When I was only 3 years old,my mother taught me to memorize and recite poems.She was my first teacher of the arts,and my father was the first to appreciate my performance.Even at that young age,I had a simple understanding of how art and culture affect us as human beings and how we can connect to each other through the arts,which shapes my life to this day.
   When I was growing up,my parents supported my interest in taking acting classes and doing community theater.Their faith in me and the professional training I was getting from my theater teachers gave me a sense of purpose and a sense of self-confidence.I learned what artistic achievement actually was and what hard work the business was.Although many people see the rosy picture to our business,I was really learning what it would require for me to become a professional.
   I became an actress,but arts education isn't just about preparing our young people for a job in the arts.I recently talked to some of the kids attending theater education.Some of them want to work in theater,and some don't.They are learning not only theater skills,but also about the world around them.By studying the arts,these students are open to worlds and lives that they might not have any other way of knowing about or any other way to connect with in their lives the way they are right now.
   These young people are our future.We are passing the torch to them.And I think that's one of the most important reasons why we need to foster (培養(yǎng)) the arts.

(1)When the writer was 3 years old,she
A.learned many kinds of arts
B.did well in communication
C.had a deep understanding of arts
D.recited poems to her father
(2)What does the underlined word "rosy" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

(3)According to Paragraph 3,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Discipline and hard work are not included in arts education.
B.Students studying the arts should travel around the world.
C.Attending theatre education does the kids much good.
D.Arts education can only prepare the youth for jobs in the arts.
(4)What is the text mainly about?

A.Where to get arts education.
B.When kids should learn arts.
C.How to improve arts education.
D.Why arts education matters.
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:1引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.此題要求改正所給短文中的錯誤。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。請按下列要求改正:
        Reading had a lot of benefits.It can open up our eyes because of books are full of knowledges.I like reading newspapers and magazines,that I get lots of fun from and learn about what's going on around the world.I also read storybooks or novels which make me relaxing and happy.I seldom read e-books because they're bad for eyes.On weekends,I usual spend a whole afternoon read in the library.And I also read for about half an hour before going to bed every night.Now I am going to read more classics as well as English books to improve your language skills.I'm sure reading can make difference to my life.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/1 1:0:8組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.The great philosopher Voltaire once said " Reading makes people see and think clearly." If you want to be a better self,try the following books.
       Pride and Prejudice
       Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone,the inspiration,basis,and model for so many modern novels.For a book written in the clearly 19th century,is modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is.
       A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals
       From New York Times bestselling author Millie Marotta comes this gorgeous celebration of the animal kingdom.Highlighting the difficulty of 43 endangered species from around the world,the book takes readers on a trip through freshwater,oceans,forests,mountains,deserts,grasslands and wetlands while learning about rare and well-known animals and their habitats.
       Patriarchy and Capitalism
       Chizuko Ueno,a leading Japanese sociologist,feminist (女權(quán)主義) critic and public intellectual,has been a pioneer in women's studies and the author of many books,including Patriarchy and Capitalism which discusses the status of Japanese women.
       Know My Name
       Chanel Miller's breathtaking memoir is praised to be the Best Book of the Year in People magazine.In this book,she recalls all her whole life.It's a story of trauma (創(chuàng)傷) and transcendence (超越),shining with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life.

    (1)What is special about Pride and Prejudice?

    A.It has a long history.
    B.It encourages readers.
    C.It defines modern novels.
    D.It includes surprising plots.
    (2)Which should you choose if you want to know about nature?

    B.Pride and Prejudice.
    C.The Rings of Saturn.
    D.A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals.
    (3)What kind of book is Know My Name?

    A.A record about endangered animals.
    B.A folk tale.
    C.A novel discussing female status.
    D.An autobiography.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/13 2:0:8組卷:1引用:3難度:0.5
  • 3.I've been reading 100 books per year on average during the past decade.So obviously I get the usual question of what books I recommend.Well,here're my top 4 favorite books of all times,which influenced me into who I am today.
       1.Think A Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
       One of the biggest bestsellers of all times.Napoleon Hill spent two decades analyzing over 500 successful men like Henry Ford,Thomas Edison and John D.Rockefeller to discover how they did it.The result of Hill's research is in Think & Grow Rich -13 steps to achieve your goal,whatever it is.All other self-help books are just copies of Hill's book first published in 1937.
       2.Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.
       Another bestseller and the only self-help book you'll need next to Think Grow Rich.Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who was amazed that some patients still felt ugly after surgery(外科手術(shù)).That's when he discovered they also needed reconstruction work inside- their "self-image".Everything about how to use the "mind-body" connection to achieve your goals,and how to feel confident about your body is inside this book.
       3.Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin.
       This book drives the point home that success in any field is not determined by genetics or talent but deliberate practice.Colvin uses examples from world class achievers like Tiger Woods,Jack Welch,Warren Buffet,Mozart to prove that they all got theirs through years of practice-the 10,000 hours rule.You'll reexamine your beliefs about what it takes to succeed and superchange your motivation after reading Colvin's book.
       4.Mastery by George Leonard.
       This book also stresses that practice is the secret of success in anything.Leonard explains that mastership never ends-you will never have perfect technique and be able to stop.Instead you'll keep learning,improving,and hitting plateaus(瓶頸期).The big point in Mastery is that plateaus are vital for improving your skills and that you therefore must start enjoying them instead of getting impatient or quitting like most guys do.

    (1)What is the book Think & Grow Rich mainly about?

    A.Successful men's stories.
    B.A research on being rich.
    C.An analysis of famous people.
    D.Instructions on how to succeed.
    (2)What do Talent is Overrated and Mastery both mention?

    A.The steps to achieving the goal.
    B.World class achievers' achievement.
    C.Practice's key role in achieving success.
    D.Genetics and talent's influence on being successful.
    (3)Which book can best explain the saying "Live and learn"?

    A.Think & Grow Rich
    C.Talent is Overrated
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 4:0:8組卷:0引用:2難度:0.7
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