假如你是李華.你的美國筆友 即將隨其父母來中國,并中國度過中秋節(jié).他來信向你詢問 有關(guān)中秋節(jié)的習(xí)俗,請你告訴他有關(guān)中秋節(jié)的習(xí)俗.
要點(diǎn)如下:1 歷史悠久.2 中國人獨(dú)有的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日.3 家庭團(tuán)圓.4 共進(jìn)晚餐.5 吃月餅.6 賞月.
要求:1 詞數(shù)100 左右.2 可適當(dāng)添加細(xì)節(jié).3 開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù).
Dear Mike,
I am glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.
Now I will introduce something about the festival.
The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people.It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year,when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together.After that they eat moon cakes,which stands for the spirit of the festival-unity.Often,if the weather permits,they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight,talking about something pleasant.It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.
I wish you a pleasant journey and I'm sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day.
Now I will introduce something about the festival.
The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people.It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year,when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together.After that they eat moon cakes,which stands for the spirit of the festival-unity.Often,if the weather permits,they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight,talking about something pleasant.It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.
I wish you a pleasant journey and I'm sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day.

Li Hua.
【答案】Now I will introduce something about the festival.
The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people.It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year,when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together.After that they eat moon cakes,which stands for the spirit of the festival-unity.Often,if the weather permits,they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight,talking about something pleasant.It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.
I wish you a pleasant journey and I'm sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day.
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:15引用:5難度:0.5
  • 1.假定你是李華,校學(xué)生會主席,你校校園廣播電臺計劃招募一名英語廣播員。請你寫一張英文招聘海報,張貼在校園公告欄里。內(nèi)容包括:
    An English Host Wanted_______
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 0:0:8組卷:1引用:3難度:0.5
  • 2.假定你是李華,你的外教Russell的女兒要來中國旅游,發(fā)郵件請你做導(dǎo)游。請你給他回復(fù)一封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 5:0:8組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.假設(shè)你是李華,想尋找一位練羽毛球的球友,請你用英文在校內(nèi)網(wǎng)站上寫一個廣告。
    A Badminton Partner Wanted I'm looking for a badminton partner who can play with me on a regular basis.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 7:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
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