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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第I卷(選擇題)第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)第一節(jié)(共 15小題;每小題6分,滿分 30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。

  • 1.Take a closer look at the wonders of Kew Gardens by joining a guided walking tour.Led by our knowledgeable volunteer guides,it is a fun and informative way to explore the grounds.
       Free daily walking tours
       Tours leave at 11 am and 1:30 pm from the information desk at Victoria Gate Plaza.Each guide presents their own tour and takes in the highlights (最精彩的部分) of the season.
       Themed tours
       Tours leave at 12 from the information desk at Victoria Gate Plaza.Our guides offer attractive seasonal themes including Autumn Colour and Winter Evergreens.
       Expert-guided tours
       Every Tuesday throughout the year at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm,we'll be holding an expert-guided tour.The tour will feature(以……為特色)a different plant each month and you'll go behind the Scenes and talk to Kew staff about their work.You'll find out interesting facts about the featured plant or fungus(真菌),including why it's grown at Kew and how it's used and cared for.
       The cost is £60 per guide(this does not include your entry to the Gardens).Each guide can take up to 15 people.Groups of more than 15 must book more than one guide.Smaller groups are also accepted but the cost remains £60.
       Tours take about one hour and may be booked from 10 am every day.Please note that no refunds(退款) can be given once tickets are booked.

    (1)What time can you choose if you go to free daily walking tours?

    A.9 am.
    B.10 am.
    C.11 am.
    D.2:30 pm.
    (2)What can we learn about expert-guided tours?

    A.People can get in touch with experts ahead of time.
    B.People have no choice but to go on Tuesday.
    C.People can be warmly received by the staff.
    D.People can have a taste of fungus.
    (3)How much is the guide cost for 5 people?

    A. £60.
    B. £120.
    C. £150.
    D. £300.
  • 2.A 9-year-old girl from Ohio is making a big difference to the lives of children throughout the United States who are hospitalized.I recently met with Sarah Tryon at her home in Montville Township to learn more about her nonprofit organization,Help Me Color A Rainbow.
       In 2016,Sarah was admitted to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland because of an illness.She was bored during her stay and wanted to color a picture. "I requested crayons but there were none available," said Jackie Tryon,Sarah's mother.She was told that there were not enough crayons for all the children in the hospital.Because of germs,used crayons were not passed from one patient to another. "I wanted to color a rainbow,but I couldn't," Sarah explained. "I didn't want other kids like me to have that same experience."
       Sarah told her parents that when she got better,she was going to come back to the hospital and bring a bunch of crayons for the kids.Her parents thought that they would buy a few crayons and drop them off,but Sarah had a bigger vision. "We got the community involved by setting up crayon drop-off locations at fire departments,schools,and shops," Sarah said.Word spread on Facebook,and then a Cleveland news channel picked up the story.Sarah soon earned the nickname "The Crayon Girl".
       Sarah's parents helped turn her vision into a nonprofit organization,Help Me Color A Rainbow.An annual charity golf tournament is now held to raise money for additional crayons.Up to now, "The Crayon Girl" has donated more than 49,000 boxes of crayons to children's hospitals. "Many people believe that kids can't make a difference in the world," Jackie Tryon said. "But Sarah did.Sarah has made 49,000 differences.

    (1)Why did Sarah want to color a rainbow?

    A.To surprise her parents.
    B.To do something interesting.
    C.To teach other kids to do like this.
    D.To collect money for additional crayons.
    (2)What can we learn about Sarah's mother from the last paragraph?

    A.She gets interested in drawing.
    B.She is proud of her daughter.
    C.She'll take part in golf tournament.
    D.She makes a difference in the world.
    (3)Which of following best describes Sarah?

    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.The Crayon Girl
    B.Give Me More Love
    C.Help Me Color a Rainbow
    D.Sarah and Her Interesting Ideas
  • 3.Spending time in nature has been known to positively impact mental health for some time now,but even greenery planted along a sidewalk line can be beneficial.
       Mental health experts have long believed the health benefits of spending time in nature and there're many related studies.A team of German researchers studied the long-term connection between living in an urban area where there are fewer green spaces and levels of depression.To understand the impact of being near a green space-specifically,trees planted along neighborhood sidewalks-they examined data from 10,000 residents of Leipzig,the most populated city in Saxony,Germany.Researchers assessed the number and type of street trees,how close they were planted to homes,and the number of drugs residents take to treat depression.
       In addition to their closeness to green spaces,researchers also took into account the age,employment status,gender,and body weight of each of the participants.They found that trees located within 100 meters of the home were associated with a lower risk of being given antidepressants(抗抑郁藥),particularly in poor or unimportant neighborhoods.As these populations are usually at a greater risk of being given antidepressants in Germany,the findings prove just how beneficial green spaces in urban areas can be for improving mental health.
       "Our findings suggest that street trees-a publicly accessible form of urban green spaces taking up a small area-can help close the gap in health inequalities between economically different social groups," says Dr.Melissa Marselle,lead author of the study. "This is good news because street trees are relatively easy to achieve and their number can be increased without much planning effort."
       In addition to the mental health benefits for humans,planting more trees is also good for the environment. "Adding street trees in residential urban areas is a nature-based solution that may not only promote mental health,but also contribute to biodiversity conservation and mitigating climate change,says senior author Professor Aletta Bonn.

    (1)How did the German team obtain their findings?

    A.By conducting experiments.
    B.By carrying out an analysis.
    C.By referring to previous studies.
    D.By interviewing 10,000 residents.
    (2)What did the researchers find?

    A.Spending time in nature has health benefits.
    B.Green spaces have different effects on people.
    C.People in poor areas suffer depression more easily.
    D.Trees close to homes may reduce the risk of depression.
    (3)What does the underlined word "mitigating" in the last paragraph probably mean?

    (4)Why does the author write this text?

    A.To give tips on planting trees.
    B.To report a discovery in medicine.
    C.To present the findings of a study.
    D.To share a way to fight depression.

第三部分:寫作(共兩節(jié), 滿分10分)第一節(jié):短文改錯 (共10分;每小題10分,滿分10分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下短文。短文中共有10處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
    2、只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起) 不計分。
    Dear Sir or Madame,
        I am a middle school student.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointments about the unpleasant experience.
        The reason of my dissatisfaction is about the quality of the books that I order on the Internet the other day.They are bestsellers by my favorite author.Unfortunate,when they arrived,quite a few pages were found missing and badly damaged,greatly affect my understanding of the books.In addition,the price is higher than it in our local bookstores.Under these circumstances,I wanted to exchange them for new ones or declare the refund.However,I haven't been received any reply up till now.I wonder that it is possible for you to suggest a solution.
        I would appreciate if you could take my opinion into consideration.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

第二節(jié):書面表達 (共25分)

  • 9.英語學習的目的之一就是傳播中國文化,因此你校校報舉行了以"How to Spread Chinese Culture in English"為主題的征文,請你寫一篇文章,談談你的看法,內容包括:
    How to Spread Chinese Culture in English
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