    A smoke bomb from a party started a major blaze (火焰) near Los Angeles in September,just one of many recent wildfires ignited (引燃) by people.Now,an analysis of satellite data shows human-caused blazes spread much faster and kill more trees than ones ignited by lightning.
    Fire has always been a part of California's natural history.But several centuries of human settlement have created new conditions that promote its spread.Studies have shown human ignition is to blame for 84% of all wildfires in the United States,and 97% of all those that threaten homes.
    Human-caused fires always seemed more extreme,says Stijn Hantson,a fire ecologist at the University of California,Irvine,who led the new research.But measurements of how fast they spread and their impacts on ecosystems (生態(tài)系統(tǒng)) in California had not been explored,he notes.
    To examine those differences,Hantson and his colleagues analyzed satellite data for 214 wildfires in California between 2012 and 2018.Human-caused fires typically spread about 1.83 kilometers per day,more than twice as fast as lightning-ignited burns,the team reports.The faster spreading fires also burned more violently and killed "double or triple" the trees as lightning-caused ones.
    However,there is no fundamental difference in the chemistry of a human-caused blaze. "A fire is a fire," Hantson says. "It's the surrounding things that matter." Causes of fires ranging from improperly thrown cigarettes to sparking (冒火花) power lines could ignite a blaze on any given day,he says,while lightning strikes and dry thunderstorms only happen seasonally.
    The researchers tracked meteorological data and found that human-caused fires were more likely to start on days with extreme weather conditions,and were more associated with drier,less-forested landscapes.This adds to scientists' understanding of how humans are extending the fire season,says Nathan Mietkiewicz,an ecologist with the National Ecological Observation Network.

(1)The author uses some data in paragraph 2 to show that
A.wildfires are mostly caused by humans
B.most wildfires threaten people's homes
C.wildfire is a part of California's natural history
D.wildfires break out frequently in the United States
(2)What's the purpose of Hantson's research?

A.To prove how extreme human-caused fires are.
B.To find out the causes and solutions of wildfires.
C.To explore the speed and effects of wildfires caused by humans.
D.To examine the differences between a human-caused blaze and a nature-caused one.
(3)How is the result presented in paragraph 4?

A.By giving examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing cause and effect.
D.By giving definitions.
(4)What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.Human-caused fires and lightning-caused fires are basically different.
B.Lightning strikes and thunderstorms can always lead to wildfires.
C.Wildfires only happen in dry,less-forested areas.
D.Humans are to blame for the extended fire season.
發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:8引用:4難度:0.5
  • 1."An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Similarly,if we drink a little more water every day,we may find that we need to go to the doctor less often.A healthy diet is made up of water and different kinds of foods.We know that healthy foods like fruits,vegetables and fish ,are important as they offer energy and fiber,without giving us much fat and sugar.But why is water important?
       The human body needs water to survive.Water is important as it carries poisons and waste out of our bodies.However,doctors advise us to drink plenty of water ,much more than the small amount we need to stay alive.
       Some doctors believe that water is important for health in all kinds of ways.They believe that many illnesses and health problems appear as a result of dehydration--a lack of water.Most people are dehydrated (脫水)at least some of time,although they probably don't know it.It is surprising to learn that if we feel thirsty,we are already in the first stages of dehydration.In fact,we are advised to drink water before we feel thirsty.
       These doctors think that health problems such as headaches,high blood pressure could be helped if people drink more water.They also believe that drinking more water can help people who are fat.Water contains no calories so it will not make us gain weight.If we drink water ,we will probably drink less sugary soft drinks.Doctors also believe that drinking more water may stop people from overeating.They say that many people think that they are hungry when they are,in fact,thirsty.Doctors suggest,therefore,that we eat less food and drink more water.
       There are still many health problems that cannot be solved by drinking water,so we should not stop going to see the doctor completely.

    (1)From the text,we know water can carry
    A.energy and fibre in our bodies
    B.fruit,vegetables and fish in our bodies
    C.sugar and fat out of our bodies
    D.poisons and waste out of our bodies
    (2)Lack of water caused many people to put on weight because
    A.It makes them hungry
    B.they think they are hungry and eat too much
    C.Water has no calories
    D.they think they are thirsty and eat less
    (3)Doctors suggest that we should
    A.eat less food and drink less water
    B.not eat food and just drink water
    C.eat less food and drink more water
    D.eat more food and drink more water
    (4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

    A.People should drink water and not eat fruit.
    B.Some health problems start because of a lack of water.
    C.Fruit provides us with energy and fiber .
    D.Drinking more water may stop people from overeating.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 4:0:8組卷:2引用:2難度:0.6
  • 2.How to Raise a Child Who Loves Reading Give your kids good books to read.
       By "good" I mean quality literature that makes kids think,not just entertains them.Some books can be fun.(1)
    Keep away from lightweight (內(nèi)容平庸的) books,because they may teach them to turn away from anything that makes their brains work too hard.A diet of lightweight books does not promote the patterns of thought that produce intellectual and personal excellence.
    Kids love listening to their parents read,even as they get older,so don't stop reading aloud to your children just because they can read on their own.This is a perfect opportunity to challenge their abilities,vocabulary and worldviews by reading books.
       Remove distractions (使人分心的事物).
       With hand-held devices (3)
    Parents should have these devices powered down and phones put away,and ask them to pull out their books.Once kids finally get into their books,it creates the same quiet,peaceful atmosphere home.
       Talk about books with your kids.
    Ask every family member,even the youngest,what they have read that day and what they've learned from it.This will arouse discussion and debate about the issues raised in the books.
       Give our kids paper books,not e-books.
       Studies have shown children keep information better when they read it on paper,as opposed to a screen,so avoid giving your child e-books to read.A paper book allows them to create a relationship with the book,to reread and to become familiar with a book's feel and smell.(5)

    A.Read aloud to your kids.
    B.Take chances to challenge your kids.
    C.That's where parental responsibility comes in.
    D.All these are very real parts of the reading experience.
    E.Parents should inform their kids of the harmfulness of hand-held devices.
    F.The dinner table is a great place to start reflective conversations about books.
    G.But it's important to teach kids to appreciate books that may take effort to consume.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。
       China is the native place of tea.Originally,tea(1)
    (use) as a kind of medicine instead of a drink.Later as the ancient Chinese people explored further into the features of tea,they separated it(2)
    herbs (藥草)and made it into a kind of drink and (3)
    (gradual) it developed into Chinese tea culture.
       Records show(4)
    the custom of tea drinking,which started in the Western Han Dynasty (朝代),became (5)
    fashion for people with high (6)
    (society) position during the Wei Dynasty.In the Tang Dynasty it was common (7)
    (drink) tea.And people tried out even more (8)
    (way) to drink tea.In the Song Dynasty,tea planting and trade were on the increase and the technique of (9)
    (make) tea was greatly improved.By the Yuan Dynasty,drinking tea (10)
    (become) something very common in everyday life.In the Ming and Qing dynasties,people drank tea in almost the same way as we do today.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:7引用:3難度:0.5
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