My name is Jason.I'm(1)
happy boy.At school,I have(2)
friends.At home,I have my mother,my father,my sister and my two brothers.They love(3)
very much.I like to go to school every day because my teachers and classmates are all very(4)
.I like history very much.(5)
do I like studying history so much?Because history(6)
very interesting.David is my good friend.We like many same things.I like black and he(7)
black,too.Both of us like(8)
soccer.We often play soccer(9)
school.But we are different(不同) in some ways.I like apples,(10)
he doesn't like them.He does well in Maths.I don't do well in Maths.

(1) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the D./
(2) A.a(chǎn)ny B.much C.many D.little
(3) A.I B.me C.my D.mine
(4) A.bad B.badly C.nicely D.nice
(5) A.Why B.What C.When D.How
(6) A.is B.a(chǎn)re C.do D.does
(7) A.like B.likes C.don't like D.doesn't like
(8) A.play B.plays C.playing D.to playing
(9) A.for B.on C.a(chǎn)fter D.a(chǎn)t
(10) A.so B.or C.a(chǎn)nd D.but
發(fā)布:2024/8/29 9:0:9組卷:3引用:3難度:0.5
  • 1.Three soldiers were on their way home from the war.When they arrived at a small village,they were very tired and(1)
    but they had no food or money.The only thing they had was a cooking pot(鍋).
        The soldiers built a small cooking fire,(2)
    their pot on it,and poured in some water.When a few villagers asked what they were doing,one of the soldiers answered that he was making stone(3)
    .A few more villagers walking by stopped to see what was going on.
      "Any soup needs salt and pepper,"the first soldier said,(4)
    some children ran to fetch salt and pepper."Stones can be used to prepare good soup,but tomatoes would make it so much(5)
    ," the second soldier added.One woman ran to get the tomatoes.
      "Some cabbage would be a proper choice for a good stone soup!" said the third soldier.Another woman said, "I think I can probably find some cabbage,"and she(6)

      "If only we had a bit of beef and some potatoes,this soup would be(7)
    for a rich man's table."The villagers thought it over,then ran to fetch what they had in their homes.A rich man's soup,and all from a few stones!It seemed like(8)
      The soldiers said, "If only we had a little milk,this soup would be fit for a king!" And so other villagers(9)
    to get some milk.
      "The soup is ready,"said the cooks,"and all will(10)
    it,but first we need to set the tables."Some of the villagers said,"Such a great soup would be better(11)
    some bread and cakes,"so they brought the(12)
    two things and the meal was(13)
    by all.Never had there been such a(14)
    meal.Never had the villagers had such delicious soup,and all made from stones!They ate and drank and danced well into the night.
      In the morning,the villagers gathered to say goodbye."Many thanks to you," they said, "for we shall(15)
    go hungry now that we have learned how to make soup from stones."

    (1) A.sick B.healthy C.sleepy D.hungry
    (2) A.drew B.placed C.left D.through
    (3) A.fire B.soup C.pot D.wall
    (4) A.but B.or C.so D.while
    (5) A.higher B.wiser C.worse D.better
    (6) A.came in B.got in C.ran off D.took off
    (7) A.happy B.fit C.general D.bad
    (8) A.magic B.art C.interest D.supper
    (9) A.returned B.came C.managed D.jumped
    (10) A.taste B.buy C.use D.sell
    (11) A.over B.without C.with D.like
    (12) A.first B.last C.only D.other
    (13) A.enjoyed B.given C.needed D.brought
    (14) A.special B.small C.lucky D.proper
    (15) A.later B.ever C.never D.sometimes
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 6:0:8組卷:7引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.A farmer named Sam walked 12 miles into town one day to buy some supplies(日常用品).He and his wife lived in the countryside and didn't know much about the world.
       As he was buying his things,the owner of the store(1)
    (say), "Hey,Sam.I have something special here(2)
    you might like.It's(3)
    (call) a 'match'.You can use it to make a fire.It's very convenient!"
       "Is that right?" Sam said. "That sounds very(4)
    (use).Can you show me(5)
    it works?"
       "Sure," the store owner said.He then took out(6)
    match and struck(劃)it against the side of his pants.Sam was(7)
    (surprise) to see it light up.
       "Well,that does look pretty great,(8)
    I don't think I'd be interested(9)
    something like that," Sam said.
       The store owner asked(10)
    (serious), "Why not?Surely you could find a way to use this on your farm."
       Sam answered, "Well,I can't walk 12 miles into town every time I want to borrow your pants to start a fire."
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 6:0:8組卷:18引用:1難度:0.2
  • 3.An Oklahoma teacher is being praised because she has taught her students a special lesson that they will not soon forget.
       Karen Loewe has been teaching seventh and eighth grade students for over 22 years.But recently one of her classes was the most powerful.She decided to try a new exercise with her students called "The Emotional Baggage (情感包袱) Activity".During the class,she asked students to write some emotional baggage of their own without names on the paper.They could describe their issues as freely as they wanted.Then teenagers were asked to take turns reading what their classmates wrote,and all of them were given a chance to discuss the writing.
       "I'm here to tell you,I have never been so moved to tears by what these teenagers wrote and shared with the class," Loewe wrote on the Internet. " The students who read and listened to the articles cried because what they were reading and listening to were moving.The students who shared them would cry sometimes,too.I strongly believe that my kids will criticize a little less and love a little more." And Loewe's students have clearly been so much more respectful to each other.
       Since writing about her exercise on social media,Loewe's post has been shared more than 500,000 times.Teachers from all over the world have reached out to her about performing similar activities in their own classrooms.Loewe keeps all the articles in a plastic bag so that her students won't soon forget their exercise.Loewe wrote on her post, "I will leave the bag at the door.As they leave,I tell them they are not alone,they are loved,and we have each other's report."

    (1)On their paper,the students wrote
    A.what was troubling them
    B.what they would never forget
    C.wonderful things in their lives
    D.their own thoughts and names
    (2)From Loewe's post we can learn that
    A.Loewe read the articles to her students
    B.Loewe hoped to see more moving stories
    C.Loewe thought the exercise was meaningful
    D.Loewe told her students to see things from two sides
    (3)After knowing Loewe's activity,many teachers
    A.went to visit her
    B.wrote letters to praise her
    C.wanted to follow her example
    D.tried to learn how to perform
    (4)The plastic bag is kept mainly to
    A.advise the students to respect teachers
    B.ask other teachers to care about their students
    C.show the exercise will be performed again
    D.remind the students that they are loved and supported
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 6:0:8組卷:2引用:1難度:0.5
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