Have you heard of Huang Fengrong who impresses many people with his special art style?He is a p(1)
painting artist from Fujian Province.He began trying out c(2)
ways of painting around 10 years ago.He made efforts and created an art style with great creativity.It c(3)
painting with acting and lets drawing become both beautiful and humorous.Huang uses body language when painting and sometimes dances to music.
   In 2010,it was the first time that he showed this new form of art on TV that people had never seen before.After that,he started to c(4)
more styles of drawing.In the beginning,many people disliked Huang's new style.H(5)
,he found some foreigners liked it.To insist on creating new things is not easy,and it takes a long time to have many fans.He considers art as a job testing one's true love,because he has d (6)
in keeping the balance between making money and making people laugh.Later his special art forms caught attention from a(7)
.They introduced his works to others and recommended him to hold a show in Paris.
   The painting show impressed many people.He is praised n(8)
only in China but also around the world.Further chances has been o(9)
to him.He began to draw for famous people in different areas.So far,17 countries have invited Huang to draw paintings for their presidents when he joined in some state visits.
   In the future,he wants to play a more important role in s(10)
.To encourage children to study this form of art,he started a competition call "Stars of Acting Painting".It is an event of Dafen International Oil Painting Show.
發(fā)布:2024/9/20 5:0:9組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.Some people don't like the number 13.They don't think 13 is a lucky or good number.For example,they don't like to live on the 13th floor.
       My friend Mary is one of them.She asks some friends to her home.All of her friends get to her home.They sit at the table.Then Mary counts, "One,two,three ...oh,my God!There are thirteen people here!" Everybody's face turns white,but Mr.Brown doesn't.He says, "Don't worry,dear friends!We have fourteen people here.My wife will have a baby next week.She is in the family way now. "
       All of them become happy again. "Congratulations(恭喜)!" They say to Mr.and Mrs.Brown.They enjoy the nice food and have a good time this evening.

    根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容判斷下列句子正 (T)、誤 (F)。
    (1)Mary lives on the 13th floor.

    (2)Mary asks her friends to have dinner at her home.

    (3)Mrs.Brown will have a baby next week.

    (4)Everybody's face turns white because there are thirteen people.

    (5)Mary and her friends became happy at last.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 6:0:10組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.Lily's mum says, "Lily,your room is a mess (臟亂).Can you clean it up,please?" But Lily doesn't not clean up her room.
       Lily's mum says, "Lily,on Saturday you will clean up your room."
       Next day is Saturday.
       Lily gets up and puts red spots (斑點) on her face.
       "Good," she says. "I look sick."
       When Lily's mum comes in,Lily says, "Oh,I'm sick.I'm very sick."
       Her mum looks at the spots.
       "You will have to stay in bed,Lily," she says.
       Lily stays in bed all day.Then Lily says, "I'm OK now." But her mum says, "No,you are not.I can still see some spots.You can't get up!"
       Lily has to stay in bed for days.Then she says, "Can I get out of bed now?" But her mum says "No!You are still sick."
       Lily looks at her room.It is very messy.She did not like it at all now.So Lily gets out of bed and ...She cleans up that mess!
       Lily's mum looks in the door.
       "Lily," She says,"Your spots are gone.You are cleaning up your room.Are you OK?" And Lily says, "YES!"

    (1)When does Lily's mum ask Lily to clean up her room?

    A.On Friday.
    B.On Saturday.
    C.On Monday.
    D.On Tuesday.
    (2)Why does Lily put red spots on her face?

    A.Because she is sick.
    B.Because she wants to stay in bed.
    C.Because she doesn't want to go out.
    D.Because she doesn't want to clean up her room.
    (3)What's the correct order according to the text?

    a.Lily cleans up her room.
    b.Lily's mother asks her to clean up her room.
    c.Lily stays in bed for days.
    d.Lily puts red spots on her face.
    (4)Which of the following word can best describe (描述) Lily's Mom?

    (5)Where is the text mostly from?

    A.A room ad.
    B.A science magazine.
    C.A story book.
    D.A.sports newspaper.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 6:0:10組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.Do you know Mark Elliot Zuckerberg?He is the CEO of Facebook.Let's see what his life is like.
        After waking up at 8 am,Zuckerberg turns to his phone to check messages.Then he goes to the gym and does some exercise.Sometimes,Zuckerberg runs outside.His favorite running partner is his pet dog,Beast.Zuckerberg runs to keep healthy.At the same time,he walks the dog.
        After exercising,Zuckerberg always takes a shower and gets ready for the day.He never wastes time on small things.Being a successful businessman,he likes to keep the rest of his life simple.He eats whatever he likes to eat.When it comes to clothes he is always in jeans,a gray T-shirt,and a pair of sneakers (運(yùn)動鞋) .He enjoys walking to places that is not far away.
        Most people work about 40 hours a week,but it is usual for Zuckerberg to work 50-60 hours.Although he spends a lot of time in the office,Zuckerberg is also very much a family man.After marrying the Chinese-American Priscilla Chan,Zuckerberg always spends time learning Chinese with his two daughters.He is also big on taking nice vacations(假期)with his family.And he tries to read a new book every two weeks.He is trying to find a good balance (平衡)between work and life.

    (1)Which is the right order of Zuckerberg's activities in the morning?

    a.taking exercise
    b.taking a shower
    c.reading the phone messages
    d.choosing the clothes for the work
    (2)Which question does the writer answer in the third paragraph?

    A.he cooks breakfast in Zuckerberg's family?
    B.How does Zuckerberg go to work every day?
    C.Why does Zuckerberg spend much time with Beast?
    D.What clothes does Zuckerberg usually wear for work?
    (3)The underlined phrase "is also big on" most probably means "
    A.is good at
    B.is afraid of
    C.is sure about
    D.is interested in
    (4)In which part of the newspaper can we see the passage?

    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 4:0:8組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
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