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發(fā)布:2024/7/27 8:0:9

閱讀理解(共兩節(jié), 滿分50.0分)

  • 1.閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中最佳選項(xiàng)。
    Best Things to Do This Weekend on Long Island Looking for activities on the weekend?We've rounded up some wonderful activities for you.
        The acrobatic (雜技的) performance
        Traditional Chinese acrobatics and circus (馬戲團(tuán))arts go hand in hand at a performance of "Cirque Mei," 8 p.m.Saturday at the Patchogue Theatre.Mixing contemporary with traditional Chinese circus acts,the performers from the Hebei Province of China present collective bicycle skills,foot juggling with umbrellas,ladder balancing,and hoops diving.Tickets must be reserved in advance.
        INFO 631-207-1313,patchoguetheatre.org
        ADMISSION ﹩69
        The return of Elvis
        The "King of Rock and Roll" is in the spotlight once again during "Elvis Seen/ Unseen," at NYCB Theatre at Westbury,8 p.m.Sunday.The concert features never-before-seen video footage of Elvis Presley,and live music performed by the TCB Band.
        INFO 516-247-5200,thetheatreatwestbury.com
        ADMISSION ﹩50
        The book signing
        The award-winning actress and one of the hosts of "The View," whoopi Goldberg comes to Huntington to sign her new book, "The Unqualified Hostess," 7 p.m.Sunday.The book gives her personal advice including tips on entertaining,setting a unique table,and decorating for guests.Visitors must buy the book at Book Revue to get on the signing line.
        INFO 631-271-1442,bookrevue.com
        ADMISSION Free;S35 plus tax (稅款) for the book
        The Drip Painting workshop
        The drip Painting family workshop for ages 4-12 teaches children how to express their feelings creatively through art,10:00-11:30 am Saturday.Meet at the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center,830 Springs Fireplace Rd.,for the workshop.Everyone leaves with a masterpiece (杰作) of their.own.
        INFO 917-502-0790,imaginearted.com
        ADMISSION ﹩40

    (1)Which number should you phone to learn more about the live rock concert?

    (2)What do we know about the book signing?

    A.It allows people to enter free.
    B.It is held on a Sunday morning.
    C.It is inviting Whoopi Goldberg to make a speech.
    D.It is giving away some books by Whoopi Goldberg.
    (3)Which of the following is just intended for children?

    A.The book signing.
    B.The return of Elvis.
    C.The acrobatic performance.
    D.The drip painting workshop.
  • 2.    I waited 14 years to do something that I should have done in my first year of teaching:shadow a student for a day.
        This is the first year I am working in a school but not teaching my own classes.Being the High School Learning Coach,a new position for the school this year,my job is to work with teachers and administrators(管理人員) to improve students' learning outcomes.
        As part of getting my feet wet,my principal suggested I "be" a student for a day:I was to complete all the work of a 10th-grade student.My task was to do everything the student was supposed to do:If there were notes on the board,I copied them as fast as I could into my notebook;if there was a chemistry experiment,I did it with my host student;if there was a test,I took it.
        I could not believe how dog-tired I was after the day,because I literally sat down the whole day,except for walking to and from classes.We forget as teachers,because we are on our feet a lot --- in front of the board,walking as we speak,circling around the room to check on student work...we move a lot.
        But students almost never move,because in every class,the expectation was for us to come in,take our seats,and sit down for the whole class.Therefore,by the end of the day I was eager to move.I had planned to go back to my office and write down some notes on the day,but I was so exhausted that I couldn't do anything but watch TV and I was in bed by 8:30.
        If I could do back and change my classes now,I would immediately change the following three things:
        ①mandatory stretch(強(qiáng)制伸展)halfway through the class;
        ②put a basketball hoop(籃筐)on the back of my door and encourage kids to play in the first and final minutes of class;
        ③build a hands-on,move-around activity into every single class day.

    (1)Why did the principal suggest the author do the task?

    A.To help the author with her new job.
    B.To allow the author to realize her dream.
    C.To let the author learn from other teachers.
    D.To test whether the author was a good coach.
    (2)What was the author supposed to do in class?

    A.Instruct the students how to take notes.
    B.Find out what subject the students liked.
    C.Do what the students were required to do.
    D.Teach students to do chemical experiments.
    (3)How did the author feel after the day?

    A.She lost interest in TV.
    B.She had pity for students.
    C.She felt unsatisfied with the school.
    D.She thought teachers move too much.
    (4)What do the three changes have in common?

    A.They are after-class activities.
    B.They encourage students to love sports.
    C.They prevent students from sitting too long.
    D.They are good for both teachers and students.
  • 3.Jack White is a 17-year-old student who has already published a collection of poetry with a local publisher Jack believes switching (轉(zhuǎn))to an all-boys school from his coed (男女同校)high school changed his life.
       "When I was at my coed school,poetry was for girls not boys,Guys were supposed to like subjects like math,computers,and science.When I wrote poems,the guys at school used to make fun of me and girls didn't want to date me.At my new school,things are different.I don't worry what girls are thinking since there aren't any."
       Jack may not realize that boys and girls also learn and think differently based on specific (具 體的) biological developments.These differences affect how and when boys and girls learn,so single-sex education is actually better for children.
       Take,for example,brain development.The areas of the brain related to language,feelings,physical coordination (協(xié)調(diào)),and social relationships,develop in a different order and speed in girls and boys.Research has shown that girls' brains develop the connections between language and emotions earlier than boys' brains.In a single-sex classroom,everyone's brain is developing at similar speeds,so teachers can teach according to their students' actual abilities.
       Boys and girls also have different hearing abilities.Girls have a sense of hearing which is two to Our times better than.boys.Women teachers often speak more quietly so boys may have more difficulty hearing a woman teacher if sh,e is talking in.her "normal" voice.The teacher needs to speak louder to get the boys' attention.In a single-sex school,teachers do not have to keep adjusting (調(diào)整) their voice.
       Jack might not be aware of the biological arguments why single-sex education is better,but he realizes that he is learning faster at his new school.As Jack says,"I hated writing and studying English in my old coed school,but now I'm a published poet!My new school helped me become comfortable with who I really am.

    (1)What do we know about Jack' s former school?

    A.It published Jack's poetry collection.
    B.It was a school attended by both sexes.
    C.It didn' t provide native language classes.
    D.It discouraged students from writing poems.
    (2)Why does the author say single-sex education is better for children?

    A.Girls are smarter than boys.
    B.Boys are easily attracted by girls.
    C.Girls have natural differences from boys.
    D.Boys and girls are good at different subjects.
    (3)What will probably happen in a single-sex classroom?

    A.Students make progress at the same speed.
    B.Students learn to express themselves freely.
    C.Teachers speak louder to make themselves heard.
    D.Teachers match lesson plans with student abilities.
    (4)Jack thinks that his new school has helped him to

    A.raise awareness of education
    B.find confidence in learning
    C.improve ability to publish
    D.reduce chance of dating
  • 4.     "Helicopter (直升機(jī)) parenting" describes a style of raising children where parents are over-protective and do too much.The term describes parents who hover over their kids at home and on the playground like a helicopter.Today,modern technology allows these helicopter parents to hover from even far away.They can give their children directions at any moment from anywhere.
        Julie Lythcott-Haims wrote a book titled How to Raise an Adult:Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kids for Success.In her book,she gives readers a closer look at this parenting style.She also explains why parents should stop it.
        Julie Lythcott-Haims says she experienced the effects of helicopter parenting first-hand when she worked as dean of first-year students at Stanford University.The incoming students,or freshmen,she says,were very smart and accomplished on paper.But many were unable to take care of themselves. "They were turning to parents constantly for guidance,for problem-solving,to have them make the choice about something."
        Lythcott-Haims warns this kind of parenting has many short-term wins but long-term costs that harm the child.She uses an area common to most children--a playground.Lythcott-Haims suggests letting your child get a little hurt.
        "If you do your child's homework,it will be perfect.That is what she calls the short-term win.The long-term cost is that your child may not feel capable.And he does not become a determined learner,meaning he will give up easily when faced with a difficult problem to solve." So what can parents do if they want to break the over-parenting "helicopter" cycle?Reading Julie's book,you can follow some ways to stop hovering over your children.In a word,when kids have all the skills to take care of themselves,they will be prepared for adulthood.

    (1)The underlined words "hover over" in Paragraph 1 probably mean "
    A.deal with
    B.fly over
    C.stare at
    D.circle around
    (2)What does the "helicopter parent" believe?

    A.Short-term wins can harm the kids.
    B.Getting protection from parents is necessary.
    C.Trying to make decisions should be valued.
    D.Learning from failure is helping kids.
    (3)What should parents do for their children based on Julie's study?

    A.Encourage them to do what they can do.
    B.Help them grow with parents' protection.
    C.Guide them in doing as parents do or say.
    D.Prevent them from playing on a playground.
    (4)What would be the best title for the passage?

    A.How to Break the Over-Parenting Cycle
    B.How to Help Adults with Their Problems
    C.Helicopter Parenting Is Well Worth Trying
    D.Helping Children Too Much Is Hurting Them
  • 5.閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。
        Teenagers hate being treated like children,but don't expect them to be teenagers. (1)
    but parents trying to encourage these changes often do more harm than good.
        For example,you and the rest of your family are heading up to the mall for a few hours. (2)
    ,so you decide not to encourage her to come with you.It seems like a very respectful thing to take into account her feelings,but when you return she is unhappy. (3)
    .She could have been caught up in a friend drama or some other kind of drama,or she could be feeling hurt. (4)
    ,but maybe you should have at least talked with her about it.Even knowing that you wanted to spend time with her would probably have made her feel good.
        Some people may say that it is unreasonable for parents to allow their children to ask for constant (不斷的) attention,but spending 30 extra seconds to make sure your children know you care about them only allows them to have a part of the self-worth they are so lacking (缺乏) at this time in their lives.
        Expecting them to be emotionally distant (疏遠(yuǎn))from you only strengthens the idea that they should be. (5)
    .When they need a break from the high school soap opera,you will both be glad you didn't close that door.

    A.So you are trying to be supportive
    B.Actively listen to her and say as little as possible
    C.Maybe she really didn't want to go to the mall with you
    D.Your daughter doesn't want to be seen with you in public
    E.Many things could have gone wrong while you were away
    F.Always give them the choice to be an independent teen or your baby girl
    G.They are growing up and may want to change things about their habits or activities


  • 16.We meet
    (regular) to discuss the progress of the project.
  • 17. Try to develop a little more critical
    (think),instead of accepting everything.
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