"Friends have your back," said Christina Li about the bond between two seventh-graders in her first novel, "Clues to the Universe."
   Li felt the same way about her best friend,Katia,whom she met in the fifth grade.Her characters Ro and Benji are fictional,but Li drew on her feelings about her friendship with Katia to develop the close friendship in her book.Like friends everywhere,Li and Katia enjoyed just spending time together.They talked a lot.Li even dedicated this novel to Katia,because "she and her family have supported my career so much," Li said.
   Li also mined her memories about another middle school experience:the science fair. "I was not a science kid," Li said with a laugh.She signed up for the fair on a whim (一時興起) but ended up loving the chance to study science. "It turned out to be a defining experience and helped me become more confident," she said.
   That's true,too,for Ro and Benji as they work on a rocket for their project.Rockets are Ro's passions.Benji prefers drawing,but he needs the credit to improve his science grade.Soon,though,Ro's excitement kick-starts Benji's curiosity.Then Ro decides to help Benji with his secret search:to find his long-absent father—who may be the creator of a popular comic called "Spacebound." The novel is set in the early 1980s,before Internet research was a possibility.But the science fair and their search bring unexpected conflict.
   As a kid,Li loved reading.She started writing fantasy when she was in middle school.She's also enjoying the connection with her young readers.Recently,Li heard from a girl who was excited to read about the main character,Ro,who is Chinese American,like her. "Representation is so important,"she said. "And now it's wonderful to be able to share that in my book."

(1)What do we know about "Clues to the Universe"?

A.It is a work of nonfiction.
B.It records the stories of Li and Katia.
C.It reveals the secrets of the universe.
D.It is based on Li's personal experiences.
(2)How did the science fair benefit Li?

A.It satisfied her every whim.
B.It boosted her confidence.
C.It helped her make friends with katia.
D.It allowed her to earn credits in science.
(3)What is paragraph 4 mainly about concerning "Clues to the Universe"?

A.Its plot.
B.Its style.
C.Its significance.
D.Its background.
(4)What might Li feel when hearing from the girl ?

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:1引用:4難度:0.6
  • 1.Like the rest of us,scientists have long suspected the healing capacity(修復(fù)能力)of a good hug.Unlike the rest of us,they've gone about trying to prove it.
       "Laboratory studies suggest that things like hugs help us feel safer.They can also make us less sensitive to physical pain and less reactive when we're faced with threatening experiences," says Michael Murphy.He is a research professor in the department of psychological sciences at Texas Tech University. "This lab work has shown that hugs and other touch behavior are related to stress.The more stress we have,the more our heart rates and blood pressure go up.At this time,hugs and other forms of personal touch may give off all sorts of feel-good chemicals,so that stress can be reduced."
       "There's a lot that we still need to learn,and there's a lot we don't know," Murphy says. "However,what seems to be rising up is that hugs,as well as other forms of loving and gentle touch,are really powerful.They remind people that they're cared about and that they have someone in their corner."
       "We expect touch.When we were born,we were placed in our mothers' arms almost immediately.In that first year of our life,we spend a lot of time being held by other people.And as we grow up,we seek out hugs and touch as a way of connection.I think what we have lost in the past few years are these really easy opportunities to be reminded of connection. " While he was at Carnegie Mellon,Murphy was the lead author of a hug-centered 2018 article in the scientific journal PLOS One.In a series of interviews with 404 adults over a two-week period,the researchers found that receiving a hug is associated with the attenuation of negative emotions that occur on days with interpersonal conflicts.That is to say,generally,hugs help to reduce the negative impacts that personal conflicts may cause in our daily lives.

    (1)What can we infer about hugs from the laboratory studies?

    A.They show people's good social relationships.
    B.They can cure us of our mental disease.
    C.They can put much pressure on people.
    D.They make us feel calm and at ease.
    (2)Why do people seek out hugs and touch as they grow up?

    A.To recall childhood memories.
    B.To keep connected with others.
    C.To solve relationship problems.
    D.To express their social politeness.
    (3)What does the underlined word "attenuation" in the last paragraph probably mean?

    (4)What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A.The Power of Hugs
    B.How to Reduce Stress
    C.How to Care for Others
    D.The Importance of Interpersonal Relations
    發(fā)布:2024/9/10 5:0:8組卷:5引用:3難度:0.6
  • 2.    I'm Joe,a student from London.You will often find me sitting in front of my laptop.My parents are worried that I may become an "Internet addict".They think I'm playing computer games all the time and I chat too much with online friends.According to them,there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends.My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead.Maybe she's right.It's important to meet friends in person from time to time,not just on social media.Actually,I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes,especially because real life can be just as interesting.

    (1)What do you know about Joe according to the text?

    A.He is quite experienced in computer science.
    B.It is dangerous for him to chat with online friends.
    C.He spends too much time online.
    D.He thinks internet is more interesting than real life.
    (2)What is Joe's attitude to his mother?

    A.He doesn't agree with his mother.
    B.He agrees with his mother.
    C.He reels angry with his mother.
    D.He feels stressed.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/10 0:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.3
  • 3.Your first year of high school is here,but you don't know what you'll do!So you'll feel nervous about it. (1)
    Here are some ideas that can help you.
       Make a lot of friends.Friends are people you can depend on and trust.They'll help you in your hour of need.So,from the faces you see every day,find those who can be your true friends,and you must defend (保衛(wèi))your friendships.(2)
    Knowing new people is one of the most pleasant things to do in high school.
       Don't break school rules.For example,don't be late for class or don't make noise in class.
    This is because fighting could lead to trouble.(4)
    Teachers really hate it if you don't prepare well.So you should have all your school things in your schoolbag.You can make a mental (心理的)list of everything you need to have when you leave your classroom so that you won't forget anything next school day.Learn in a smarter way.(5)
    Go over your class notes once a week.Finish your homework on time.Especially,it's better to develop the habit of asking your teachers or classmates for help when you have problems with your study.All these methods will help you study better!
       By using the above ideas,you'll have a wonderful high school life!

    A.Be prepared all the time.
    B.Most importantly,don't get into fights.
    C.Don't be afraid to get extra help after school.
    D.For example,pay close attention during the class.
    E.Actively take part in after-class activities in school.
    F.To avoid this,you should get used to your high school life soon.
    G.However,don't ignore(忽視) those who you've met but don't know well.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/10 0:0:8組卷:2引用:2難度:0.5
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