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    These days' experience,like many other things,are becoming increasingly expensive.One has to get to pay a lot to get,even an ordinary one.
    Not long ago,I wanted to invite my friends to a lunch.What we really need was a good and a quiet place for a talk,not a big meal.So I chose one and told my friends to go there.
    After I ordered,I was asked whether I would eat a 100 yuan or 200 yuan lunch,I said,"200 yuan."I didn't realize until I was asked to pay after lunch,that"200 yuan"means"200 yuan for person each".
    There were five people that day,and all of us were surprises by the 200 yuan meal.The bill came at last:it was 1260(1000 for the five of us,plus the money for drinks,fruits and air conditioning).I paid the bill without a word.
    What could I say?It was not their fault.It was my own fault that made me pay the largest bill in my life.
    However,it was not so bad:we had a good lunch at a quiet place.Besides,the experience will help in my later years.
    To support my idea,I have developed my own way of thinking about the price:200 yuan for the lunch and 1060 for the experience.This paid experience has made me ten times wiser.

(1)According to the passage,now the writer has to pay
A.more for a lunch in a restaurant
B.more to get an ordinary lunch
C.more for some experience
D.increasingly high price
(2)I thought I ordered a meal that would cost
A.me 100 yuan
B.me 200 yuan
C.us 200 yuan each
D.me 1260 yuan
(3)The last sentence of the passage expressed
A.my thanks to the restaurant
B.my happiness to be times wiser
C.my anger at the experience
D.my pleasure to have a good lunch
(4)I paid the largest bill in my life because
A.the restaurant cheated the customers
B.there was a misunderstanding between the restaurant and the customer
C.I was unknown to the restaurant
D.I knew little about the market prices
發(fā)布:2024/8/7 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.
    guide future good with university
    As students,you should get on(1)
    with teachers.Why do you need to keep good friendships with your teachers?In fact,a good friendship with a teacher today may help you in the(2)
    .You will need to offer teachers' written comments (評價) to go to(3)
    or get a job after high school.In your life,teachers are another group of adults who notice you and(4)
    you.They'd like to help you(5)
    your personal problems.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/8 8:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)2.Dos
       ?Make a revision(復(fù)習(xí)) timetable or plan before an exam.This will help you to stay calm(鎮(zhèn)定) and get all your work done.
       ?Organize your notes and make sure you prepare everything you need.
       ?Find a quite place to do your revision.
       ?Try to have a rest from revision.You should revise for 40 minutes and then have a short rest.
       ?Make sure you eat well and get enough sleep.
       ?Everyone revises in different ways.Find out what suits you best.Some people like to revise alone and some like to revise with a friend.You must decide what is your best way.
       ?Take notes of important points.
       ?Look at past exam papers and try to answer some of the questions.
       ?You should ask for help if there are things you don't know.If you feel stressed(有壓力的),please talk to someone.
       ?Don't leave your revision to the last minute.
       ?Don't avoid(避免) revising subjects you don't like or find difficult.
       ?Don't forget that there is a life outside revision and exams.
       ?Don't study all night before an exam.
       ?Don't panic!

    (1)What can help you to stay calm before an exam comes?

    A.Eating well and getting enough sleep.
    B.Making a revision timetable or plan.
    C.Studying all night before an exam.
    D.Looking at past exam papers.
    (2)If you feel stressed,what should you do according to the passage?

    A.Stay inside alone.
    B.Leave the revision to the last minute.
    C.Revision without any break.
    D.Talk to someone.
    (3)Which is the best way to revise?

    A.The best students' way of revising.
    B.Your friend's way of revising.
    C.The way that suits you best.
    D.Staying alone at home.
    (4)What should you do to beat exam stress(戰(zhàn)勝考試壓力)?

    A.Organize your notes and make sure you have everything you need.
    B.Study all night long before an exam.
    C.Avoid revising subjects you don't like.
    D.Avoid revising subjects you find difficult.
    (5)Which of the following statements is RIGHT?

    A.Make sure you eat well and get little sleep.
    B.Take notes of unimportant points.
    C.Find a noisy place to revise.
    D.Remember that there is a life outside revision and exams.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/24 2:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.    Running is becoming popular these days.Many of us run for our health.Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits:eating too much,drinking too much,smoking too much and not having enough exercise.Doctors tell us, "Eat less,don't smoke,and exercise more."
        Running is good exercise because it helps build a strong heart.It also helps most people lose weight.One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week.She runs to lose weight. "I love to eat," she says.
        Running is good for our health in other ways,too.Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems go away. "Running is my doctor," says one man.
        Running can also help people to relax.So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.

    (1)What bad habits do the health problem come from?

    A.Eating too much.
    B.Drinking too much.
    C.Smoking cigarettes and not having enough exercise .
    D.All the above.
    (2)What do doctors tell us to keep healthy?

    A.Eat less,don't smoke and exercise more.
    B.Eat more,drink more and sleep less.
    C.Eat less,drink less and sleep less.
    D.Smoke a lot and exercise more.
    (3)The underlined word means
    in Chinese.
    (4)The third paragraph shows

    A.running helps people to relax
    B.people who like running have many healthy problems.
    C.running helps build a strong heart.
    D.people who like running have fewer healthy problems.
    (5)The writer mainly tell us
    A.how to run
    B.running is a good way to keep healthy
    C.how to lose weight
    D.running is better than doctors
    發(fā)布:2024/8/8 8:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
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