When Alok and I met in 1984,he was attracted by my passionate love of children,dogs,and poetry.I was drawn to his intelligence and his broad,comforting shoulders.Our marriage was very happy,and our sons,Viraj,an accountant,and Anurag,a lawyer,were warm,loving,and blessed with both a high level of integrity(正直)and a wicked sense of humour.It was as if I had everything I had wished for.When people said, "Life is not perfect," I used to think, "Oh,but it very nearly is."
But one Saturday night everything became different.Alok and I were about to leave our flat in Delhi for a party when all of a sudden he just passed away.It was a fatal cerebral stroke (腦中風(fēng)) without warning.
   I was terrified,but felt I owed it to myself,to Alok,and to the boys to rise above the loss and use the strength our love had given me to go forward.I also had to deal with some pressing problems.Where would I live?Our home was a company-owned flat,and most of the facilities we'd enjoyed,like the club,medical coverage,and even the phone,came with his job.
   I made the decision to try and do as much as I could on my own,without asking,or expecting,other people to help me.As a journalist,I had been privileged to share some truly exceptional life stories.I now had to handle my own life story,and accept change with as much courage as I could muster
   The journey ahead needed new skills.I finally found the right job,and today I am working in corporate communications.My life now is very different from what it was earlier.I understand that we are all given an inner strength,and that we truly grow up,regardless of age,when we learn to stand alone.

(1)What changed everything for the author?

A.The birth of her children.
B.Moving to a new home.
C.Her happy marriage.
D.The sudden death of her husband.
(2)We can infer from the passage that

A.Alok's job provided him with housing and medical insurance
B.the author didn't work when her husband was alive
C.Viraj and Anurag engaged in the same occupation
D.the author's current living situation is bad
(3)What does the underlined word "muster" in the fourth paragraph probably mean?

(4)What does the author want to tell us?

A.Society should give support to single women.
B.Faced with a sudden change,we should be brave.
C.We should receive necessary support as we age.
D.Instead of staying at home,women should work,regardless of age.
發(fā)布:2024/7/16 8:0:9組卷:8引用:2難度:0.6
  • 1.When his book Little Princes begins,Conor Grennan is planning a yearlong trip around the globe,a journey that began with a three-month volunteer service at the Little Princes Children's Home,an orphanage(孤兒院)in Nepal.
       When he arrived at the orphanage,Conor was immediately welcomed by all the children even though he had no previous experience in working with children.He quickly grew to love the job.But it wasn't long before Conor came to learn that the children were not orphans at all-they were actually children who had been separated from their parents by a child trafficker(販子).
       This realization turned Conor's global journey into a strong desire to try to find a way to reunite these children with their families.As a part of his efforts,Conor did a great amount of work when he was back in America.He started up a nonprofit organization called Next Generation Nepal(NGN),raising funds in order to buy a house in Nepal for another children's home.Then,back in Nepal,he began a life-changing trek into the remote villages in the mountains of Humla.
       It is really amazing to read about Conor communicating with the children and to read his descriptions of each of them.He made me truly care about the kids.I wanted them to be able to reunite with their families,too!Unfortunately,this was simply not possible for some of the children.But there were some children who received amazing surprises.Jagrit,for example,had thought for years that both his parents were dead.So,Conor was dumbfounded when he visited Jagrit's village and was introduced to the boy's father!
    Conor successfully found many of the families of the children.Also,he was successful in finding his future wife while in Nepal.

    (1)What do we know about Little Princes Children's Home?

    A.It is a profitable organization.
    B.The children in it are all orphans.
    C.It has many branches all over Nepal.
    D.Many children ended up there due to illegal trade
    (2)In order to help the children,Conor
    a.gave up his plan to travel worldwide
    b.set up the organization NGN
    c.visited some remote villages
    d.fought against child traffickers
    e.decided to settle in Nepal
    (3)What does the underlined word"dumbfounded"in Paragraph 4 mean?

    (4)It can be learned from the text that Conor Grennan
    A.is the author of Little Princes
    B.is determined to remain single
    C.likes teaching very much
    D.is a friend of the author
    (5)The text is probably a(n)
    B.book review
    D.science fiction story
    發(fā)布:2024/7/13 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.3
  • 2.Hunter Kittle,24 years old,was driving through California's Mount Baldy when his night took an unexpected turn.As he was going down the road,his car turned(1)
    suddenly and fell directly 70 feet into a valley.
       The young man amazingly(2)
    the fall,but he wasn't fully in the clear.He(3)
    in his broken car with an injured lung,a fractured(骨折的)skull and a broken leg.His(4)
    must have been beyond description.
       Due to his(5)
    injuries and the shape of his now destroyed vehicle,Hunter was unable to make his way out of the vehicle.He had to deal with his huge pain alone until someone found him.
       The Kittle family were also(6)
    about where their son could be and as each day passed without any(7)
    ,the situation became worse.
       After a total of three nights,a motorist(8)
    and noticed the car wreck(殘?。﹊n the(9)
    .The ambulance was called(10)
    and ran to the scene to keep Hunter alive.Soon,Hunter was airlifted to the(11)
    ,on his way to recovery.
       When Hunter was in his hospital bed and says,"I was so happy that I was finally being(12)
    ,and that I still had a chance left to survive." He goes on to(13)
    ,"Mainly,it was mind over matter(精神的力量).My desire to live long enough made it,one way or another.I didn't want that to be my final chapter in my life book."
       Thanks to his(14)
    to live and a keen-eyed stranger,Hunter survived this tragedy and now had a new perspective on(15)

    (1) A.upside down B.inside out C.down D.off
    (2) A.caused B.survived C.transformed D.froze
    (3) A.looked up B.set up C.woke up D.picked up
    (4) A.disagreement B.cry C.gain D.pain
    (5) A.gradual B.serious C.bound D.cautious
    (6) A.crazy B.patient C.worried D.happy
    (7) A.suggestion B.information C.contribution D.destination
    (8) A.passed by B.passed away C.stood by D.dropped in
    (9) A.motorbike B.valley C.river D.block
    (10) A.immediately B.easily C.exactly D.merely
    (11) A.government B.home C.hospital D.shelter
    (12) A.saved B.helped C.listened D.improved
    (13) A.shout B.explain C.conclude D.complain
    (14) A.hopelessness B.courage C.determination D.wisdom
    (15) A.driving B.volunteer C.life D.religion
    發(fā)布:2024/7/25 8:0:9組卷:6引用:3難度:0.3
  • 3.Ada Byron was a teenager when she met Cambridge mathematics professor Charles Babbage,who had invented the Difference Engine,a mechanical computer(1)
    to produce mathematical tables without mistakes.But he never built the actual machine (2)
    financing difficulty.
    Babbage was(3)
    impressed with the brilliant young woman that they wrote to each other for years,discussing math and computing as he moved on to the(4)
    of the Analytical Engine.In 1842,Babbage gave a lecture on the engine at the University of Turin.Ada,now in her late 20s and known as Countess of Lovelace,was (5)
    to translate the lecture into English.She (6)
    her own notes to it,which was published in 1843.
    Lovelace's notes made it clear that she understood the Analytical Engine and Babbage himself(7)
    .She suggested the data input that would(8)
    the machine to calculate Bernoulli numbers, (9)
    is considered the first computer program.Moreover,she understood that numbers could be used to represent (10)
    just quantities.It could also be a machine that could(11)
    other data like music and science.All that came true - in another 100 years.How did a young woman get the(12)
    to show the world her talents in the 19th century?
    ,mathematical intelligence was not the only thing Ada Lovelace had going for her.Her(14)
    probably came genetically (遺傳),as she was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron and his first wife
    Anne Byron.Both were gifted and well (15)

    Lady Byron,who studied literature,science,philosophy,and,most unusual for a woman,mathematics,was(16)
    that Ada should not follow in her father's footsteps.Instead of art and literature,Ada was taught mathematics and science,which she later (17)
    herself to.In 1838,she became Countess of Lovelace when her husband was raised to Earl of Lovelace.The noble (高貴的)family background would have landed Lovelace in the history books,but her(18)
    mathematics made her a pioneer of not only computing,(19)
    of women in science.
    Lovelace died of cancer at only 36.To remember her contributions to science and engineering,October 13,Ada Lovelace Day is (20)
    to learn about women in science,technology,engineering,and mathematics.

    (1) A.released B.designed C.commanded D.recovered
    (2) A.because of B.instead of C.ever since D.except for
    (3) A.very B.such C.so D.too
    (4) A.development B.search C.decoration D.a(chǎn)pplication
    (5) A.voted B.ignored C.replaced D.requested
    (6) A.removed B.a(chǎn)dded C.packed D.explored
    (7) A.a(chǎn)s well B.or so C.in return D.a(chǎn)s usual
    (8) A.organize B.program C.encourage D.signal
    (9) A.what B.that C.where D.which
    (10) A.better than B.less than C.more than D.rather than
    (11) A.watch over B.go through C.dig out D.deal with
    (12) A.principle B.reward C.chance D.guidance
    (13) A.Gradually B.Actually C.Exactly D.Unexpectedly
    (14) A.intelligence B.a(chǎn)ttitude C.character D.identity
    (15) A.concerned B.educated C.deserved D.selected
    (16) A.shocked B.satisfied C.determined D.frightened
    (17) A.devoted B.suited C.lost D.enjoyed
    (18) A.experiences B.sufferings C.views D.a(chǎn)chievements
    (19) A.while B.but C.a(chǎn)nd D.or
    (20) A.set out B.set off C.set aside D.set down
    發(fā)布:2024/7/31 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.3
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