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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、聽對話回答問題(計10分, 每小題1分)本部分共有10道小題, 每小題你將聽到一段對話, 每段對話聽兩遍。在聽每段對話前, 你將有5秒鐘的時間閱讀題目;聽完每段對話后, 你仍有5秒鐘的時間選出你認(rèn)為最合適的備選答案。請在聽到“嘀“的信號時, 進(jìn)入下一小題。)

  • 1.Which sport does Ricky like to watch?
    A. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    B. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    C. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
  • 2.What does Helen want to buy today?
    A. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    B. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    C. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
  • 3.What does the boy dislike most about school?
    A. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    B. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    C. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
  • 4.What does Jim want to be when he is older?
    A. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    B. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
    C. 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)
  • 5.What's wrong with Nick?
    A.He has a headache.
    B.He has a toothache.
    C.He has a stomachache.
  • 6.What does the woman advise the boy to do tonight?
    A.Go to bed early.
    B.Stay up late.
    C.Stay awake.
  • 7.What did Tina do last night?
    A.She called Eric.
    B.She stayed with her friends.
    C.She went to the cinema alone.
  • 8.What will Sandy do this weekend?
    A.She will go for a picnic.
    B.She will go to the beach.
    C.She will go to a birthday party.
  • 9.How many students in Alice's class will take part in tomorrow's sports meeting?
  • 10.Why can't the girl sleep well at night?
    A.Because she didn't pass her exam.
    B.Because she worries about the coming exam.
    C.Because she misses her parents very much.

二、聽對話和短文回答問題(計10分, 每小題2分)

  • 11.(1)What does Lucy do?
    A.She is a cleaner.
    B.She is a driver.
    C.She is a volunteer.
    (2)Where will Mike work?
    A.In a fruit store.
    B.In a car factory.
    C.In an animals' home.
  • 12.聽第一篇短文,回答第13-15小題,請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案,完成信息記錄表。答題完畢,請等待"嘀"的信號,進(jìn)入下一篇短文。
    Tim Berners-Lee
    In 1955 He was born In the UK.
    In 1973 He began to study(1)________ at Oxford University,and he made a computer.
    In 1989 He had the idea of the World Wide Web.
    In 1994 He lived in (2)_________ until now.
    In 1995 He wrote an article in(3)_______ .
    B.Computer Science
    (2)A.the UK
    (3)A.The New York Times
    B.The Times
    C.The Los Angeles Times
  • 13.(1)How many school hours are there in the speaker's school?
    A.Five hours.
    B.Six hours.
    C.Seven hours.
    (2)How many lunch hours are there in the speaker's school?
    A.Half an hour
    B.One hour
    C.One and a half hours.
    (3)Why does the speaker have Maths every day?
    A.Because it is useful.
    B.Because it is the main subject.
    C.Because the speaker is interested in it.
    (4)How often does the speaker go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre?
    A.Every week.
    B.Every day
    C.Every month.
    (5)What's the best title for the passage?
    A.My school.
    B.My ideal subject.
    C.My ideal school.

三、單項選擇(本題共15小題;每小題1分, 滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中, 選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項, 并將答案寫在答題卡上。

  • 14.-Girls were born inside pink roses according to ________ European story.
    -It's ________ great fun.( ?。?/div>
  • 15.一What do you think of Jason?
    —He has __________ me with his good sense of humour.( ?。?/div>
  • 16.一How pretty Alice looks ___________ a red skirt!
    一Yes.I'm a little green ________ envy.How I wish I were as pretty as her!( ?。?/div>


  • 47.It's rare to see a team earn 11 straight wins (連勝) in a tournament (錦標(biāo)賽). However, the Chinese Women's volleyball team has done it!
        On Sept 29, China took the Women's Volleyball World Cup Trophy(獎杯) in Japan. The team didn't lose any of its games during the tournament. It was also the team's 10th world title (冠軍).
    "The trophy is the best gift to celebrate the 70th birthday of New China," People's Daily said in an article.
        The Chinese Women's volleyball team has long been the pride of Chinese athletics. In the 1980s, the team won five world titles in a row (連續(xù)),which raised people's confidence at the time. Since then its fighting spirit has encouraged generations (一代代) of people, both within the team and across the country.
        Working hard was the key to the team's success. The World Cup was played in several different cities and the team didn't have much time to train. The girls had to squeeze in (擠出) training time when they could. On Sept 25, for example, they arrived in Osaka at 2:30 pm and started training only an hour later.
        Never giving up, especially during difficult times, is also the key to getting success, according to head coach Lang Ping. Many of the team's members kept on playing even after being hurt.
       With their latest win, the girls are ready to prepare for next year's Tokyo Olympics.

    (1)Where did China take the Women's Volleyball World Cup Trophy on Sept 29?

    (2)What were the keys to helping the Women's Volleyball team win the tournament?

    (3)What time did the team start training after they arrived in Osaka on Sept 25?

    (4)Who is the coach of the Chinese Women's volleyball team?

    (5)What will the girls prepare for with their latest win?


  • 48.已經(jīng)升入九年級一個多月的你對新同學(xué)有所了解了吧。請根據(jù)下表內(nèi)的提示內(nèi)容寫一篇英語短文介紹一位你熟悉的同學(xué)David。說說他學(xué)習(xí)生活中的優(yōu)點(diǎn)以及存在的問題,并對他今后的學(xué)習(xí)生活提些建議。
    個人情況 優(yōu)點(diǎn) 缺點(diǎn)
    性格品質(zhì)及素養(yǎng) 幽默、活躍….. 有時候缺乏耐心
    團(tuán)結(jié)合作與交流 能和同學(xué)同甘共苦。如:…… 不善言辭不善交流
    學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣與能力 勤奮,是班上的尖子生 膽子不夠大不敢在同學(xué)面前講話
    體育運(yùn)動與健康 身體強(qiáng)壯,經(jīng)常鍛煉…… 視力(eyesight)差
    你的建議 (1)空余時間里多和同學(xué)交談
        Now I am a Grade 9 student.I have got to know many new classmates.David is one of them and I'd like to tell you something about him.
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