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發(fā)布:2024/8/29 9:0:9


  • 1.My name is Jason.I'm(1)
    happy boy.At school,I have(2)
    friends.At home,I have my mother,my father,my sister and my two brothers.They love(3)
    very much.I like to go to school every day because my teachers and classmates are all very(4)
    .I like history very much.(5)
    do I like studying history so much?Because history(6)
    very interesting.David is my good friend.We like many same things.I like black and he(7)
    black,too.Both of us like(8)
    soccer.We often play soccer(9)
    school.But we are different(不同) in some ways.I like apples,(10)
    he doesn't like them.He does well in Maths.I don't do well in Maths.

    (1) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the D./
    (2) A.a(chǎn)ny B.much C.many D.little
    (3) A.I B.me C.my D.mine
    (4) A.bad B.badly C.nicely D.nice
    (5) A.Why B.What C.When D.How
    (6) A.is B.a(chǎn)re C.do D.does
    (7) A.like B.likes C.don't like D.doesn't like
    (8) A.play B.plays C.playing D.to playing
    (9) A.for B.on C.a(chǎn)fter D.a(chǎn)t
    (10) A.so B.or C.a(chǎn)nd D.but


  • 2.Hello!I am Alan Miller.My(1)
    name is Miller.I'm from American,but now I study in Beijing.Only my father lives with me.We are both in the(2)
    school.He is a(3)
    .He likes his students,and his students like him,(4)
    .He also(5)
    them many interesting things about math.My father and I(6)
    a schoolbag in the school library.A watch,a pencil box and a dictionary are in it.The pencil box is green.The watch is black.(7)
    is the dictionary?It's red.
        Is it(8)
    ?Please come and(9)
    us for it.If you can't find us in the library,you can(10)
    us at Miller@gfimail.com.

    (1) A.first B.given C.family D.middle
    (2) A.one B.different C.difficult D.same
    (3) A.farmer B.teacher C.singer D.dancer
    (4) A.too B.well C.either D.a(chǎn)lways
    (5) A.does B.works C.gives D.teaches
    (6) A.found B.listened C.had D.lost
    (7) A.What color B.How about C.What about D.How much
    (8) A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his
    (9) A.tell B.look C.a(chǎn)nswer D.a(chǎn)sk
    (10) A.call B.write C.say D.e-mail


  • 3.
    Hello!My name is John Brown.I'm from England.I'm an English teacher at Beijing International School.My telephone number is 852 332.Zhang Hao,Alice and Yingzi are my students.
    I'm Zhang Hao.My English name is Peter.I'm eleven years old.I'm from Beijing.My telephone number is 887 653.
    Alice Brown is my name.I'm twelve.I'm from Canada.My mum is a teacher.My telephone number is 734 269.
    I'm Yingzi.I'm a girl.I'm fourteen years old.I'm from Japan.567 369 is my telephone number.
    (1)Who is not John Brown's student?

    C.Zhang Hao.
    (2)Peter is
    A.from the USA
    B.12 years old
    C.Zhang Hao's friend
    D.a(chǎn)n English name
    (3)Alice is a girl.Her telephone number is
    A.567 369
    B.887 653
    C.734 269
    D.852 332
    (4)Yingzi is
    A.a(chǎn) boy
    B.14 years old
    C.12 years old
    D.a(chǎn) Chinese girl
    (5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE(不正確)?

    A.John Brown is an English teacher.
    B.Zhang Hao is from China.
    C.Alice is a teacher.
    D.Yingzi is a girl student.
  • 4.My name is Jenny.I am in Green Middle School.This is my room.It is tidy.My books are in the bookcase.On the bed are my red quilt and a blue jacket.Where is my schoolbag?It's under the chair.
        Jim is my friend.He is my classmate,too.He is a nice boy,but his room is messy.Look!His books are everywhere—on the sofa,on the bed,under the chair.Where is his schoolbag?It isn't on his bed.It isn't under his desk.Oh!My God!He lost it in the school library!Who found his schoolbag?Please call him at 527-9651.

    (1)What is under Jenny's chair?

    A.A book.
    B.A quilt.
    C.A jacket.
    D.A schoolbag.
    (2)The Chinese meaning(意思) of "messy" is "
    (3)Where can you find Jim's books in his room?

    A.Under the bed.
    B.In the bookcase.
    C.Under the chair.
    D.In the schoolbag.
    (4)What can we know(了解) from the passage(短文)?

    A.Jenny's room is not tidy.
    B.Jim is Jenny's classmate but not her friend.
    C.Jim's phone number is 228-9999.
    D.Jim lost his schoolbag in the school library.
    (5)What is the best title(題目) for this passage?

    A.My Friend
    B.I Am Jenny
    C.My Tidy Room
    D.My Room and My Friend's Room
  • 5.配對(duì)閱讀。左欄是五個(gè)人的自述,右欄是七項(xiàng)活動(dòng),請(qǐng)為每個(gè)人選出最可能參加的活動(dòng),并將答案的字母編號(hào)填寫(xiě)在相應(yīng)的位置。
    Mike is a student,and he wants to learn basketball on weekends(周末).
    Mary will have a volleyball game this year,so she plays volleyball every day.
    Jim likes playing football.He can play it well.
    Emma's favorite star is Deng Yaping and she likes playing ping-pong with her friend May.
    Eric wants to learn to play football because he thinks it's fun.
    A.Happy Football Center:Do you want to learn soccer ?We have the best teachers.Come and enjoy it with us.
    B.Children Basketball Center:Opens from Monday to Friday.
    C.Ping-Pong Center:Come and play ping-pong with your friends.It's fun.
    D.Super Basketball Center:Opens on Saturdays and Sundays.You will have a great time.
    E.Tommy Tennis Center:Only opens on weekends.
    F.Timmy Football Center:If you can play soccer well,come to our soccer center.
    G.Girl's Volleyball Center:You can play volleyball here every day.


  • 6.My favorite colors are red and
  • 7.Her voice
    (聽(tīng)起來(lái)) beautiful.


  • 22.Hello.I am a student in Dongguan.I am from the UK.My first name is John.I can(1)
    it,J-O-H-N.My family name is Green.Look!This is my telephone.It's orange.You can call me(2)
    643-5638.That is my key.What(3)
    is the key?It's yellow.
       That nice(4)
    is my friend.She is Kate White.She has a very tidy room.Look,what's on her desk?Is it an eraser?Yes,it is.It's Kate's.Her quilt is pink.It looks nice.There are two(5)
    on the wall.In the first photo,we can see her and her family.In the next photo,we can see her and her friends.


  • 23.同學(xué)們,開(kāi)學(xué)一個(gè)多月,你認(rèn)識(shí)了一個(gè)叫Lily的好朋友。請(qǐng)你以My Good Friend為題寫(xiě)一篇70字左右的文章介紹一下你的這個(gè)新朋友。
    1 )她的個(gè)人信息(包括姓名,年齡,就讀班級(jí),喜歡的顏色等);
    2 )她的家庭情況(多少人,分別是誰(shuí),爸媽的工作等);
    3 )可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。注意書(shū)寫(xiě)工整。
    My Good Friend         
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