm every year
    B.there are fewer floods in Venice every year
    C.people have to pass special wooden bridges to walk in Venice
    D.people are proud of Venice
    (3)Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?

    A.The architecture in Venice is very famous in the world.
    B.Now Venice is sinking deeper and deeper into the water.
    C.There are more than one hundred islands in Venice.
    D.People will not live in Venice any longer in 50 years.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.8
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