The set is simple:a little fabric,a chair,maybe some flowers.Its users are more complex:an American mother who takes her children to visit their Mexican father every weekend,and a nine year-old boy who wants to "have a memory of us together" before his father goes back to California.They pause what they're doing.sit for a photo,and leave with a printed copy.Behind the camera is Alexia Webster.a South African photographer who sets up street studios around the world.At Studio Transfronterizo,her project in Tijuana,Mexico,passing characters offer a look at life on the world's busiest land border.Every day nearly 100,000 people legally cross from Tijuana to San Diego,California,at the San Ysidro border.
   More than a decade ago Webster was photographing for the United Nations in a refugee(難民)camp in Kenya when a man told her he'd watched photographers visit for 15 years but didn't have a single picture of himself or his family.Many of Webster's subjects had escaped from war,leaving personal archives(檔案)behind.One photo could help them rebuild.
   In 2011,with a printer and a temporary studio on a corner in Cape Town,South Africa,Webster invited people to pose for a free session.She printed their pictures on the spot. "Primarily it's for them,for their kids,their grandkids,their lovers,their friends," she says. "It's a record of who they are." Webster has since put up studios in other places,from the streets of Mumbai,India to a refugee camp in South Sudan.
   She gives few instructions from behind the camera. "The idea of the project is for people to rebuild their archives and reaffirm their identity," Webster says. "I like them to determine how they want their photo to be.

(1)What's Alexia Webster's job?

A.Taking photos for passers-by.
B.Rescuing children from the war zone.
C.Selling cameras to travelers from America.
D.Offering legal help to people crossing the border.
(2)Where did Alexia Webster set up her first studio?

A.In South Africa.
B.In Mexico.
C.In India.
D.In South Sudan.
(3)What is the purpose of the studios?

A.To train young people as professional photographers.
B.To offer passers-by a chance to reclaim their identity.
C.To provide free legal consultation for families in need.
D.To help refugees around the world to escape from war.
(4)Where is this text most likely from?

A.A travel brochure.
B.A government document.
C.A magazine.
D.A novel.
發(fā)布:2024/7/10 8:0:8組卷:10引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.    Coming out of college can be a terrifying change.However,for me it was made a lot easier when I(1)
    _ a well-paying job offer several months before college had ended.I meant I was able to(2)
    other aspects of my life.Sadly,this quickly fell apart when the global pandemic hit.Suddenly,pretty much everyone was working from home,and most(3)
    ,including the one I was going to work for,took back any job offer they had given.
       I started(4)
    because I had no way to pay for anything and nobody in my field was hiring.I started losing(5)
    ,and any time I thought about it,I would become(6)
    and stressed.
       Eventually,I turned to my family and friends for(7)
    ,since I wasn't able to figure it out myself.As soon as I started talking to them,the stress I was feeling started to(8)
    I had an entire(9)
    system of people who were helping out.
       My family advised me to start looking for jobs outside of my field.Looking back this seems extremely(10)
    but at the time I had discounted it completely because I(11)
    that if there were no jobs in my field,there wouldn't be any jobs available to me at all They helped me(12)
    for any job we could find.My friends and family helped me(13)
    and soon enough I was offered a job that paid well enough for me to be able to afford moving out.
       When we are in a(n)(14)
    situation and don't know what to do,an outside perspective helps bring new ideas,or makes us reevaluate the ideas we have(15)
    (1) A.showed B.received C.expected D.demanded
    (2) A.fill in B.look for C.focus on D.complain about
    (3) A.labs B.schools C.hospitals D.companies
    (4) A.searching B.struggling C.panicking D.considering
    (5) A.energy B.sleep C.interest D.time
    (6) A.a(chǎn)nxious B.a(chǎn)bnormal C.stubborn D.unconscious
    (7) A.reaction B.news C.money D.a(chǎn)dvice
    (8) A.recover B.disappear C.shake D.spread
    (9) A.protection B.study C.support D.permit
    (10) A.obvious B.impossible C.safe D.a(chǎn)ttractive
    (11) A.remembered B.a(chǎn)ssumed C.hoped D.doubted
    (12) A.pay B.care C.beg D.a(chǎn)pply
    (13) A.graduate B.grow C.prepare D.consult
    (14) A.difficult B.unbelievable C.new D.familiar
    (15) A.a(chǎn)lready B.a(chǎn)lways C.hardly D.never
    發(fā)布:2024/8/4 8:0:9組卷:13引用:1難度:0.3
  • 2.    From time to time,people find themselves on occasions when they have to make a difficult option.It is concerning their moral (1)
    (value).The story "After Twenty Years" is set in New York on(2)
    cold,dark night.It is about two friends named Bob and Jimmy.Twenty years ago,Bob (3)
    (dine) at a restaurant with his friend Jimmy.He decided to leave for the West (4)
    (make) his fortune,but Jimmy would rather stay in New York.They made a promise that they would meet at the place (5)
    they had dined.
        Bob kept the (6)
    (appoint) and came back,believing that Jimmy would come if he was alive,because nobody was more genuine and (7)
    (rely) than Jimmy in his eyes.He struck a match to light his cigar, (8)
    (wait) for his friend.Jimmy arrived at the appointed place but found Bob was just the man who was (9)
    (desperate) wanted by the Chicago police.
        However,Jimmy couldn't catch his best friend (10)
    (he),so he asked a plainclothes policeman to do it.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/27 8:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.    When I was 11,my school built a leadership training center that had various challenges.The most(1)
    of them all was called"The Leap of Faith",where you had to climb a ladder to a platform 11 meters high.Once there,you had to(2)
    the platform and reach out to grab a rope.I had seen students do it and had sworn there was no way I would ever(3)
        One day my teacher asked me,"Are you going to try?"I(4)
    it off and told him that he couldn't pay me to do it.(5)
    ,he encouraged me until finally I agreed to do it.
        I climbed up and when I got to the top,I was in shock and couldn't(6)
    .Seeing this,my teacher suggested that instead of jumping off the platform and grabbing the rope,I just(7)
    on the edge and then slide down.I sat there for 20 minutes.Finally,with the(8)
    of my class,I slid down.
        When I finally reached the ground,I heard two boys(9)
    me about it behind my back.So,I decided to try again.Over the next two weeks,I did all sorts of things to(10)
    myself.I jumped off tables and did some high ropes stuff.One morning before school I went down to the(11)
    ,climbed to the top of the ladder and then ..I DID IT!I had never before felt so(12)
    of myself.
        Sometimes situations are(13)
    ,but that doesn't make them impossible.People will doubt you in life,but I have learned that(14)
    is the best way to reply to people like that.So,always keep dreaming and don't let your(15)
    get in the way.

    (1) A.difficult B.interesting C.rewarding D.visible
    (2) A.break down B.jump off C.rely on D.hurry down
    (3) A.a(chǎn)nticipate B.evaluate C.possess D.a(chǎn)ttempt
    (4) A.put B.laughed C.called D.kicked
    (5) A.Therefore B.Instead C.Anyway D.Moreover
    (6) A.go B.leave C.speak D.move
    (7) A.lean B.lie C.sit D.stand
    (8) A.suspicion B.encouragement C.recognition D.intention
    (9) A.teasing B.a(chǎn)sking C.praising D.blaming
    (10) A.behave B.prepare C.compose D.justify
    (11) A.center B.hall C.woods D.playground
    (12) A.a(chǎn)ware B.a(chǎn)fraid C.proud D.serious
    (13) A.scary B.different C.optimistic D.dangerous
    (14) A.submission B.pursuit C.success D.independence
    (15) A.a(chǎn)mbition B.confusion C.sympathy D.fear
    發(fā)布:2024/7/26 8:0:9組卷:12引用:1難度:0.3
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