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第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分7.5分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  • 1.What can the woman have?
  • 2.What does the man suggest doing?
    A.Keeping an eye on the weather.
    B.Climbing Mount Tai today.
    C.Leaving early tomorrow morning.
  • 3.How long will the woman have to wait?
    A.Five more minutes.
    B.Ten more minutes.
    C.Fifteen more minutes.
  • 4.What does the woman think of the man's leaving?
    A.She is annoyed.
    B.She is excited.
    C.She is understanding.
  • 5.What do we know about the woman?
    A.She loves music.
    B.She just found a backpack.
    C.She always has a dictionary with her.


  • 6.(1)Where does the man meet the woman?
    A.At the airport.
    B.At a hotel.
    C.At a travel agency.
    (2)What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A.Pick her up.
    B.Take her bags.
    C.Book a flight for her.
  • 7.(1)Why did the man take the day off today?
    A.He was too tired.
    B.He wanted to look at cars.
    C.He worked last Sunday.
    (2)What did the man actually do last Sunday?
    A.He was looking at cars.
    B.He was in meetings.
    C.He was walking around.
  • 8.(1)What does the woman think the first cloud looks like?
    A.A bear.
    B.A cat.
    C.A dog.
    (2)Where is the car?
    A.By a tree.
    B.Behind a hill.
    C.Near a gas station.
    (3)Where will the speakers go next?
    A.To the man's house.
    B.To a book shop.
    C.To a gas station.
  • 9.(1)What does the man think of social media?
    A.He likes posting photos.
    B.He likes getting comments.
    C.He likes keeping in touch with people.
    (2)Which social media account does the man have?
    (3)What does the woman post to social media?
    A.Her writing.
    B.Photos of herself.
    C.Links she finds interesting.
    (4)How old is the man?
  • 10.(1)Which event might surprise fans of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?
    A.He knew Bruce Lee.
    B.He was trained in Kung Fu.
    C.He has written for newspaper.
    (2)What is The Game of Death in the talk?
    A.A TV show.
    B.A magazine.
    C.A movie.
    (3)How many novels has Kareem Abdul-Jabbar written?
    (4)What will Kareem Abdul-Jabbar mainly talk about?
    A.His latest book.
    B.His basketball career.
    C.His writing for Time magazine.

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A,B,C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。

  • 11.Acton Scott Historic Working Farm
       Acton Scott Historic Working Farm is a wonderful visitor attraction for all the family to enjoy.Founded by Thomas Acton to keep alive the19th-century farming practices he grew up with,the farm was the first of its kind and has been much copied since.Thomas's foresight has helped to preserve many traditions that might otherwise have been lost to modern-day farming techniques.
       The Historic Working Farm offers an interesting insight into rural life at the turn of the 19th century,as farm life unfolds daily while the land around is worked by heavy horses.There are daily demonstrations of period skills,providing a picture of life as it might have been on a Victorian country estate.Special events and traditional craft (技藝) and trade courses to learn about the forgotten skills of the past run throughout the year.
       The Old School,originally built by Frances Stackhouse Acton in the late 19th century to educate children,has been recently restored and is now an attractive cafe.It serves home-cooked hot and cold meals,snacks and drinks.
       Opening times
       Saturday-Wednesday 10:00 to 16:30 March — October,enter before 15:30
       Ticket prices
    0-2 Free
    3-17 £5.00
    Adults £9.00
    Pensioners(領(lǐng)養(yǎng)老金者) £8.00
    (1)What can visitors do at the farm?

    A.Ride horses with their family.
    B.Learn traditional farming skills.
    C.Attend classes at the Old School.
    D.Cook meals with the farm products.
    (2)At what time can visitors enter the farm?

    A.At 2.00 pm,Monday,May.
    B.At 10.00 am,F(xiàn)riday,March.
    C.At 11.30 am on January 1.
    D.At 4.30 pm on October 20.
    (3)How much may they pay if an 11-year-old girl and her working parents visit the farm?

    A. £18.
    B. £21.
    C. £23.
    D. £27.
  • 12."Friends have your back," said Christina Li about the bond between two seventh-graders in her first novel, "Clues to the Universe."
       Li felt the same way about her best friend,Katia,whom she met in the fifth grade.Her characters Ro and Benji are fictional,but Li drew on her feelings about her friendship with Katia to develop the close friendship in her book.Like friends everywhere,Li and Katia enjoyed just spending time together.They talked a lot.Li even dedicated this novel to Katia,because "she and her family have supported my career so much," Li said.
       Li also mined her memories about another middle school experience:the science fair. "I was not a science kid," Li said with a laugh.She signed up for the fair on a whim (一時興起) but ended up loving the chance to study science. "It turned out to be a defining experience and helped me become more confident," she said.
       That's true,too,for Ro and Benji as they work on a rocket for their project.Rockets are Ro's passions.Benji prefers drawing,but he needs the credit to improve his science grade.Soon,though,Ro's excitement kick-starts Benji's curiosity.Then Ro decides to help Benji with his secret search:to find his long-absent father—who may be the creator of a popular comic called "Spacebound." The novel is set in the early 1980s,before Internet research was a possibility.But the science fair and their search bring unexpected conflict.
       As a kid,Li loved reading.She started writing fantasy when she was in middle school.She's also enjoying the connection with her young readers.Recently,Li heard from a girl who was excited to read about the main character,Ro,who is Chinese American,like her. "Representation is so important,"she said. "And now it's wonderful to be able to share that in my book."

    (1)What do we know about "Clues to the Universe"?

    A.It is a work of nonfiction.
    B.It records the stories of Li and Katia.
    C.It reveals the secrets of the universe.
    D.It is based on Li's personal experiences.
    (2)How did the science fair benefit Li?

    A.It satisfied her every whim.
    B.It boosted her confidence.
    C.It helped her make friends with katia.
    D.It allowed her to earn credits in science.
    (3)What is paragraph 4 mainly about concerning "Clues to the Universe"?

    A.Its plot.
    B.Its style.
    C.Its significance.
    D.Its background.
    (4)What might Li feel when hearing from the girl ?

  • 13.Researchers at Baylor University were curious about whether there was a way to improve student performance and encourage them to have a good night's sleep.In particular,they wondered whether a technique called "targeted memory reactivation" (TMR) could be useful for studying.In TMR,certain signals reactivate memories formed during the day while a person is asleep.The researchers focused on music.
       A few dozen university students took part in the experiment.They were asked to take a class on microeconomics,which they would be tested on the following day.During the lesson,all participants listened to three pieces of classical music.Then they spent the night in the sleep lab and while they were fast asleep,sounds were played in the background.For half of the participants,the sound was white noise,but the other half were played the exact same three pieces they listened to while studying.They took the test the next day and the test scores showed that the students who had been exposed to the "study music" while they slept performed better on the test.
       There were a few reasons the research group selected three classical music pieces as study music.Such music is much less distracting (使人分心的) than music with lyrics (歌詞).And the researchers also wanted to make sure that the music they played featured unique melodies (旋律),so that the brain could more easily form connections between the music and the study material.The three pieces they chose fit the bill perfectly.
       Unfortunately,music could improve test scores the next day,but after a few months the music listeners were back at the same level as the students who slept with white noise in the background.Besides,the effect seemed to be more noticeable for female students than it was for men.Either way,listening to music at night is a study trick that could just make the difference between a passing or failing grade for some people.

    (1)What did the Baylor researchers try to find out?

    A.The benefits of classical music.
    B.Why TMR is helpful for studying.
    C.Whether music can improve test scores.
    D.Ways to ensure a good night's sleep.
    (2)What did the participants do during the experiment?

    A.They played different music in class.
    B.They listened to study music while taking the test.
    C.They put on the music of their choice while sleeping.
    D.They listened to either white noise or study music at night.
    (3)Why were these pieces of classical music selected as study music?

    A.They are related to the study material.
    B.They have special melodies.
    C.They have memorable lyrics.
    D.They are familiar to students.
    (4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    A.The effect of music disappeared over time.
    B.The study trick made no difference to tests.
    C.White noise has the same effect as classical music.
    D.Male students benefited greatly from the study trick.
  • 14.Many of us start exercising in the hope of losing unwanted pounds.Unquestionably,aiming to be more active is a good thing.But if the main reason is to lose weight,your resolution could very well come to nothing.
       For starters,exercise is typically futile for weight loss.Take walking for example.A 150-pound person who walks for 30 minutes will burn,on average,around 140 calories.That's equal to one can of soda — not exactly a great return on your investment of time and effort.It's much easier just to skip the soda.
       When exercise is added to a diet,the results are equally unimpressive.Researchers found that a combination of dieting and exercising brought no greater weight loss than dieting alone after six months.At 12 months,the diet-and-exercise combination showed an advantage,but it was slight — about 4 pounds.
       In studies where exercise has produced meaningful weight loss,participants burned at least 400 to 500 calories per session on five or more days a week.To achieve that,a 150-pound person would need to walk a minimum of 90 minutes or run 30 minutes per day.In short,sessions need to go well beyond what most of us are willing or able to do.And even if we manage to make that much effort,our bodies often compensate (抵消) by eagerness for more food and slowing down metabolism (新陳代謝),effects that over time limit how many pounds we lose.
       When exercise fails to meet our weight-loss expectations,we often stop working out.Perhaps the biggest problem with exercising to drop pounds is that it turns physical activity into punishment — a price we have to pay for a slimmer body.How many times have you heard someone say "I'll need to do extra exercise" after eating too much?We treat exercise as a form of self-punishment for being "bad." In this case,we' re unlikely to keep doing it for very long.
       The conclusion is that we're more likely to treat exercise positively and actually do it when we focus on our well-being rather than our weight.

    (1)What does the underlined word "futile" in paragraph 2 mean?

    (2)What happens when you run 30 minutes on a daily basis?

    A.You will burn 140 calories every day.
    B.You will lose 4 pounds in a month.
    C.You might have a higher metabolic rate.
    D.You might eat more than usual.
    (3)Why do people who want to lose weight through exercise often give up?

    A.They are unlikely to really enjoy it.
    B.They find it too challenging physically.
    C.They have difficulty resisting (抵抗) delicious food.
    D.They turn their attention to their well-being.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text?

    A.How long should you exercise a day to lose weight?
    B.What are the best exercises for losing weight?
    C.Weight loss:why exercise is the wrong path
    D.Exercise and weight loss:a pair of brothers


  • 42.一個看似很活躍的男孩向我們介紹了這所學(xué)校。(用定語從句作定語)(漢譯英)


  • 43.許多高中生熬夜學(xué)習(xí)。對此,不同人有不同意見,請你以"高中生應(yīng)熬夜學(xué)習(xí)么"為題寫一篇議論文。
    參考詞匯:stay up 熬夜
    Should Senior High Students Stay up for study?______________
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