tonight cinema has a little medium
Mike and Tony are going to the movies(1)
.They are meeting at seven.But Mike may be (2)
a little
a little
late.His friend David is going,too.Mike tells Tony to meet David in front of the(3)
first.But Tony doesn't know David.What does David look like?He(4)
brown hair and wears glasses.He isn't tall or short.He is of(5)
height.They can surely meet there.
【答案】tonight;a little;cinema;has;medium
發(fā)布:2024/9/19 10:0:8組卷:196引用:2難度:0.3
  • 1.從方框中選出合適的單詞并用其適當(dāng)形式填空。
    Cindy says, "Here,Kitty,Kitty!" But Kitty doesn't(1)
    .Where is Kitty?Kitty always comes home(2)
    dinner.Mom asks, "Is Kitty on the sofa?" Cindy says, "No." "Is Kitty on(3)
    bed?" "No," Cindy says. "Here,Kitty,Kitty!" Cindy looks for (尋找) Kitty everywhere,(4)
    she can't find it.
    the policeman(警察), "says Mom.
       A policeman answers( 回答) the phone."Can you(6)
    me?I lost my friend," Cindy says. "Sure!(7)
    is your friend's name? " asks the policeman.Cindy says, "Kitty. ""That's a nice(8)
    ," says the policeman. "What is Kitty's phone number?" Cindy says, "Kitty doesn't have a phone.It is a(9)
    black cat." "A fat black cat?" "Yes.It(10)
    fish for every meal(每餐)! "
    發(fā)布:2024/9/19 12:0:9組卷:17引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.
    My name is Robert.I am fourteen(1)
    old.I'm short,and I have a medium(2)
    .I have short curly brown hair.I don't(3)
    glasses.I usually wear T-shirts and jeans.
       I want to be a(4)
    when I grow up.I want to play the(5)
    in the rock band.Can you play any instrument?My favorite rock(6)
    is Bad Boy.He is very popular.Do you know him?I like his music very much.He also(7)
    the guitar and dances very(8)
    .He's tall and very thin.He has a black beard.He sometimes wears(9)
    glasses.He often wears T-shirts and jeans.Who is your favorite singer?
       What do you look(10)
    ?Are you tall?Is your hair long or short?Do you wear glasses?Write soon and tell me about yourself.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/19 10:0:8組卷:77引用:2難度:0.4
  • 3.I (1)
    (go) on a trip to London with my parents last summer holiday.
        We all know it is always (2)
    (rain) and foggy in London,so each of us took(3)
    umbrella.But it was sunny during our stay in London.On our first day in London,we enjoyed(4)
    (we) at the London Eye.We could see the whole city of London on the top of it.
        On the(5)
    (two) day,we went to visit the Shakespeare's birthplace.It's not far from our hotel,about 20 minutes' walk.There(6)
    (be) a garden in front of his house.We could see many beautiful (7)
    (flower) in it.After that,we visited many other places(8)
    interest,such as the National Gallery(9)
    the British Museum.We went shopping and tasted the food there,but I preferred to eat Chinese food.
        The trip is wonderful.I hope (10)
    (visit) London again one day.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 2:0:8組卷:33引用:3難度:0.5
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