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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Choosing the most beautiful ski resort in the Alps is like picking the prettiest diamond.
       With white peaks and sparkling snow,the following 4 European treasures will spark instant alpine urges.
       Unique selling points:High-mountain setting,in-your-face glaciers.
       Saas-Fee hit the right notes as the setting for Wham! 's "Last Christmas" music video in 1984.It's a pleasing Swiss village among glaciers and mountains.Fabled 4,000-meter peaks such as the Dom,the Taschhom and the Alphubel dot the skyline.
         Worth the trip:For you to rub shoulders with real mountaineers,the Britannia Hutte is a climbers' refuge,just 15 minutes walk from the nearest lift.A simple lunch on its sunny balcony offers grand views.
         Britannia Hutte,3906 Saas Fee,Switzerland; +41 27 966 81 00
       Unique selling points:Cute houses,the bygone feel.
       Alpbach has long known what its best features are and made a point of highlighting them.The medieval (中世紀(jì)的)village's traditional wooden farmhouses proved to be head-turners for early tourists and planners.
       Farming is still very much alive here.It has landed the prize as "Austria's most beautiful village".And the competition for that one is tough.
       Worth the trip:Boglalm is an Alpbach favorite,offering authentic local food such as beef soup and grilled sausage.
       Boglalm,6236 Alpbach,Austria; +43 5336 5177
       Unique selling points:Mont Blanc views,stylish center,scent of pine.
       Megeve muscles into the list by virtue of its location,with close-up views- of Mont Blanc,Western Europe's highest peak.The town was one of the first purpose-built resorts in the Alps.Cruising the wonderfully wooded lower slopes fills your nostrils (鼻孔) with the pleasant scent of pine.
    Worth the trip:Foodies are spoiled for choice in Megeve,especially in three-Michelin-starred Flocons de Sel.
       Flocons de Sel,1775 Route du Leutaz,74120 Megeve,F(xiàn)rance;+33 027 967 25 52
     (4)Cortina d'Ampezzo,Italy
       Unique selling points:a magnet for the beautiful set,an Olympic site.
    Just two hours north of Venice,Cortina d'Ampezzo is in a UNESCO World Natural Heritage region.Cortina hosted the Winter Olympics in 1956 and was the setting for a certain James Bond film.
       Worth the trip:If it's good enough for Mr.Bond,Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel might do the job for you.Or take up 007's license to thrill and hit the Olympic bobsled (長(zhǎng)橇)run.
       Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel,ViaPezie 103,32043 Cortina d'Ampezzof,Italy; +39 0436 4201

    (1)Who will choose to vacation,in Alpbach?

    A.Fans of the band Wham! 's.
    B.Lovers of ancient European architecture.
    C.Skiers of the Mount Everest area.
    D.Enthusiasts of James Bond films.
    (2)Which resort offers the most high-end food?

    D.Cortina d'Ampezzo,Italy.
    (3)In which column can the text be found in a newspaper?

  • 2.An eight-year-old boy self-published a graphic novel about Christmas but never expected the book to attract a large fen base in the U.S.and overseas.
       Author Dillon Helbig wrote the book,titled "The Adventures of Dillon Helbig's Christmas",because he "likes Christmas and decorations".
       Dillon's journey to getting it published is a pretty interesting story.
       During Christmas break,the second-grader penned the book filled with pictures.The book begins with Dillion himself decorating a Christmas tree.The star on top of the tree explodes,and then he is sucked into a portal (入口).
       Over just four days,the boy filled in 81 pages of a journal.Then he went to the local Ada Community Library with his mother.
       "He wanted to get his story out there so all the kids can read his adventures," his mother said.
       He was unsure how to get his book on the library shelf,so he planned to sneak (潛行)past the librarians.
       "There were a lot of librarians," Dillon said,but he successfully slid his book onto a children's picture-book shelf.
       One of the librarians found it.And he said, "Oh,this is kind of interesting." And he added it to the catalog.
       After secretly posting his book,Dillon's graphic novel attracted fans.56 people were on the waiting list to check it out by the end of January.The number has grown to 88 this week.Demand for Dillon's graphic novel extends beyond the United States.One of the librarians received inquiries for the book from The Netherlands and Bangladesh.
       Dillon has wanted to publish a book since he was five.Thelibrary gave Dillon an award for "best young novelist",which he does have a lot to be proud of.

    (1)What inspired the boy to write the novel?

    A.His desire to attract fans worldwide,
    B.His interest in Christmas and decorations.
    C.Ct His plan to add to the library catalog.
    D.His dream to win a literature award.
    (2)What can we learn about the book from the text?

    A.It contains only pictures.
    B.It is a very thick book.
    C.It took three years to finish.
    D.It was written by hand.
    (3)Why did Dillon go to the library with his mum?

    A.To share his book with other kids.
    B.To present his book to a librarian.
    C.To communicate with overseas readers.
    D.To borrow a children's picture book
    (4)Which word best describes the novel?

  • 3.Slurp&Sip is a cheerful bistro (小酒館)in Shanghai that specializes in exotic southwestern food from Yunnan Province,
       Niu Yun,who hails from Kunming,Yunnan Province,opened her first eatery (小餐館)in 2014 after studying in London.
       "At that time there weren't many choices for Yunnan food,and I think the province has so much tasty food and such a diverse food culture that I could bring to Shanghai," she said. "After meeting a few good friends who also love Yunnan cuisine,we decided to open a simple Yunnan eatery focusing on street food to start with,introducing Yunnan rice noodles and street snacks I used to buy every day after school."
       Opening this new restaurant after operating Slurp for a few years is a natural step for Niu Yun and her partners.The menu of Slurp&Sip pays homage (敬意)to Niu's origins with a major focus on Dai flavors.
       "My mum is Dai,and I remember every time she brought me back to her hometown the food really made a strong impression.From how they cook and the ingredients they use,all are very special to me.Dai food is all about fresh and mixed ingredients,as well as natural and original ways of cooking." she said.
       "I feel diners shouldn't only know about crossing the bridge rice noodles and steampot chicken when we talk about Yunnan food.We have such a diverse culture with so many different minorities,so I decided to start with the one I'm the most connected with J she added.
       Dai cuisine is characterized by a combination of fresh herbs,chilis and acidic elements.It incorporates lots of great produce from the province's southernmost prefecture.
       Dai food is also full of barbecue items often seen in night markets,such as roasted lemongrass stuffed fish,roasted chicken and roasted pork with Dai spices,all of which grace Slurp&Sip 's menu.

    (1)What motivated Niu Yun to focus on Dai flavors?

    A.Her education.
    C.Her origins.
    D.Her friends.
    (2)How does Niu Yun feel about Yunnan food?

    A.It's delicious and popular.
    B.It's natural and organic.
    C.It's fresh and nutritious.
    D.It's varied and diverse.
    (3)What can be said about Slurp&Sip?

    A.It's influenced by night market atmosphere.
    B.It combines Southeastern Asian flavors.
    C.It offers roasted items with Dai spices.
    D.It represents authentic Kunming food.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Try the Ethnic Dai Food from Yunnan
    B.An Overseas Returnee's New Career
    C.Slurp&Sip Is Back Here with its Legend
    D.Explore China with Food and Drinks


  • 8.假定英語(yǔ)課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫(xiě)的以下作文。文中共有10處錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加;在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏詞符號(hào)(∧),并在其下面寫(xiě)出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\ )劃掉。修改:在錯(cuò)的詞下畫(huà)一橫線,并在該詞下面寫(xiě)出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;
         My classmates and I visited the city museum on last Friday,where an exhibition of the traditional Chinese folk handicrafts was going on.A great many crafted items were on display,so each of them had a unique style.While admiring them,we feel proud of the wisdoms of the Chinese people.Besides,some craftsmen invited to show how to make them,which was very impressive.We were such amazed that we couldn't tear us away.We thought the exhibition was well worth visited.It was the trip to the museum which helped us to learn more about the Chinese art and culture.It is wide acknowledged that appreciating one5s own culture is important for understanding oneself.


  • 9.假定你是學(xué)校英文報(bào)主編李華,計(jì)劃舉行"身邊的榜樣"(A Role Model in My Life)征文活動(dòng)。請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一封郵件給英國(guó)朋友Eric約稿,郵件內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Erie,----------------------------------------------
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