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外研新版九年級上冊《Module 4 Home alone Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won't be easy for me》2023年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/11 3:0:8


  • 1.- It was the Dragon Boat Festival last Sunday.I drove to the Lianhua Lake to watch the boat races.How exciting!
    - _________,but I didn't see you there.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.-Is there___________ in the classroom?
    -No,there isn't.All the students went home.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.It's time for us to listen to the news.Would you please_____the radio?( ?。?/div>
  • 4._________many children like KFC,I think they'd better try not to eat it too often.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.-I'll have a five-day trip to Hainan next Tuesday.
    -______________( ?。?/div>


  • 6.One Sunday afternoon,my younger brother and I were left alone at home.I was doing my homework while my (1)
    was watching TV.Suddenly,the doorbell rang.My brother thought it was our parents,so he opened the (2)
       A tall man stood outside and asked politely if our parents were at home.Without (3)
    ,my brother said,"No." When I wanted to close the door,he suddenly (4)
    the door very hard and came into our house.He (5)
    a knife and ordered me to tie up my brother's(6)
    with a rope(繩索).I tied up his hands in a special way so that my brother could untie(松開)himself (7)
    .The man then tied my hands up and locked both of us in the(8)

       Soon,he went upstairs.I taught my brother to untie his rope with his hands.After that,he untied (9)
    .I rushed to the telephone to call(10)
    ,but the line was cut off.The doors were all locked from outside.It was(11)
    that the man forgot to lock the kitchen window.We got out of the house through the window and went to the (12)
    pay phone to call the police.
       Soon the police came and the man was (13)
    .By the time,my parents had come home.We told them the whole story.My parents were (14)
    that we were not hurt.They told me that I should stop my brother from opening the door to the strangers.I learned a lesson on (15)

    (1) A.friend B.cousin C.sister D.brother
    (2) A.cupboard B.door C.doorbell D.window
    (3) A.reading B.thinking C.listening D.looking
    (4) A.pushed B.took C.knocked D.closed
    (5) A.took away B.gave up C.put down D.took out
    (6) A.feet B.legs C.hands D.a(chǎn)rms
    (7) A.hardly B.easily C.suddenly D.difficultly
    (8) A.bathroom B.bedroom C.living room D.kitchen
    (9) A.me B.them C.him D.her
    (10) A.the driver B.the police C.the reporter D.our parent
    (11) A.right B.funny C.surprising D.lucky
    (12) A.farthest B.lowest C.cheapest D.nearest
    (13) A.killed B.hidden C.thrown D.caught
    (14) A.a(chǎn)ngry B.sad C.glad D.worried
    (15) A.diet B.sports C.safety D.danger


  • 7.you,make,especially,once,happen,think,be not,music,housework,comfortable

       It's a good idea to talk with your mom or dad about how you feel about being home alone,(1)
    if you feel scared when you're home alone.They might be able to give you some ideas that will make you feel (2)
    .Maybe you can go home with a friend (3)
    a week.Sometimes a kid just (4)
    ready to stay at home alone.
       Keeping busy with homework,(5)
    and play can make your "home alone" time go quickly.But you might find (6)
    wondering what to do next.The trick is (7)
    about your choices ahead of time.You might even want to (8)
    a list of things you like to do.Do you need some ideas to get you started?
       ◆ Read a book or a magazine.
       ◆ Work on a hobby or try a new one.
       ◆ Listen to (9)
    ,sing,or play an instrument.
       ◆ Write a letter or an email or phone a friend.
       Write a story full of made-up adventures of what (10)
    to you when you were home alone,and don't forget to give it a happy ending!


  • 21.現(xiàn)在,大部分人通過微信等軟件聊天,而不是短信。
    Nowadays,most people chat with each other through apps like WeChat instead of
  • 22.在你離開教室之前,確保窗戶都關(guān)好。
    the windows are closed before you leave the classroom.
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