Have you ever heard of Huawei?Has your father got a Mate60 pro?
    In 1987,a small company named Huawei (1)
in Shenzhen.After more than 30 years of (2)
,the company has now beaten Apple and become the world's second largest maker of smart phones.It has also become the world's supplier(供應(yīng)者)of 5 G.In China and even in the world.
    Huawei is a wonder. (3)
it started producing mobile phones not many years ago,it has become one of the most famous phone companies.But in 2019,Huawei faced some (4)
.The US government made a law to stop its sales in America.At the same time,the US government planned to stop (5)
parts and services to Huawei.They believed Huawei's business would be hurt this way.
    "We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get into other systems to collect information,"Ren Zhengfei,Huawei's president said."The law would have little (6)
on our company.Huawei has enough ability to (7)
the problems,"
    Ren added.In an interview several years ago,Ren Zhengfei said,"I started Huawei with only £4000 at the beginning,but now it has become a 100-billion company. (8)
experience was not as romantic as you imagine."
    Facing the law of the US,Huawei is growing.Its smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared with a year earlier in the first three months of 2019.So far Huawei has grown into the world's (9)
telecommunication equipment suppliers in 170 countries.It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.
    Huawei (10)
a good example for Chinese companies.We should make more high-technology products and change Made in China into Created in China.

(1) A.started B.began C.was started D.was begun
(2) A.developing B.development C.develop D.developed
(3) A.Because B.When C.After D.Although
(4) A.difficulties B.chances C.problem D.business
(5) A.to sell B.to buy C.selling D.buying
(6) A.influence B.change C.requirement D.punishment
(7) A.come up with B.end up with C.take care of D.deal with
(8) A.The B.A C.An D./
(9) A.large B.larger C.the largest D.largest
(10) A.has made B.has set C.has taken D.has put
發(fā)布:2024/9/23 6:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)1.Chinese traditional painting and dance are two important parts of the art world.But what about when they meet each other?
       A dance drama called The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting was shown on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.It became popular overnight.
       According to CCTV,this dance got the idea from the 900-year-old Chinese painting—A Panoruma of Rivers and Mountains (《千里江山圖》),which was created by Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng when he was about 18 years old.
       A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains is the only extant (尚存的)work by Wang.Now the painting is at the Palace Museum.It has been on show to the public only four times since 1949.The 11.9-meter-long painting records people's lives and the natural scenery (景色)including mountains,rivers and villages of that time.
       The dance show tells the story of a researcher who has worked hard to study the painting.By chance,the researcher travels back in time to see the moment when Wang was about to finish the work.As the painting was finished,the researcher guides the audience(觀眾) into the world of the painter.The dance show provides the audience with a new experience to better learn about the work.It shows the process of how painting is done.
       The dancers each had a different hairstyle,which looked like a mountain rock.The clothes that they wore were color of green and blue,which is also poetic show of the mountains and rivers.When the dancers danced beautifully,the audience seemed to be looking at the moving mountains and rivers.Huge mountains and rivers are coming to life!More than a thousand years later,green mountains and rivers still wow people as they did long ago.
       In recent years,more and more modern shows with Chinese traditional culture have received a warm welcome,especially among young people.They show great love to Chinese culture and are proud of it.
    (1)How old was Wang Ximeng when he created the painting?

    (2)What does the painting record?

    (3)What does the dancers' hairstyle look like?

    (4)Would you like to watch the dance show?Why or why not?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/23 7:0:8組卷:51引用:2難度:0.2
  • 2.
    We found it interesting that Chinese writing habit was changed.In ancient times,people used to write from right to left in vertical columns(豎列).But now,we write from left to right in horizontal rows(橫行).Why did this change?This has to do with writing tools and the habits of people.
       Before paper was created,people wrote on bamboo slips(竹簡(jiǎn)).They were connected into one long passage.Then they were rolled up(卷起).While opening a roll,people held it with their right hand and opened it with their left hand.So this made it possible to start writing from the right-hand side.
       This writing habit also has something to do with social status(地位).The top-right corner stood for high status,while the bottom-left corner stood for low status.
       Near the end of the Qing Dynasty,some people began to spread the Western habit of writing.In 1917,Qian Xuantong wrote a letter to the leader Chen Duxiu.He suggested writing from left to right,following Western writing' habit.However,Chen didn't accept the idea.In the early 1950s,the Chinese writer Guo Moruo raised this suggestion again.
       Gradually,newspapers and books were printed in horizontal rows.People got used to writing from left to right in rows.
    (1)What made people's writing ways change?

    (2)When did the Western habit of writing spread in China?

    (3)Chen Duxiu didn't accept the idea raised by Qian Xuantong,did he?

    (4)In which way did people print newspapers later,in vertical columns or in horizontal rows?

    發(fā)布:2024/9/23 6:0:8組卷:4引用:1難度:0.8
  • 3.Escape(逃離) From the British Museum:A Cultural Journey
        A popular short video series titled Escape From the British Museum has millions of viewers.The three-part series tells the story of a jade teapot(玉茶壺) that comes to life and goes on a journey from the British Museum back to China.With over 340 million views and nearly 2 million comments(評(píng)論) on Douyin,a short-video platform,the series has become very hot.
        In the story,the jade teapot changes into a young woman and escapes from the museum.She meets a Chinese journalist named Zhang Yongan in the United Kingdom and asks him to take her back to China.On the way home,she not only travels across the country but also carries letters written by other artifacts(古器物) in the museum to their families in China.
        The series were created by two young Chinese vloggers Jianbing Guozai and Xiatian Meimei.Jianbing Guozai's real name is Zhang Jiajun,graduated from Sichuan University of Media and Communications.The videos have deeply moved all Chinese people.The British Museum houses about 23,000 Chinese artifacts.These include paintings,prints,jades,bronzeware,lacquerware,and ceramics.Some artifacts were collected between the late19th and early 20th centuries when British forces invaded(入侵) Beijing twice.
        The creator of the series,Zhang Jiajun,expresses his thanks for being focused and hopes that more attention would be paid to the artifacts still located overseas.

    (1)What is the title of the hot short video?

    A.Escape(逃離) From the British Museum:A Cultural Journey.
    B.A jade teapot.
    C.A Cultural Journey.
    D.Escape From the British Museum.
    (2)The jade teapot in the video is
    B.A teapot from Beijing.
    C.A character created.
    D.A teapot from London.
    (3)Who created the series of the video?

    A.Zhang Jiajun.
    B.Jianbing Guozai.
    C.Zhang Jiajun and Xiatian Meimei.
    D.Jianbing Guozai and Zhang Jiajun.
    (4)What Chinese artifacts are mentioned in this passage EXCEPT
    A.paintings and lacquerware.
    B.jades and bronzeware.
    C.prints and ceramics.
    D.stone carvings and mummies.
    (5)What can we infer from this passage?

    A.The series of video become hot because all people love China.
    B.The creators wishes overseas Chinese artifacts could come back to China.
    C.Zhang Yong'an has a wonderful journey to the United Kingdom.
    D.The series of video have got over 340 million views on bilibili.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/23 6:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.8
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