For many schools in Thailand,there are two terms.The first term is from the first week of May to the first week of October.The second term starts from the first week of November and finishes at the last week of February or the first week of March.The students don't get a break for Christmas(圣誕節(jié)).But they get a 3-4 days' break for the New Year.
   For many students,a school day is very long.They usually get to school at 7:30 a.m.Classes begin at 8:00 a.m.There are three lessons in the morning and there are 50 minutes each (每個(gè))Students have lunch at 11:00 a.m.They don't have dining halls so they have to eat in the classroom.Lunch time finishes at 12:25 p.m.There are three lessons in the afternoon.School finishes at 3:15 p.m.Many schools have a "homework" lesson after school,so students usually go home after 4:45 p.m.

(1)How long is the first term in Thailand schools?

A.For six months.
B.For five months.
C.For four months.
D.For three moths.
(2)What does the underlined word "break" mean in Chinese?

(3)When do students usually get to school?

A.At 7:00 a.m.
B.At 7:30 a.m.
C.At 8:00 a.m.
D.At 8:30 a.m.
(4)Why do students have to eat lunch in the classroom?

A.Because their dining halls are very small.
B.Because they must do their homework after lunch.
C.Because they don't have dining halls.
D.Because they bring lunch to school.
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:6引用:1難度:0.6
  • 1.When learning new vocabulary (詞匯),don't just memorize a list of words.Instead,try to make a sentence with each new word.Then use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it.This way you will remember new words much longer.
       Sometimes practicing sound is difficult,the "th" sound for example.Choose words that begin with "th" and practise them over and over again until you are comfortable with them.Let's try!This,that,those,think,though,through,thin,thick…
       Read,read,read in English,of course!Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary and learn your grammar well in a natural and funny way.Be sure to choose topic or books you are interested in.
       When someone is talking in English,listen on the main point.If you hear a word,you don't understand, ignore it and go on listening.If you stop and think about the word,you will miss everything else.
    Always remember-----Practice makes perfect.

    (1)When we learn some new words,we should
    to remember them longer.
    A.remember the words one by one
    B.make a sentence with the words and use them often
    C.look up a dictionary
    D.write them down and memorize them
    (2)A good way to increase English vocabulary is to
    A.talk with others in English
    B.listen to some English programs
    C.read some English books you are interested in
    D.learn some grammars
    (3)What should we do when we listen to someone talking?

    A.Listen to every word carefully.
    B.Stop and guess the meanings when we don't know some words.
    C.Ask if you don't understand something.
    D.Listen for the main idea.
    (4)What is the meaning of the underlined word "ignore"?

    (5)Which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.When learning a new word,use it as often as you can on the first day.
    B.Repeat the sound over and over again if you find it difficult.
    C.If you want to learn more new words,choose any books to read.
    D.Practice makes perfect.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/14 0:0:8組卷:17引用:2難度:0.6
  • 2.Our school life is very interesting!My friends and I study hard at school.And we are good at our lessons.We are very happy.We have lots of time for our hobbies.My classmates all want to join different clubs.Helen wants to join the Reading Club,because she loves reading books.The Reading Club meets every Wednesday at three thirty.Lily loves dancing.She wants to join the Dancing Club.It meets on Mondays at four thirty.There's also an Art Club.It meets on Fridays at four o'clock.Nick doesn't want to join the Art Club.He doesn't like drawing because it is too difficult for him.Nick likes playing computer games.He wants to join the Computer Club.It meets every Thursday at three forty-five.Mike loves sports.He wants to join the football team.They practise every Monday at three thirty.I want to join the Music Club because I like listening to music with my friends.The Music Club meets on Tuesdays at three fifteen.My classmates and I are all very happy at school!
    (1)What does Helen like doing?

    (2)Does Lily love dancing?

    A.No.She likes singing.
    B.Yes,she does.
    C.No,she doesn't.
    D.Sorry I don't know.
    (3)Why doesn't Nick like drawing?

    A.Because he is busy.
    B.Because he likes sports.
    C.Because it is easy.
    D.Because he thinks it is too hard for him.
    (4)What team does Mike want to join?

    A.The football team.
    B.The basketball team.
    C.The badminton team.
    D.The volleyball team.
    (5)What does this passage talk about?

    A.Our school.
    B.My classmates.
    C.Our school life.
    D.My classmates and I.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/8 13:0:8組卷:68引用:2難度:0.3
  • 3.Mario always talked about how many friends he had at school.One day his grandpa said to him,"Mario,I don't think you have as many real friends as you think."
    Mario didn't agree with his grandpa.However,he wasn't sure who his real friends were.His grandpa said,"I have something for you."Grandpa left and soon came back.He seemed to carry (搬) something in his hands,but Mario could see nothing there.
    "Here is a special chair for you.You can't see it because it'sinvisible.When you sit on it,it will help you know who your real friends are."
    Mario took the chair to school.He asked everyone to stand around him and his chair."Look!You'll see something great."
    Mario tried to sit on the chair.Because he couldn't see the chair,he fell (跌倒) to the ground.Everyone laughed.Mario tried again.But again he fell to the ground.He kept trying to sit on the chair,and kept falling to the ground…On his last try,he didn't fall.
    Mario looked around and saw George,Lucas,and Diana-three of his best friends.They were holding him up (攙扶) so he wouldn't fall.At the same time,many others he thought of as friends did nothing.They just stood there and laughed at him.Then Mario knew who his real friends were.
    (1)Mario's grandpa gave him a chair to

    A.help him know who his real friends were
    B.let him sit comfortably at school
    C.help him make more friends
    D.let him help others in need
    (2)The underlined word"invisible"in Paragraph 3 means"
    "in Chinese.
    (3)Why did Mario always fall to the ground?

    A.Because the chair was too small.
    B.Because the chair could move around.
    C.Because there wasn't anything for him to sit on.
    D.Because his friends didn't help him to sit on the chair.
    (4)How many real friends did Mario have at school?

    A.None at all.
    D.As many as he thought.
    (5)What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

    A.Real friends will care about us,not laugh at us.
    B.Old people are always right about something.
    C.It's impossible to have a lot of real friends.
    D.Friends at school are real friends.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/9 12:0:9組卷:18引用:4難度:0.3
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