Long ago,Mother Earth lived by herself.One day,she went to visit King of Sky.When she arrived,she heard some noises.And (1)
king said, "They are the season siblings (兄弟姐妹)—two girls and two boys."
   Mother Earth said, "Send (2)
(they) to me.And they can live with me for a while." The king agreed (同意).
   Mother Earth went back home (3)
started to wait.The youngest—a beautiful boy—came first.He said, "My name is spring.Here is my gift." He opened his bag and took out some colourful flowers and birds.Soon the (4)
(two) came and gave some strawberries, (5)
(peach) and apples to Mother Earth.Then the third child arrived.He said, "I am autumn.I enjoy (6)
(be) alone." He painted everywhere yellow.Just at that moment the fourth came.She (7)
(use) a glass of white water to paint everywhere white. (8)
the same time,she shouted, "I am winter."
   All the four wanted (9)
to stay
to stay
(stay),so they began to fight (打架).Mother Earth was (10)
(happy) and said angrily, "Listen to me.You can come to my house in turn (輪流) and stay in my house for three months.I don't want all of you here at the same time." Then came the four seasons in a year.
【答案】the;them;and;second;peaches;being;used;At;to stay;unhappy
發(fā)布:2024/9/15 7:0:13組卷:15引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.How to fight against COVID- 19?We choose some books 10 help you.The books were translated into 13 languages,including Japanese,F(xiàn)rench and Russian.They are convenient for readers to enjoy.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!by Mu Xiangzhen
    The book makes parents and children be able to learn – in a fun way - about how viruses spread and what people can do to protect themselves.It tells children not to fear about viruses.Besides,it also introduces the idea of getting along well with nature,and hopes children can protect wild life and the natural environment
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) A Special Spring Festival by Gao Jing
    This book pictures children's special Spring Festival in China during the outbreak of COVID-19.It tells a story of a common family in China.It tries to answer the child's question "Why can't I be allowed to play outside?It tells the child what COVID -19 is,how it spreads,and how we can protect ourselves from it.The pictures show love between family members,friends and everyone.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Ten Tips to Fight Monsters by Dong Ruihan
    Dad leaves 10 tips to help us fight the virus.Who will win the war?The story will gently teach children how to prevent the disease in a language that they can easily understand.It will help kids remain calm in the hard time,and encourage them to help family members to prevent the disease.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    by Changsha White-flag Dolphin Children's Book Workshop
    This story book tells the origin of the virus,so the readers can understand the history of the virus easily.The book sets up a "Ten Questions about COVID-19" section,which explains the knowledge of COVID-19 (including how it spreads),helping children readers to understand the virus basing on reason and science.
    (1)If you want to know the beginning of the virus,you can read
    A.Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!
    B.A Special Spring Festival
    C.Ten Tips to Fight Monsters
    D.A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    (2)The spread of the virus is mentioned in
    a.Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!
    b.A Special Spring Festival
    c.Ten Tips to Fight Monsters
    d.A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    (3)According to the passage,which statement is NOT TRUE?

    A.The books were translated into many languages.
    B.Children can do something to protect themselves.
    C.We can understand the virus basing on reason and science.
    D.Dad raises 10 questions about the virus in Don Ruihan's book.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/3 7:0:8組卷:13引用:2難度:0.4
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)2.There was nothing for Mary to do in the house,so every day she walked in the gardens.She did this before breakfast,and the fresh air made her hungry.She was so hungry that she even ate the porridge and enjoyed it.
       After breakfast,Mary walked in the gardens and on the moor.She spent most the her time outdoors and began to feel healthier and happier than she had felt for a very long time.
       One day,she walked around the wall without a door.Suddenly,she heard a bird singing.She looked up,and the robin was sitting on a branch that hung over the wall.She was pleased to see the bird and talked to it.
       "You live in that garden,don't you?" she said. "But no one can go in because there isn't a door.I want to know what's behind this wall."
       The next morning,when Martha brought her breakfast,she asked, "Martha,why isn't there a door in the wall of one of the gardens?"
       "No one is allowed in there," Martha answered. "Even Mr.Craven never goes in there."
       "But why not?What's wrong with the place?"
       "I don't know for certain," Martha answered,but the story is that when Mr.Craven married,he and his young wife were very happy.They used to spend a lot of their time together in that garden reading and talking.Then one day,a branch of a tree fell down and hit Mr.Craven's wife on the head.The next day she died." "Oh,that is such a sad story," Mary said.
       And then she thought something,but as she was thinking those things,she heard a cry. "What was that?" she asked Martha.Quickly,Martha answered, "Just the wind." "No,it wasn't," Mary said. "It did not sound like the wind.And I heard a door shut somewhere."
        "If it wasn't the wind," Martha answered, "then it was Betty in the kitchen.She has a toothache." Mary looked at Martha and thought, "She is not telling me the truth.She knows something she doesn't want me to know."

    (1)What did Mary do before breakfast every day?

    A.Walked in the gardens.
    B.Heard the birds sing.
    C.Walked around the wall without a door.
    D.Listened to Martha's stories.
    (2)Mary was curious (好奇的) about
    A.where the bird lived
    B.why Betty cried in the kitchen
    C.how Mr.Craven's wife died
    D.what was behind the wall without a door
    (3)Which is the right order of what happened in the story?

    a.The girls heard a strange cry.
    b.Mary saw the robin on a branch.
    c.Martha told Mary how Mrs.Craven died.
    d.Mary knew Martha was not telling the truth.
    A.b a d c
    B.b c a d
    C.a(chǎn) d c a
    D.a(chǎn) b c d
    (4)What was the strange sound?

    A.The wind.
    B.Betty's crying.
    C.Martha's voice.
    D.It's a secret.We don't know.
    (5)Which of the following is True?

    A.Martha can go into the garden.
    B.A branch of a tree fell down and hit the robin.
    C.Mary thought she heard a door shut somewhere.
    D.Mr.Craven didn't love his wife and killed her.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/14 14:0:9組卷:7引用:3難度:0.5
  • 3.
    One day,some friends were on vacation on an island,and each was having a good(1)
    .Suddenly,there was a warning(警告) of a strong storm,so they all ran to their boats.Love didn't want to go away from here.As the clouds darkened,Love realized it was time(2)
    .However,there were no boats to use.Love decided to ask for(3)
       Just then Wealth(財(cái)富) was passing by.Love asked, " Wealth,can you take me with you?" Wealth answered, "No,I can't.There's a lot of gold in my boat.There's no place here(4)
       Sorrow(悲傷) passed by after a while.Again,Love asked for help. "No,I can't take you with me.I am so sad.I want to be by(5)
    ." Sorrow said.
       When Happiness passed by a few (6)
    later,she was so happy that she didn't hear Love at all.
       Love was growing hopeless.Just then there was a(7)
    , "Come,Love.I will take you with me. "Love jumped onto the boat(8)
    and even forgot to ask the elder's name.
       After getting off the boat,Love met Knowledge (知識(shí)).Love asked, "Knowledge,do you know who was so kind to take me with him(9)
    no one else wanted to help me?"
       Knowledge smiled, "That was Time."
       "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled and(10)
    ," Because only Time is able to understand how important Love is."
    發(fā)布:2024/9/7 13:0:8組卷:14引用:2難度:0.5
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