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   A major fire on Monday(April 15,2019)began to burn at France's world-famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral(巴黎圣母院).Flames could be seen rising through the top of the monument.Its tall,narrow top later fell down.
   The cathedral dates back to the 12th century.French writer Victor Hugo used it as the setting of his famous story,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,first published in 1831.
   The cathedral is one of the world's most famous tourist sites.About 12 million people visit Notre-Dame each year.It sits in the center of Paris,along the Seine River.The mayor of Paris,Anne Hidalgo,wrote on Twitter Monday,"A terrible fire is underway at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris."Hidalgo added that Paris firefighters were still trying to contain the fire.She urged people to stay away from the area.
   As the cathedral's roof continued to burn,a police officer near the scene told Repters news agency,"Everything is falling down."
   The cause of the fire was not immediately known.France 2 television reported that police were treating it as accidental.
   Workers had been repairing parts of Notre Dame.Parts of the monument were surrounded by a metal and wood support structure.The cathedral's bronze statues had been removed last week for repairs.

(1)The lead sentence:
A major fire on Monday began to burn al France's world- famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.
A major fire on Monday began to burn al France's world- famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.

(2)Direct quote:
A terrible fire is underway at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.Everything is falling down.
A terrible fire is underway at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.Everything is falling down.

Hidalgo added that Paris firefighters were still trying to contain the fire,She urged people to stay away from the area.
Hidalgo added that Paris firefighters were still trying to contain the fire,She urged people to stay away from the area.

(4)Background information:
The cathedral dates back to the 12th century.French writer Victor Hugo used it as the sitting of his famous story,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,first published in 1831.The cathedral is one of the world's most famous tourist sites.About 12 million people visit Notre-Dame each year.It sits in the center of Paris,along the Seine River.Workers had been repairing parts of Notre -Dame.Parts of the monument were surrounded by a metal and wood support structure.The cathedral's bronze statues had been removed last week for repairs.
The cathedral dates back to the 12th century.French writer Victor Hugo used it as the sitting of his famous story,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,first published in 1831.The cathedral is one of the world's most famous tourist sites.About 12 million people visit Notre-Dame each year.It sits in the center of Paris,along the Seine River.Workers had been repairing parts of Notre -Dame.Parts of the monument were surrounded by a metal and wood support structure.The cathedral's bronze statues had been removed last week for repairs.

(5)Reporting verbs:
【答案】A major fire on Monday began to burn al France's world- famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.;A terrible fire is underway at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.Everything is falling down.;Hidalgo added that Paris firefighters were still trying to contain the fire,She urged people to stay away from the area.;The cathedral dates back to the 12th century.French writer Victor Hugo used it as the sitting of his famous story,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,first published in 1831.The cathedral is one of the world's most famous tourist sites.About 12 million people visit Notre-Dame each year.It sits in the center of Paris,along the Seine River.Workers had been repairing parts of Notre -Dame.Parts of the monument were surrounded by a metal and wood support structure.The cathedral's bronze statues had been removed last week for repairs.;wrote,added,told,reported
發(fā)布:2024/7/23 8:0:8組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 1.For 18 years after her retirement,Deng Xiaolan volunteered to teach music in a village in Fuping county,Hebei province.Her inspirational teaching and the enthusiasm and talent of her pupils made the 44 children from Malan village sing the Olympic anthem (頌歌) in Greek at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics on Feb,which were one of the highlights of the night.
       Deng's involvement with the rural children can be dated back to her parents.Her father Deng Tuo was the publisher of Jinchaji Daily,a newspaper which was based in Malan village in Fuping county,Hebei province,from 1939 to 1948.During the Japanese aggression (侵略),19 Malan locals were killed for refusing to divulge information about the newspaper.Under the influence of her parents,who both had a passion for music,she learned the violin and singing when she was young.She joined the school band after entering Tsinghua University,and also taught her workmates to play the violin after graduation.
       In 2003,when Deng Xiaolan returned to the village to remember the persons who were killed by Japanese invaders,a group of local children also attended the ceremony.She wanted to sing a song together with the children in commemoration (紀(jì)念儀式),but none of the children knew the well-known songs she named.
       "If the children couldn't sing,then they wouldn't know how to appreciate music.Life would be so colorless if it doesn't have music," Deng said. "My parents lived and fought here when they were young,and they wanted the locals to live a happy life.So I thought if I had the chance,I must teach them to sing."
       Deng began to travel between Beijing and the village since 2004 to teach the children music.She collected instruments and also rebuilt the school houses by raising funds and using her own money.As the children had no background in music,she had to teach them basic music knowledge.
       Two years later,she formed the Malan Band.Among more than 200 students taught by Deng,many left the mountainous village to receive university education,some of whom are studying art at university or have entered a career in art education.

    (1)What contributed to the 44 children sing at the opening ceremony?

    A.They have a good command of Greek.
    B.The Winter Olympics Committee chose them.
    C.Deng's inspirational deeds and talent of her pupils.
    D.Deng Xiaolan taught them and helped them sign up.
    (2)What can we know about Deng's life in paragraph 2?

    A.She was a publisher of Jinchaji Daily.
    B.She majored in music in Tsinghua University.
    C.Her father was killed during Japanese aggression.
    D.Her parents played an important role in her love of music.
    (3)Which of the following can replace the underlined word "divulge"?

    A.make up.
    B.give away.
    C.take on.
    D.turn out.
    (4)What kind of person do you think Deng is?

    A.devoted and thoughtful.
    B.strict and careful.
    C.creative and helpful.
    D.enthusiastic and ambitious.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/19 9:0:8組卷:1引用:5難度:0.5
  • 2.閱讀短文,按照題目要求用英語回答問題。
       While other teenagers might be busy taking care of their personal pages online or playing games for hours,14-year-old Jackson Oswalt from Memphis has been busy doing something different.He has spent his free time building his own nuclear reactor (核反應(yīng)堆) in his home.Now,the boy is praised by city leaders for his achievement as he is the youngest person to have achieved nuclear fusion (核聚變).
       At just 12 years old,Jackson chose to spend his time exploring his interest in nuclear physics.After scouring the Internet,the student learned of the story of Taylor Wilson,an Arkansas boy who won recognition in the field of science as the youngest person to achieve nuclear fusion in 2008 at the age of 14.Jackson was greatly inspired by him.
       The process of the nuclear experiment is not easy at all.But Jackson thought if Wilson could do it,then he could,too.Maybe he could even break Wilson's record in the process.The boy started his project by turning his playroom into a laboratory.Then he bought different kinds of things to build own nuclear fusion reactor.
       "The beginning of the scientific research was just learning about what other people had done with their fusion reactors," Jackson said.His parents spent nearly $8,000 to $10,000 supporting his nuclear experiment. "With the money,I searched for and bought the parts that I needed.Often the parts I found were not exactly what I wanted,so I had to make improvements to them."
       Jackson's hard work finally paid off.Hours before his 13th birthday,he made history as the youngest person to achieve nuclear fusion in January last year.Months after the project,Jackson continued to test his fusion reactor to further prove his project.On Tuesday,Memphis City leaders officially praised Jackson's achievements with a resolution.

    (1)What has Jackson Oswalt spent his free time doing? (no more than 10 words)

    (2)What does the underlined word in Para.2 probably mean? (1 word)

    (3)How did Jackson Oswalt start his project?(no more than 10 words)

    (4)Why did Jackson have to make improvements to the parts?(no more than 15 words)

    (5)What do you think of Jackson Oswalt ?Please explain.(no more than 20 words)
    發(fā)布:2024/9/14 0:0:8組卷:12引用:3難度:0.5
  • 3.閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入 1 個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。
       The Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics unveiled the Phryges as their(1)
    (office) mascots this week, (2)
    (show) off cartoonish images that are meeting with wide-ranging reactions.Phryges are small Phrygian caps( 弗里 吉 亞 帽 ), (3)
    represent a strong symbol of liberty,inclusivity and the ability of people(4)
    (support) great and meaningful causes.The difference is that Paralympic mascot wears(5)
    prosthetic(假體的) running blade to raise the profiles of para-athletes and people(6)
    disabilities and to promote the sporting values of inclusion.
       The mascots are dressed in a red,white and blue colourway,with the golden Paris 2024 logo across their chests.It's a symbol of revolution and freedom,of striving.The mascot,Phryges,is an icon(7)
    (see) over centuries,from the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Eiffel Tower.More(8)
    (specific),it's the red hat famously worn by Marianne,the artistic symbol of the free French republic.
       The two mascots share a motto of "Alone we go faster,but together we go(9)
    (far)",and the Olympic Phryge is described as "a person with a calculating brain",while the Paralympic Phryge is "spontaneous and full of energy and(10)
       Julie Matikhine,the brand manager of the Paris 2024 Games,said of the Phryges, "It is a mascot who embodies the French spirit.An ideal that carries the values of our country,a part of our history and a singular point of view on the world."
    發(fā)布:2024/9/12 15:0:9組卷:4引用:3難度:0.3
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