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冀教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)《Lesson 24 How Was Your Weekend》2018年單元測(cè)試卷

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.每人;人人(1)
  • 2.英漢互譯.
    (1)mountain climbing

    (2)take a bus

    (3)have a good weekend

    (4)three hours away
  • 3.你的周末過(guò)得怎么樣?
    your weekend?
  • 4.爬山如此有趣.
    is so fun.
  • 5.離我家有三個(gè)小時(shí)的路程.
    three hours
    my house.


  • 16.Yesterday was Saturday.Mr King (1)
    his family to the People's Park in the(2)
    .They got up early and had(3)
    quickly.After that they went to the park (4)
    their car.It was nine o'clock when they got there.There were many (5)
    in the park.Lily (6)
    the hill in the middle of the park.Lucy flew a kite (7)
    some other children.Mr King and his wife were tired after five days' (8)
    .They sat under a tree and had a(9)
    .The King family had a(10)
    time there.

    (1) A.told B.took C.called D.brought
    (2) A.morning B.a(chǎn)fternoon C.evening D.night
    (3) A.meal B.supper C.lunch D.breakfast
    (4) A.on B.in C.with D.by
    (5) A.people B.cars C.buses D.kites
    (6) A.saw B.climbed C.left D.found
    (7) A.behind B.a(chǎn)fter C.before D.with
    (8) A.time B.home C.work D.game
    (9) A.rest B.look C.work D.swim
    (10) A.hard B.long C.good D.short


  • 17.Vince:Hello,may I speak to Susan,please?
    Vince:Hello,Susan!This is Vince speaking.It's Sunday tomorrow.(1)

    Susan:Nothing much.Do you have any ideas?
    Vince:The spring has come.I hear many flowers in the park blooming together.It must be very beautiful.

    Susan:Good idea.My sister Lucy also likes flowers very much.Let's invite her to come with us.
    Vince:Why not?(3)
    So we can take some wonderful photos.
    Susan:Great.I like taking pictures.(4)

    Vince:Let's meet outside the school gate at half past nine in the morning.
    Susan:How shall we go there?
    Vince:Let's go there by bike.
    Susan:Oh,my bike is broken.(5)

    Vince:All right.See you!
    Susan:See you!

    A.When and where shall we meet?
    B.What about going there by bus?
    C.What are you going to do?
    D.Let's take a camera.
    E.Let's buy some flowers for Lucy.
    F.Is there anything I can do for you?
    G.What about going to the park with me?
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