Well,well,well.It looks like robots are now coming for our beloved furry friends.According to a new study,animal robots may be just as effective,if not better,at providing therapeutic(治療的)benefits to children as real pets.As someone who has both interacted with real dogs and robots,I can tell you that this is quite a bold claim.
   Sure,robots may have some benefits over real dogs.They can work for longer hours and won't cause allergies(過敏)or pass on diseases.But can a robot give you that wet-nosed,tail-wagging,slobber-filled experience that a real dog can?I think not.
   Now,I'm not saying that robots don't have their place in therapy.In fact,I can see how an animal robot could be helpful in certain situations where a real dog might not be possible.But let's not go replacing all the good boys and girls with robots just yet.
   As for the study,it's interesting to see that while the kids said they loved real-life dogs better,they actually spent more time interacting with the robot.I can only imagine that it was doing some pretty impressive tricks,some robot dance or robot jokes maybe,to hold the kids' attention for that long.
   In all seriousness,though,I do think it's important to consider the welfare of therapy dogs.Visiting hospitals can be stressful and tiring for them,and we should be exploring all options to make therapy experiences as positive and enjoyable as possible for both the animals and the patients.
   So,while I may not be ready to trade in my furry friends for robots just yet,I am open to the idea of introducing animal robots into therapy programs.Who knows?Maybe one day we'll all have our own personal robot pets that can provide us with just as much love and companionship as the real thing.But until then,I'll stick with my trusty furry friends.

(1)What is the text?

A.A response to a recent study.
B.A summary of a scientific study.
C.A news report of a new invention.
D.A review on a medical experiment.
(2)What does the writer mean by saying"this is quite a bold claim"in paragraph 1?

A.The new study is quite a breakthrough.
B.His personal experience supports the study.
C.Robots have no therapeutic benefits to children.
D.Robots cannot replace real pets at present stage.
(3)Which of the following is a finding of the new study?

A.The kids preferred robot pets to real dogs.
B.Robots kept the kids' interest for a longer time.
C.The kids' concentration was effectively improved.
D.Robots had more tricks to impress kids than real dogs.
(4)Why is the author open to the idea of using robots in therapy?

A.They can share some of therapy pets' work.
B.They can guarantee the welfare of therapy pets.
C.They provide us with just as much love as real pets.
D.They are better at releasing patients' stress and tiredness.
發(fā)布:2024/6/26 8:0:9組卷:15引用:3難度:0.5
  • 1.
    A.Typically,their deliveries have to occur within 30 seconds.
    B.Perhaps you're wondering about issues such as the cost and safety factors.
    C.In real life robots function in many manufacturing and household situations.
    D.Regardless,customers face longer wait times,fewer menu choices and higher prices.
    E.Server robots are planned to be given new functions,such as performing and holding conversations with customers.
    F.Restaurant owners are finding server robots ideal for performing repetitive tasks,however many there are.
    Robots that serve Robots used to be found only in science fiction.In the 1960s,the animated (動畫片的) space-age family the Jetsons had a robotic maid who could do household tasks.In the 2014 movie Big Hero 6,the robot Baymax could diagnose and heal illnesses instantly. (1)
    In the field of medicine,robot patients help train doctors and nurses by pretending they have a variety of health conditions.Now robots are finding a home in the food service industry.
       The globally spread disease and resulting economic crisis have created a lack of restaurant workers.Since restaurants don't have enough workers,the remaining staff must work harder.(2)
    Some businesspersons are lending a hand—a robotic hand—in the form of server robots.These robots are not exactly modeled after Rosey,the Jetsons' robotic household servant,but they are pretty clever and very cute.
    Server robots come in several different varieties.Many have a design that looks like a rolling cart.One model named Bella even has a cute cat-like face.Many are fairly short and shaped like R2 D2 of Star Wars fame.They are designed to deliver dishes to customers in a restaurant.They are also just the right height for customers to easily reach them. (3)
    They can not only deliver delicious food to hungry customers,but also get back dirty dishes at the end of the meal.
    Concerning the price,a server robot costs from a few thousand to several thousand dollars.And in 2021,a restaurant even rented one for as low as US﹩15 per day.Regarding safety,special sensors on the robots keep them from crashing into customers.Because there aren't enough restaurant workers,filling positions with these robotic servers is a no-brianer.Don't be surprised if you see one rolling up to your table soon.
    發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:6引用:1難度:0.6
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