Sofia is a student from Switzerland.She is now studying in Tsinghua University.She is going to experience Chinese Spring Festival but she doesn't know how to decorate her room.
Tony is from Australia.He is travelling in Zhuhai now.He is going to Sichuan next week.He wants to see something special there.
Jack comes from Russia.He takes great interest in Chinese embroidery (刺繡) and he wants to know more about it.
Anna is a painter working in Shanghai.She has five children.She wants to learn something interesting to make her children happy.
Tom once bought a piece of Chinese clay art.He heard the name of China came from a traditional clay art--china.He wants to see it in person.
A.Sichuan Opera is a kind of traditional Chinese opera.The most interesting part of it is face- changing.The actors show their feelings by changing their face masks on the stage.The spitfire(噴火) is another special for Sichuan Opera.
B.Chinese knot is a typical local art of China.It is loved by people of all ages.It looks beautiful but it can be difficult to make one.Each knot is made with only one thread and it means differently according to its shape for union,friendship,peace and so on.It is often used to decorate houses or stores.
C.Suzhou embroidery comes from Suzhou,Jiangsu province,with a history of more than 2,600 years.It has beautiful designs ,fantastic embroidery,vivid images,and different materials,including flowers,animals,people and so on.
D.Sanzao bamboo weaving comes from zhuhai ,Guangdong province.Smart craftsman can weave different everyday things like tables,chairs,baskets as well as art pieces with bamboo.
E.Shadow play is an ancient art form.It first appeared about 2,000 years ago and by the Song Dynasty it had become highly developed.The performers manipulate colourful leather or cardboard figures whose silhouettes are reflected on a screen by lantern light.
F.Porcelain(瓷器) has been well- known in the world for thousands of years.Jingdezhen (Jiangxi province) is the most famous town of porcelain.From bowls to plates to vases,porcelain has also been a carrier for cultural exchanges.Along with China's silk and tea,porcelain was one of the first goods to receive worldwide trade.
G.Sugar painting is very different from normal painting.The sugar painters use syrup( 糖漿) as the material,a spoon as the "paintbrush",and a table as the "paper".They move the spoon full of syrup up and down,left and right.Soon a sugar painting of an animal,a flower or a bike is done.
發(fā)布:2024/9/23 6:0:8組卷:7引用:3難度:0.5
  • 1.
    Yali Invention Competition is back AGAIN!
    Got an idea to change the world?The most popular competition is coming again this year!
    Time:October 26th,2022-December 20th,2022
    Prize:3,000 yuan for No.1,2,000 yuan for No.2,1,000 yuan for No.3
    Many great inventions start with a small idea.Have you ever thought about making your life more convenient or interesting?Here is a chance for you!
    The materials you send to us should include:
    ①Your name and school.
    ②The name and introduction of the invention.
    ③A 2-minute video including a photo of your invention and the process of developing it.
    Warning:Make sure the invention is designed and made by you.
    Email address:yaliinvention@163.com
    (1)If you win the first prize,you will get
    as a reward.
    A.3,000 yuan
    B.2,000 yuan
    C.1,000 yuan
    (2)To know more about the competition,you can communicate with the host(主辦方)
    A.by calling
    B.by writing emails
    C.by visiting the website
    (3)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A.Your invention has to be useful.
    B.You can send materials to the host on November 2nd.
    C.You just need to send a photo and the introduction to the host.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 15:0:8組卷:5引用:6難度:0.5
  • 2.

    Jiahe Restaurant菁優(yōu)網
    Special (特色菜):Chicken Price: ¥38
    Opening time:9:30 a.m.—8:30 p.m.
    Meihao Restaurant
    Special:Fish Price: ¥45
    Opening time:10:30 a.m.—9:30 p.m.

    Tiantian Restaurant菁優(yōu)網
    Special:Beef Price: ¥60
    Opening time:11:30 a.m.—9:30 р.m.
    (1)Meihao Restaurant is open for
    hours every day.
    (2)If (如果) it is 11:20 a.m.,you can have
    with 40 yuan.
    A.chicken in Jiahe Restaurant
    B.beef in Tiantian Restaurant
    C.fish in Meihao Restaurant
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.A:Hey,John's birthday dinner is next week.(1) 讓我們想想食物吧。
    B:Sure.How about burgers,vegetable salad and some fruit?
    C:Sounds good.John likes hamburgers.
    A:Oh,I don't like salad.
    C:But John likes salad,and it's his birthday.
    A:Yes,you're right.What about the fruit?
    B:I think John likes strawberries and apples.
    C:OK.(2)Let's have strawberries and apples then.


    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 14:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
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