 How does it feel when you try something new?I've always wanted to go to Antarctica(南極洲) because my dad once worked there as (1)
scientist before I was born.He said it was the(2)
(quiet) and most beautiful place in the world.
    So when I got a job at one of the research stations in Antarctica,I was really excited.All my friends thought I was (3)
/'kreIzi/ and tried to persuade (說服) me not to go.They couldn't understand(4)
I wanted to live there.It was so cold and far (5)
home.But I(6)
(simple) said, "I love it."
    There I met penguins and these birds never learned to (7)
/fi?(r)/ us.They were calm,curious and so fun to watch.In summer,we spent our weekends(8)
(fish) and climbing mountains.In winter,it could get boring because it's(9)
/dɑ?k/ 24 hours a day.But it was more interesting because we watched lots of movies and played games together.On 21 June,we celebrated midwinter with a big party.
    I am (10)
(luck),for I see the world with my own eyes.
發(fā)布:2024/7/12 8:0:9組卷:6引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.John is my brother.Now he is a teen chef(主廚). (1)當(dāng)他11歲的時(shí)候,他開始對(duì)做飯感興趣, partly thanks to our mother.Our mother didn't really like cooking.John didn't like her food.Once John was watching something about cooking on TV and he thought he could do this, (2)so he went to the book store and looked for the biggest cookbook he could find.
       During a year,he had produced most of its recipes(食譜)and was ready for a bigger challenge.He wanted to create his own dishes and he started cooking for more people than just our family.To his joy, (3)我們的父母允許他擁有自己的廚房。 He did much cooking to test his dishes in it and his skill improved quickly. (4)Later,he set up a club and organized monthly events inside our home. Now he does well in cooking and also cooks in top-class restaurants around the country. (5)He is not doing it for the money,but because he loves cooking. Now I know that when you stop caring if you'll be famous,your dream will come to you.





    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:5引用:1難度:0.4
  • 2.Last month,I had a bad stomachache,so my mom took me to the(1)
    .The doctor asked me to take an X-ray.The X-ray showed that there was something(2)
    [r??]with my stomach and I needed an operation(手術(shù)).The doctors got everything ready(3)
    the operation.You can guess how nervous I was at that time.One of the doctors told me not to be(4)
    (worry)about it.The smile(5)
    his face made me relaxed.The operation started on the morning of July(6)
    (twelve).After two hours,the doctor said,It's over now.You may(7)
    [r??t??n] home in a week if everything goes well."I hoped everything would go well.But it was(8)
    ['d?f?k?lt] for me to get over the first two days because I couldn't eat anything.I felt very tired and only wanted to sleep.Two days(9)
    ,I felt much and I could eat some food,After I went home,I took exercise every day and now I am healthy.I have learned to take good care of(10)
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 2:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.My name is Kevin.The first twelve years of my life were nearly perfect until my parents told me some terrible news that would change my life forever.But before I tell you the bad news,let me tell you about a(1)
    day in my life.
       Every morning my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen to my(2)
    .She laughs at the strange ones and pretends (假裝) to be afraid when I tell her the scary ones.Then the(3)
    of breakfast carries me downstairs.During the drive to school,I choose the music we listen to.Mom,Dad,and I sing along(4)
    .At dinner,we eat and tell stories about our day happily.
       Well,it's the time for me to tell you the bad news.A few months ago,my parents told me that soon I'm going to(5)
    a little sister.Ugh!For twelve years,I have been the center of attention.I haven't had to share my parents with(6)
    .One more person will make our house too(7)
    .I will have to share my room with the baby.Mom won't have time to listen to my dreams anymore.
       I told Mom that I don't want a baby sister.But it didn't work.Today,Mom and Dad are coming home from the hospital with my new sister,and I've decided to tell them they should just(8)
       Well,here they are.Suddenly,Mom hugs me and kisses the top of my head(9)
    I say anything,Dad puts the baby in my arms.My baby sister(10)
    out and grabs (抓) my finger!I think she knows that I'm her big brother and she likes me already.
       Hey,maybe having a little sister won't be so bad.I believe Mom and Dad have enough love for both of us.

    (1) A.right B.great C.serious D.terrible
    (2) A.excuses B.problems C.requests D.dreams
    (3) A.taste B.feel C.smell D.sound
    (4) A.clearly B.loudly C.patiently D.politely
    (5) A.have B.save C.educate D.influence
    (6) A.somebody B.a(chǎn)nybody C.everybody D.nobody
    (7) A.old B.dirty C.crowded D.dangerous
    (8) A.take her back B.blow her away C.wake her up D.let her down
    (9) A.When B.Unless C.Before D.Although
    (10) A.cries B.rushes C.gets D.reaches
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 0:0:8組卷:70引用:4難度:0.6
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