in memory of;first aid;in tears;in disguise;pass away;trip over;a great deal;in a whisper;at midnight;do great harm to
(1)I received a message from my parents that my beloved grandpa had
passed away
passed away
(2)On the other hand,we can learn
a great deal
a great deal
from other students we meet in activities.
(3)A parade will be held in our city
in memory of
in memory of
the great day.
(4)It is recognised that smoking
does great harm to
does great harm to
our health.
(5)The old man
tripped over
tripped over
a stone lying on the street.
(6)The knowledge of
first aid
first aid
is a necessity,which can save someone's life.
(7)The girl ran away
in tears
in tears
,scolded by his father.
(8)Some students are still doing their homework
at midnight
at midnight
(9)The thief was caught stealing by a policeman
in disguise
in disguise
(10)The two students were talking to each
in a whisper
in a whisper
when I came into the room.
【答案】passed away;a great deal;in memory of;does great harm to;tripped over;first aid;in tears;at midnight;in disguise;in a whisper
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:3引用:3難度:0.4
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