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  • 1.閱讀下列短文,從短文后每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。
       Have you ever wondered what the great game of Lawn Bowling is all about and have you ever wanted to try it out?If yes,then hopefully this page will tell you all you want to know.Finding a Club
       A full list of all the clubs who are members of the BLI (Bowling League of Ireland)can be found at https://irishlawnbowls.ie/bli-club/.Clubs are delighted to welcome new members and will be delighted to show you the basics of the game if you visit them.To check a suitable time to visit,you can contact the club secretary whose details you will get on the above online pages.Joining a Club
       Membership fees,which need to be paid first,vary from club to club depending on if they are a multi-sport club.Most clubs charge a fee for junior players while some clubs charge a reduced fee in the first year,as newcomers have to buy equipment.
       Equipment Needed
       The first essential is a pair of flat shoes (no heels).In the longer term you will need to buy bowling shoes which will cost you in the region of E40 to E80 depending on the pair you like.
       It is advisable not to buy a set of bowls until you have had some coaching and can get a feel of the right size of bowls.Once you start to play in league matches,you will need to purchase a set of white trousers.It is also suggested that you take a bag to carry all your equipment.

    (1)What can you find on the website?

    A.The list of all the visitors
    B.All the bowling clubs of BLI.
    C.The list of the club secretaries.
    D.All the members of the bowling club.
    (2)What should you do first to join a bowling club?

    A.Play a match.
    B.Find a suitable coach.
    C.Pay a membership fee.
    D.Prepare necessary equipment.
    (3)Where is the text probably taken from?

    A.A novel.
    B.A textbook
    C.A health report.
    D.A sports websites
  • 2.An injured hiker was rescued earlier this month after a train passenger spotted her from the window.She was crazily waving on the other side of a river,having just spent two days trapped in the wilderness with a broken leg.
       The rider told the train crew,who then reported it to the train inspector,Henry Smith.who was in a motor car behind them.Henry was able to stop and communicate with the woman on the opposite bank of the river,which was freezing cold and moving quickly.
       The hiker,a woman in her twenties,had been missing for two days.She said she'd intended to go on a day hike,but ended up falling 90 feet down a cliff face while trying to take pictures.She reportedly told rescuers that she lost consciousness for an unknown amount of time.Despite a badly broken leg,she struggled to pull herself to the bank of the river to try to flag down trains.She had no emergency supplies with her,or suitable clothing to spend the night outdoors.There had been a cold attack while the woman was trapped in the wilderness.The hiker described spending daylight hours trying to get the attention of passing trains and,at night,would roll herself into a nearby cliff face in an attempt to stay warm.
       Henry called to request help for search and rescue.The operator who received the emergency call said the hiker's family had been looking for her.While they were waiting for the rescue team,Nick and Kylah,an engineer and a fireman on the next train passing by the location,came to help.327 passengers on the train waited on the track as they crossed the river to examine the woman's injuries and bring emergency supplies,blankets and a radio for communication.Eventually,a helicopter was sent to locate and rescue the hiker and she was transported safely to the hospital.

    (1)Who first noticed the injured hiker?

    A.A train rider.
    B.Henry Smith.
    C.The train crew.
    D.Nick and Kylah.
    (2)What do we know about the woman hiker?

    A.She fell down the cliff face accidentally.
    B.She spent day and night waving for help.
    C.She had planned a two-day hike schedule.
    D.She always stayed conscious in the wilderness
    (3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    A.The hiker's family had been against her going hiking.
    B.Henry sent a helicopter to locate and rescue the hiker.
    C.Nick and Kylah were sent by the police to the rescue.
    D.People on the next train also contributed to the rescue work.
    (4)Which of following words best describe the hiker?

    A.Energetic and generous.
    B.Responsible and admirable.
    C.Perseverant and humorous.
    D.Adaptable and strong-willed.
  • 3.Scientists estimate there are millions of trees on earth.I couldn't believe that those trees can have a healing(治愈的)effect on people.
       According to World Health Organization,40 percent of American adults have at least two chronic(慢性病的)diseases,which include high blood pressure,mood disorders,heart problems and diabetes.According to the International Association of Applied Psychology,lower stress,better moods,better brain activity and even happiness can all be linked to spending time in the great outdoors.That's why there are dozens of programs that prescribe nature as a potential form of healing.Nature is everywhere。
       There are two major theories as to why nature is so good for our brains.The first one is called attention restoration theory.When we spend time in busy urban environments,all the hard edges,traffic,lights and people everywhere really make us have to constantly focus our attention on these things.Where as when you spend time in nature,it helps restore your powers of attention and reduce that tiredness and bad-temper.The second major theory is called stress reduction theory.So basically,when we spend time in nature after stressful events,it helps us feel better and recover faster.
       When I recommended nature for the first time to a patient of mine,he actually just nodded his head and said,"You^re absolutely right.When I spend more time in nature,I feel better"And so,I think healthcare providers have to get over our own traditional mental views against this new sort of lifestyle,and prescribe something evidence-based,like nature time more often.
       This is worth the effort to do.You need to get out of doors and just be surrounded by the greenery and by nature.You'll feel calmer.You'll feel less depressed and less anxious.It's just a great way to deal with the stress of modern life.

    (1)Which word can replace the underlined word prescribe"?

    (2)What is the function of paragraph 2?

    A.To clarify a concept.
    B.To lead in the topic.
    C.To make a conclusion.
    D.To provide evidence.
    (3)How does nature help people according to the two major theories?

    A.Refresh oneself.
    B.Live a better life.
    C.Improve urban environments.
    D.Deal with stressful issues.
    (4)What can be inferred according to paragraph 4?

    A.It is not easy to get in nature.
    B.Nature treatment is still unpopular.
    C.Most patients prefer nature treatment.
    D.Doctors usually recommend nature to patients.

寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你的外國朋友John想?yún)⒓幽銈儗W(xué)校即將舉辦的關(guān)于中國非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)(intangible cultural heritage)的講座,來信向你咨詢講座情況。請(qǐng)寫一封回信,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear John,

                                                                                                                                                  Li Hua

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一個(gè)完整的故事。
    Little Rat
        Little Rat was not a rat.She was a girl of seven,but most neighbors thought she was only four.People called her by that because her skin was too dark.In the early 1900s,life was rather tough for a kid without parents.She was often teased with questions like,"Who is your father?Where is your mother?"
        One night Little Rat lay down on her be dafter a day's heavy work.She was about to fall into sleep when she saw a rat slipping out of a hole in the wall."A little rat!"she screamed,which scared the rat to escape away.
        Lying down,however,somehow the girl couldn't sleep any more."It's good that I'm not alone here,"she thought.She slipped down from the bed,tiptoed a few steps away,and looked at the hole.Again,the rat ran out,shook off the dust from his furs and smelled around with his little wet nose.At last he found a chicken bone on the floor The rat picked up the bone with his swift paws and began to bite it greedily!
        "He must be very hungry,"the girl thought.The idea made her feel hungry,too.Carefully she took a small piece of bread out of her pocket and threw some onto the floor before the little rat.Seeing no threat from the human before him,the animal reached the bread and all of a sudden he forgot all possible dangers and snatched the bread.
        So day after day the girl kept company with the little rat.She fed him with the little food she had,and the rat would eat out of her hand.The girl was beaten by her aunt more often than before,because she always seemed eager to run back to her little room after doing the washing in the evening.
        One morning the girl was carrying a barrel of water to her aunt's garden.Suddenly she heard a sharp cry from the kitchen.It was her aunt."Rat!A rat!"she screamed.Then the girl heard the woman chasing the rat in the kitchen.
    "My little rat!"the idea occurred to the girl

    The girl watched the neighbour gathering at the door and was frightened.
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