A:Do you have a computer,Lisa?
B:Yes,I do. (1)
I often use it to surf the Internet
I often use it to surf the Internet
.It makes my life much easier.
A:Yes,I think so.(2)
Do you play computer games
Do you play computer games
B:No,never .I think playing computer games is a waste(浪費(fèi))of time .What about you,Mike?Do you have a computer?
A:Yes,I do.My mother bought it for me as my birthday gift.
What do you like doing on the computer
What do you like doing on the computer
A:I like playing computer games. (4)
I think it is very interesting
I think it is very interesting
B:Do you talk with your friends on the Internet?
A:Yes. (5)
I often talk with them at weekends
I often talk with them at weekends
【答案】I often use it to surf the Internet;Do you play computer games;What do you like doing on the computer;I think it is very interesting;I often talk with them at weekends
發(fā)布:2024/8/27 15:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.—Lily,would you like to row a boat on Xuanwu Lake with us this weekend?
    —_______ It's a good way to exercise.( ?。?/div>
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  • 2.—What a boring TV series!
    — _________.And I think it's just a waste of time.( ?。?/div>
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  • 3.--- Betty is a hard-working girl.
    --- ______.In fact,she is quite lazy.( ?。?/div>
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