in particular,become familiar with,go on holiday,get to know,fall in love with,set off,less than,come true
(1)The woman had her jewels stolen last night.Luckily,in
less than
less than
8 hours,the thief was caught.
(2)In order to
become familiar with
become familiar with
the new neighbour,I decided to call at his house.
(3)I would rather join you in research work than
go on holiday
go on holiday
to the seaside.
(4)I mentioned that point
in particular
in particular
,for it was quite important.
(5)I think this dream will
come true
come true
in the near future.
(6)Once you get to/arrive at the old town,you will
fall in love with
fall in love with
it immediately.
【答案】less than;become familiar with;go on holiday;in particular;come true;fall in love with
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:2引用:1難度:0.9
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